Reputation: 43
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
view.scene?.anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0,y : 0)
castle = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: ballRadius1)
castle.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius:ballRadius1)
castle.fillColor = .white = "castle"
castle.position = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
castle.physicsBody?.isDynamic = false
castle.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false;
castle.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
I have a circle in the middle of the screen, I want to make it disappear when I tap it. Can you please help me? It is an SKShapeNode and has a PhysicsBody with the same radius
Upvotes: 1
Views: 345
Reputation: 620
You could use touchesBegan and make it look like so
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
for touch: AnyObject in touches{
let pointOfTouch = touch.location(in: self)
let nodeITapped = atPoint(pointOfTouch)
let nameOfTappedNode =
if nameOfTappedNode == "castle"{
//make it do whatever you want
you could also implement it in touchesEnded instead if you want the node to disappear as soon as the user releases the touch.
Upvotes: 2