
Reputation: 53

New to swift: Why is the Timer not updating to the UILabel?

I am trying to make a custom clock using swift. I originally wrote it in python but decided this would be a good opportunity to learn a new language but Im having a rough go at it. I have read a lot of great answers about using Timer(), but nothing seems to work; it will update once and remain static. Here is my code so far:

import UIKit
import Foundation

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var timeLabel: UILabel!
let clock = MarsTime()
var timer: Timer?

override func viewDidLoad() {

    timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { [weak self] timer in


override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {


@objc func updateTimeLabel() {

    let millis = clock.currentTimeMillis()
    let jdUT = clock.julianDateUT(millis: millis)
    let jdTT = clock.julianDateTT(julianDateUT: jdUT)
    let mct = clock.marsCoordinatedTime(julianDateTT: jdTT)
    var mctClockTime = clock.clockTime(mct: mct)
    let hour = mctClockTime[0]
    let min = mctClockTime[1]
    let sec = mctClockTime[2]
    timeLabel.text = "\(hour):\(min):\(sec)"

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

deinit {


Thank you for any help provided!

Update: I've included the MarsTime code as well

class MarsTime {

// Configure Earth Time Functions  \\

let date = Date().timeIntervalSince1970

func currentTimeMillis() -> (Int) {// Convert time to milliseconds
    let currentTimeMillis = Int(date * 1000)
    return (currentTimeMillis)

func julianDateUT(millis: Int) -> (Double) { // Convert julian date universial time
    let julianDateUT = 2440587.5 + (Double(millis) / (8.64 * pow(10, 7)))
    return (julianDateUT)

func julianDateTT(julianDateUT: Double) -> (Double) {// Convert to julian date Terrestrial time
    let julianDateTT = julianDateUT + ((32.184 + 37.0) / (86400.0))
    return (julianDateTT)

func deltatJ2000(julianDateTT: Double) -> (Double) {// Calculate time offset from J2000 Epoch
    let deltatJ2000 = julianDateTT - 2451545.0
    return (deltatJ2000)
//Configure Martian Time Fucntions \\

func marsMeanAnomaly(deltatJ2000: Double) -> (Double) { // Calculate the mean anomaly of the martian orbit
    let maUncorrected = 19.3871 + 0.52402073*(deltatJ2000)
    let n360s = Int( maUncorrected / 360.0) * 360
    let marsMeanAnomaly = maUncorrected - Double(n360s)
    return marsMeanAnomaly

func angleFictionMeanSun(deltatJ2000: Double) -> (Double) {  // Calulate angle of diction mean sun
    let afmsUncorrected = 270.3871 + 0.524038496*(deltatJ2000)
    let n360s = Int(afmsUncorrected / 360.0) * 360
    let angleFictionMeanSun = afmsUncorrected - Double(n360s)
    return (angleFictionMeanSun)

func perturbers(deltatJ2000: Double) -> (Double) { // Calculate perturbers
    let pbs = 0.0071 * cos(.pi / 180.0 * (((0.985626*deltatJ2000)/2.2353) + 49.409)) +
        0.0057 * cos(.pi / 180.0 * (((0.985626*deltatJ2000)/2.7543) + 168.173)) +
        0.0039 * cos(.pi / 180.0 * (((0.985626*deltatJ2000)/1.1177) + 191.837)) +
        0.0037 * cos(.pi / 180.0 * (((0.985626*deltatJ2000)/15.7866) + 21.736)) +
        0.0021 * cos(.pi / 180.0 * (((0.985626*deltatJ2000)/2.1354) + 15.704)) +
        0.0020 * cos(.pi / 180.0 * (((0.985626*deltatJ2000)/2.4694) + 95.528)) +
        0.0018 * cos(.pi / 180.0 * (((0.985626*deltatJ2000)/32.8493) + 49.095))
    return (pbs)

func v_M(deltatJ2000: Double, pbs: Double, marsMeanAnomaly: Double) -> (Double) { // Determine the equation of center
    let A = (10.691 + (3*pow(10, -7))*deltatJ2000)
    let B = Int((10.691 + (3*pow(10, -7))*deltatJ2000) / 360)*360
    let leadingConstant = A + Double(B)
    let v_M = (leadingConstant)*sin(.pi / 180.0 * (marsMeanAnomaly)) +
        0.623*sin(.pi / 180.0 * (2*marsMeanAnomaly)) + 0.050*sin(.pi / 180.0 * (3*marsMeanAnomaly)) +
        0.005*sin(.pi / 180.0 * (4*marsMeanAnomaly)) + 0.0005*sin(.pi / 180.0 * (5*marsMeanAnomaly)) +
    return (v_M)

func aerocentSolarLong(angleFictionMeanSun: Double, v_M: Double) -> (Double) {
    let l_s = (angleFictionMeanSun + v_M) - Double(Int((angleFictionMeanSun + v_M) / 360)*360)
    return (l_s)

func martianEquationOfTime(l_s: Double, v_M: Double) -> (Double) {
    let eot = 2.861*sin(.pi / 180.0 * (2*l_s)) - 0.071*sin(.pi / 180.0 * (4*l_s)) +
        0.002*sin(.pi / 180.0 * (6*l_s)) - v_M
    return (eot)

func marsCoordinatedTime(julianDateTT: Double) -> (Double) {
    let mct = (24.0 * (((julianDateTT - 2451549.5) / 1.0274912517) + 44769.0 - 0.0009626))
    let mctFinal = mct.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 24.0)
    return (mctFinal)

func localMeanSolarTime(mct: Double, deg: Double) -> (Double)  { // Solar time for any longtitude west of the prime meridian
    let lmst = mct - deg*(1.0 / 15.0)
    return (lmst)

func marsDistance(ma: Double) -> (Double) {
    let helioDistance = 1.5236*(1.00436 - 0.09309*cos(.pi / 180.0 * (ma))
        - 0.00436*cos(.pi / 180.0 * (2*ma)) - 0.00031*cos(.pi / 180.0 * (3*ma)))
    return (helioDistance)

// Configure Clock Display \\
func clockTime(mct: Double) -> Array<String> {

    let mctStr = String(mct)
    var strHours = mctStr.components(separatedBy: ".")
    var mctHours  = strHours[0]
    var strMin = String(60 * Double("." + strHours[1])!).components(separatedBy: ".")
    var mctMin = strMin[0]
    var strSec = String(60 * Double("." + strMin[1])!).components(separatedBy: ".")
    var mctSec = strSec[0]
    let sec = mctSec.characters.count
    let min =  mctMin.characters.count
    let hour = mctHours.characters.count
    if 1 <= sec && sec < 2 {
        mctSec = "0" + mctSec
    } else if mctSec.characters.count < 1 {
        mctSec = "00"
    if 1 <= min && min < 2 {
        mctMin = "0" + mctMin
    } else if mctMin.characters.count < 1 {
        mctMin = "00"
    if 1 <= hour && hour < 2 {
        mctHours = "0" + mctHours
    } else if hour < 1 {
        mctHours = "00"

    let mctClockTime = [mctHours , mctMin ,  mctSec]
    return (mctClockTime)

Upvotes: 3

Views: 653

Answers (1)


Reputation: 154721

Your timer is working correctly. Your label is getting updated every second, but it is always getting updated to the same value.

The problem is that you are only computing date once when you create your MarsTime object.

One way to fix that is to make date a computed property that will always return the current time each time it is read:

var date: TimeInterval { return Date().timeIntervalSince1970 }

Upvotes: 2

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