Reputation: 593
I am using Glide to deliver image content from one of my sites. This is working well and I have now built a file upload so that admins can upload images to the site for subsequent download.
Some of the images that admins will upload will be much larger than I need (or want the overhead of storing on the server), so I want to downsize them, preferably during the upload routine or failing that, just after they have been saved to their new location (storage/app/images)
So, I've been hacking around with intervention for instance without much success because of my poor understanding of the file names and paths available from getClientOriginalName/Extension etc.
Could anyone show me a pattern for this which would work well. Ideally I'd love to include something like I've seen on others' examples like...
$img = Image::make('foo.jpg')->resize(300, 200);
... in the correct place in my code
foreach($files as $file) {
$fileExtension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
$fileMimeType = $file->getMimeType();
if(in_array($fileExtension, $allowableExtensions)) {
if(in_array($fileMimeType, $allowableMimes)) {
array_push($dbFileList, $file->getClientOriginalName());
$newImage = '/images/' . $propertyCode . '/' . $file->getClientOriginalName();
Storage::put('/images/' . $propertyCode . '/' . $file->getClientOriginalName(), file_get_contents($file));
$errorMessage = 'At least one file was not an image, check your results...';
$errorMessage = 'At least one file was not an image, check your results...';
Storage::put('/images/' . $propertyCode . '/' . $file->getClientOriginalName(), file_get_contents($file));
$img = Image::make($file);
Storage::put('/images/new/' . $file->getClientOriginalName(), $img);
This updated code outputs the files to the /new directory and all looks fine, but the output files have 'zero bytes'. What am I missing?
The final answer (after using the proper code provided by contributors) was that:
Then this final code started to work.
$path = storage_path('app/smallpics/')."/".$file->getClientOriginalName();
$img = Image::make($file)->resize(300,200)->save($path);
Much thanks to all of you. You make my Laravel learning curve a bit less terrifiying!!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 818
Reputation: 1103
You can use Intervention
to manipulate your image (resize etc.) as
$new_image = Image::make($file)->resize(300,200)->save('/path/to/save');
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 119
you can use Intervention or just use imagemagick convert command line command for resize or convert.
Pay attention to comments :
public function saveUploadPic(Request $request)
$pic = $request->file('<NAME_OF_FILE_INPUT_IN_HTML_FORM>');
#check for upload correctly
throw new Exception("IMAGE NOT UPLOADED CORRECTLY");
#check for mime type and extention
$ext = $pic->getClientOriginalExtension();
$mime = $pic->getMimeType();
if(!in_array($mime, $allowedMimeTypeArray) || !in_array($ext, $allowedExtArray))
throw new Exception("This Image Not Support");
#check for size
$size = $pic->getClientSize() / 1024 / 1024;
if($size > $allowedSize)
throw new Exception("Size Of Image Is More Than Support Size");
########################YOU HAVE TWO OPTION HERE###################
#1- save image in a temporary location with random hash for name if u need orginal image for other process
#below code save image in <LARAVEL_APP_PATH>/storage/app/tmp/pics/
$hash = md5(date("YmdHis").rand(1,10000));
$pic->storeAs('tmp/pics', $hash.'.'.$ext);
#Then resize or convert it
$img = Image::make(storage_path('app/tmp/pics/'.$hash.'.'.$ext))->resize(300, 200);
#save new image whatever u want
#after u finish with orginal image delete it
#2- Or just use below for resize and save image witout need to save in temporary location
$img = Image::make($pic->getRealPath())->resize(300,200);
if you want to use convert see this link.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 26278
The image upload and resize work flow is like:
to your directory. height, width, quality
and save it in the same or some other directory.So as per your code flow:
Storage::put('/images/' . $propertyCode . '/' . $file->getClientOriginalName(), file_get_contents($file));
after this code, put the image compress code and after that delete the original image.
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