Reputation: 137
Recently I've written a project in order to control media players using Arduino and an IR remote and a PowerScript running on PC to recevie the information from Arduino via serial port.
The problem is that how can I script the PowerShell in order to do something only when it get some input from Arduino. Because right now I have a loop with delay in powershell script and every time when the code is executed, it reads and check if it got some input from Arduino. But how can I do to not wait but to trigger the PowerShell script only when Arduino sends something?
Here's my PowerShell script:
$console = $host.UI.RawUI
$console.BackgroundColor = "darkgreen"
$console.ForegroundColor = "black"
$size = $console.WindowSize
$size.Width = 15
$size.Height = 2
$console.WindowSize = $size
$buffer = $console.BufferSize
$buffer.Width = 15
$buffer.Height = 2
$console.BufferSize = $buffer
Write-Host "PC Media Remote"
function IRinputText {
Process{If ($IRbuffer -like ("*"+$serialread)) {IRbufferReset;$wshell.SendKeys($combo+"{"+$key+"}")}}
function IRinputHEX {
Process{If ($IRbuffer -like ("*"+$serialread)) {IRbufferReset;$wshell.SendKeys([char]+$key)}}
function IRbufferReset {
$Script:IRbuffer= $Script:IRbuffer.PadLeft(15,'0')
$port= new-Object System.IO.Ports.SerialPort COM4,9600,None,8,one
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject;
$inputvar= $port.ReadExisting() -replace "`n","" -replace "`r",""
If(($inputvar -ne "")){
$IRbuffer= If($IRbuffer.Length -ge $inputvar.Length){$IRbuffer.Substring($inputvar.Length) }
$IRbuffer= $IRbuffer + $inputvar
If($IRbuffer.Length -gt 15){$IRbuffer= $IRbuffer.Substring($IRbuffer.Length - 15);}
IRinputText -serialread "CH+" -combo "^" -key "UP"
IRinputText -serialread "CH-" -combo "^" -key "DOWN"
IRinputText -serialread "100+" -combo "^" -key "LEFT"
IRinputText -serialread "200+" -combo "^" -key "RIGHT"
IRinputText -serialread "CH" -key "f"
IRinputHEX -serialread "VOL+" -key "0xAF"
IRinputHEX -serialread "VOL-" -key "0xAE"
IRinputHEX -serialread "PLAY/PAUSE" -key "0xB3"
IRinputHEX -serialread "PREV" -key "0xB1"
IRinputHEX -serialread "NEXT" -key "0xB0"
IRinputHEX -serialread "EQ" -key "0xAD"
If ($IRbuffer -like ("*1532")) {IRbufferReset;Stop-Computer}
Start-Sleep -m 20
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1964
Reputation: 41
If you use Firmata protocol on Arduino then I have working example of PowerShell event driven interface to communicate with Arduino as a GPIO device by using a .Net library called Solid.Arduino ( )
add-type -path '.\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Solid.Arduino.dll'
$connection = New-Object Solid.Arduino.SerialConnection("COM4",[Solid.Arduino.SerialBaudRate]::Bps_57600)
$session = New-Object Solid.Arduino.ArduinoSession($connection, 2000)
# Define the function that is called when a digitial pin event happens
function inputevent($event){
#Write-Host "Something happened on port $($event.value.port) Type $($event.value.pins)"
if($event.value.pins -band 4) #using binary AND incase multiple inputs are activated
# put code here to switch ATEM Aux or VideoHub routing
Write-host "Cam 1 preview selected"
# set up the event to montor digital pin state change
$session.SetDigitalReportMode(0,$true) #enable events for pins on port 0
Unregister-Event eventBitChange -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #incase we are re-running the script
$ArduinoEvent = Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $session -EventName DigitalStateReceived -SourceIdentifier eventBitChange -Action {inputevent($eventArgs)}
Upvotes: 1