Reputation: 4698
I am trying to use pipes to model a problem for which bidirectional Proxy
instances would be ideal. Basically, I have something like the following architecture:
api logic
| ^
| |
v |
A A'
layer 1
B B'
| ^
| |
v |
layer 2
so basically, I have layer 1
which is a bidirectional transformer. The model is pull-based so I message stream transformations to be triggered by pulls from the logic
So I should have layer1 :: Proxy A' A B' B m x
, the idea being that layer1
pulls A
from api
, does some transformation A -> B
then uses the B'
from layer2, applies B' -> A'
and pass it to the logic
What is not clear is: I know how to request
an A
and respond a B
but how do I produce the A'
from the B'
? There does not seem any combinator in the library that fits in here...
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Views: 387
Reputation: 18667
There are three types you need to be aware of: Client
s can request
but never respond
, Server
s can respond
but never request
and Proxy
can do both.
The argument to request
is the value to send out, and the result you bind is the response/request, respectively. This makes intuitive sense for request
(you bind the response), but it took a little while before I got it to click for respond
(you bind out the next request). It makes your processing steps neat little recursive functions. (My initial instinct was to use Control.Monad.forever
, which works well for unidirectional pipes but is the wrong tool here.)
The bit that gets confusing: because pipes themselves are synchronous, you need to get an initial value to pass around and kick things off. Either you pass it into request
(making a pull pipeline which you compose with (>~>)
) or you pass it into respond
(making a push pipeline which you compose with (>+>)
). Then you pass the initial value into the composed pipeline, giving you the Effect m r
that can go to runEffect
I've used a pull pipeline in the example below, because it fits your API-request metaphor. It implements this three-stage bidirectional pipeline:
+--------+ Yoken +-----------+ Token +--------+
| |<-------| |<-------| |
| server | | transform | | client |
| |------->| |------->| |
+--------+ String +-----------+ String +--------+
generates request Token
s and prints out responses. transform
turns the Token
s into Yoken
s (hey, the keys are right next to each other) and passes them upstream. It also turns the response into a shout by upcasing and appending a !
. server
receives Yoken
s and generates the requested number of yo
import Data.Char
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Pipes.Core
import System.IO
data Token = Token Int
data Yoken = Yoken Int
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
-- We have to get an initial n outside the pipeline to kick things off.
putStr "N? "
n <- read <$> getLine
runEffect $ server >+> transform >+> client $ Token n
-- The "server" generates a string of "yo"s based on the number inside the Yoken
server :: Monad m => Yoken -> Server Yoken String m a
server (Yoken n) = (respond . concat $ replicate n "yo") >>= server
-- A processing step just for the sake of having one, turn the Token into a
-- Yoken, upcase the string, and append a "!".
transform :: Monad m => Token -> Proxy Yoken String Token String m a
transform (Token t) = do
resp <- request $ Yoken t
next <- respond $ map toUpper resp ++ "!"
transform next
-- Clients request "yo"s, by sending `Token`s upstream.
client :: Token -> Client Token String IO a
client t = do
resp <- request t
n <- liftIO $ putStrLn resp *> putStr "N? " *> fmap read getLine
client $ Token n
Upvotes: 2