Reputation: 1
I have the following script set up, and it works as intended....except for users with apostrophes in their email.
$users = get-content C:\Filename.csv
$results = Foreach ($user in $users)
get-aduser -filter "EmailAddress -like '$user'" -properties CanonicalName,LastLogon,Name |
select Name,@{N="Thing";E={$_.DistinguishedName.Split(',')[-4]}},@{N="Place";E={$_.DistinguishedName.Split(',')[-5]}},@{N="Last Logon";E `
$results | Export-Csv C:Filename.csv -NoTypeInformation
Does anyone know how to escape the apostrophe in an email like example_o'[email protected]
? Whenever I run the above script it always errors out on email addresses like the one above.
Edit: My csv file is a single column of email addresses with no header.
Edit 2: Sorry to waste everyone's time. Turns out the script was working fine, along with some of the suggestions in this thread such as adding "" "" around my variable, but it was that I was testing against a list where not all the values were correct so that is my fault. Thank you everyone for your time.
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Views: 1984
Reputation: 33
Try this...
Since you are using a CSV, I imagine you've piped them from another AD cmdlet.
Get-Member is a great tool here.
$users | Get-Member will output TypeName: CSV:Selected.Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADUser
However, this is not a String type which the Filter parameter in ADUser needs. So to convert this...
$selection | Get-Member will output TypeName: System.String.
The other portion is to make sure that the -Filter parameter in Get-ADUser is expanding the strings properly one-by-one, since Get-ADUser's -Filter parameter cannot deal with String Arrays.
$users = Import-Csv C:\filename.csv
$selection = ($users.emailaddress)
foreach ($user in $selection)
get-aduser -filter {EmailAddress -eq $user} -properties CanonicalName,LastLogon,Name |`
select Name,@{N="Thing";E={$_.DistinguishedName.Split(',')[-4]}},`
@{N="Last Logon";E={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.Lastlogon)}}
Upvotes: 1