Reputation: 515
Looking at the Penn Treebank tagset ( there is a section called "Function Tags" that would be extremely helpful for a project I am working on. I know the Stanford Parser uses the Penn Treebank tagset for its EnglishPCFG grammar so I am hoping there is support for Function Tags.
Using the Stanford Parser and NLTK I have parsed sentences with Clause, Phrase and Word level tags as well as Universal Dependencies, but I have not found a way to get Function Tags from a parsed sentence.
parsed = parser.raw_parse("Jack payed up to 5% more for each unit")
for line in parsed:
print line
Prints out:
(NP (NNP Jack))
(VBD payed)
(PRT (RP up))
(PP (TO to) (NP (QP (CD 5) (NN %) (JJR more))))
(PP (IN for) (NP (DT each) (NN unit))))))
For this example I would like there to be a -EXT (extent) functional tag with the preposition "up to 5% more", though I am unsure of what the actual output would look like.
Is it possible to view the function tags of a parsed sentence using the Stanford Parser and NLTK? If so, how do I accomplish this?
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