Reputation: 11
I am working for Xamarin-Forms app where I have to share images and text with social networks. I have tried with Xamarin.auth plugin, but it is not working for me. Please suggest any other plugins for social sharing.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3230
Reputation: 41
For those who still looking, I added a few fixes to Venkata Swamy's code, at Xamarin.Android, it's not working anymore for deprecated function etc.
public async void Share(string message, ImageSource image)
var intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionSend);
intent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraText, message);
IImageSourceHandler handler = null;
if (image is UriImageSource)
handler = new ImageLoaderSourceHandler();
else if (image is FileImageSource)
handler = new FileImageSourceHandler();
else if (image is StreamImageSource) handler = new StreamImagesourceHandler();
var bitmap = await handler.LoadImageAsync(image, Application.Context);
var path = Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DirectoryDownloads + File.Separator + "logo.png");
using (var os = new FileStream(path.AbsolutePath, FileMode.Create))
bitmap.Compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.Png, 100, os);
var imageUri = FileProvider.GetUriForFile(Application.Context, "com.uajy.atmarewards.fileprovider", path);
intent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraStream, imageUri);
var newIntent = Intent.CreateChooser(intent, "Share Image");
I didn't use the subject parameter, so I deleted it. And the text somehow didn't show, I haven't found the fix for that. For anyone who found the way to show the message text, please give an answer and comment so I could reach your fixes.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1481
using System;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace ShareSample
public interface IShare
void Share(string subject, string message, ImageSource image);
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.Graphics;
using Android.OS;
using ShareSample.Droid;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(IShareService))]
namespace ShareSample.Droid
public class IShareService : Activity, IShare
public async void Share(string subject, string message,
ImageSource image)
var intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionSend);
//intent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraSubject, subject);
intent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraText, message);
var handler = new ImageLoaderSourceHandler();
var bitmap = await handler.LoadImageAsync(image, this);
var path = Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DirectoryDownloads
+ Java.IO.File.Separator + "logo.png");
using (var os = new System.IO.FileStream(path.AbsolutePath, System.IO.FileMode.Create))
bitmap.Compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.Png, 100, os);
intent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraStream, Android.Net.Uri.FromFile(path));
Forms.Context.StartActivity(Intent.CreateChooser(intent, "Share Image"));
using Foundation;
using ShareSample.iOS;
using UIKit;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS;
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(IShareService))]
namespace ShareSample.iOS
public class IShareService : IShare
public async void Share(string subject, string message, ImageSource image)
var handler = new ImageLoaderSourceHandler();
var uiImage = await handler.LoadImageAsync(image);
var img = NSObject.FromObject(uiImage);
var mess = NSObject.FromObject(message);
var activityItems = new[] { mess, img };
var activityController = new UIActivityViewController(activityItems, null);
var topController = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController;
while (topController.PresentedViewController != null)
topController = topController.PresentedViewController;
topController.PresentViewController(activityController, true, () => { });
In PCL call DependencyService:
using System;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace ShareSample
public class SharePage : ContentPage
public SharePage()
Button sharebutton = new Button()
Text = "Share",
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
TextColor = Color.White,
BackgroundColor = Color.Blue
Image img = new Image()
Source = "",
Aspect = Aspect.AspectFit
sharebutton.Clicked += (sender, e) =>
DependencyService.Get<IShare>().Share(" ", "Hi Balaraju. How are you?", img.Source);
StackLayout stack = new StackLayout()
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
BackgroundColor = Color.Aqua,
Children = { sharebutton }
Content = stack;
Padding = new Thickness(0, 20, 0, 0);
No need any plugin, We can also share Text with image also,
please find the DropBox link for sample:
Here the problem is if you want share an image or text the perticular app available in you device like facebook, twitter
Without application in your device:
Use Xamarin.Auth
Upvotes: 7