Reputation: 1702
I'm a MongoDb novice. I'm getting pretty good, but no expert yet. I'm trying setup my collections in a way that makes sense. I'd like to keep some links to foreign docs inside arrays of just _ids and also arrays of objects that have _ids.
I created a JSON doc with notes that I think fully shows what I'm trying to do...
// ( item ) Character Inventory/Items collection
"_id": "1234",
"name": "Sword",
"descr": "Long sword, well worn, light rust",
"encumber": 2,
"del": false
"_id": "1271",
"name": "Pouch",
"descr": "Small leather waist pouch, suitable for coins",
"encumber": 0,
"del": false
// ( charnpcclass ) Character Classes collection
{ "_id": "2", "name": "Thief", "del": false },
{ "_id": "3", "name": "Cleric", "del": false }
// ( charnpcalign ) Character Alignments collection
{ "_id": "3", "name": "Lawful Good", "del": false },
{ "_id": "4", "name": "Neutral", "del": false }
// ( character ) Characters collection
"_id": "3345",
"name": "Offut 'Dead Dog' Dubro",
"description": "Halfling, scruffy, looks homeless",
"align": ObjectId("4"),
"classes": [
"carrying": [
{ "itemId": ObjectId("1271"), "qty":1, "where": "Sheath inside vest", "visible": false }
{ "itemId": ObjectId("1234"), "qty":1, "where": "Sword scabbard at waist", "visible": true }
"del": false
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// This is my MongoDb aggregation in the REST api routes
var linkedModels = [
"$match": { "del": false }
}, {
"$lookup": {
from: "charnpcclass",
localField: "classes",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "linked_classes"
}, {
"$lookup": {
from: "charnpcalign",
localField: "alignId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "linked_align"
}, {
"$lookup": {
from: "item",
localField: "carrying.itemId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "linked_carrying"
db.collection('character').aggregate(linkedModels).toArray(function (err, docs) {
res.json(201, docs);
// Query for Character, return items carrying with data from items collection
// ------------------------------------------------------------
"id": "3345",
"name": "Offut 'Dead Dog' Dubro",
"description": "Halfling, scruffy, looks homeless",
"align": "4",
"classes": [
"carrying": [
{ "itemId": "1271", "qty":1, "where": "Sheath inside vest", "visible": false }
{ "itemId": "1234", "qty":1, "where": "Sword scabbard at waist", "visible": true }
"linked_align": [
{ "_id": "4", "name": "Neutral" },
"linked_classes": [
{ "_id": "2", "name": "Thief" },
{ "_id": "3", "name": "Cleric" }
"linked_carrying": [
{ "_id": "1271", "name": "Dagger", "encumber": 0 },
{ "_id": "1234", "name": "Sword", "encumber": 2 }
// ------------------------------------------------------------
"id": "3345",
"name": "Offut 'Dead Dog' Dubro",
"description": "Halfling, scruffy, looks homeless",
"align": "4",
"classes": [
"carrying": [
{ "itemId": "1271", "qty":1, "where": "Sheath inside vest", "visible": false }
{ "itemId": "1234", "qty":1, "where": "Sword scabbard at waist", "visible": true }
"linked_align": [
{ "_id": "4", "name": "Neutral" },
"linked_classes": [],
"linked_carrying": []
The problem that I hope you noticed is just above, at bottom of JSON response example. My linked arrays are empty and I'm not sure how to solve this.
I would greatly appreciate your expert MongoDb querying advice :-)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4587
Reputation: 75984
You have to $unwind
to flatten the both scalar and sub document foreign _ids and add $group
stage at the end of the pipeline to get back the original structure.
accumulator to keep the fields and $push
with $arrayElemAt
to accumulate the array values to adjust for $unwind
var linkedModels = [
"$match": { "del": false }
"$lookup": {
from: "charnpcalign",
localField: "align",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "linked_align"
"$lookup": {
from: "charnpcclass",
localField: "classes",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "linked_classes"
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"name": {"$first":"$name"},
"align": {"$first":"$align"},
"$lookup": {
from: "item",
localField: "carrying.itemId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "linked_carrying"
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"name": {"$first":"$name"},
"align": {"$first":"$align"},
You don't need the $unwind
on the scalar array (classes
) in 3.4 version and you can replace the {"classes":{"$push":"$classes"}}
& {"linked_classes":{"$push":{$arrayElemAt:["$linked_classes",0]}}}
with {"classes":{"$first":"$classes"}}
& {"linked_classes":{"$first":"$linked_classes"}}
Upvotes: 4