
Reputation: 339

How to get the coordinates of the bounding box in YOLO object detection?

enter image description here

I need to get the bounding box coordinates generated in the above image using YOLO object detection.

Upvotes: 20

Views: 69216

Answers (6)

Kris Stern
Kris Stern

Reputation: 1350

If you are using yolov4 in the darknet framework (by which I mean the version compiled directly from the GitHub repo to run object detection on static images, something like the following command can be run at the command line to get the bounding box as relative coordinates:

.\darknet.exe detector test .\cfg\ .\cfg\yolov4.cfg .\yolov4.weights -ext_output .\data\people1.jpg -out result.json

Note the above is in the syntax of Windows, so you may have to change the backward slashes into forward slashes for it to work on a macOS or Linux operating system. Also, please make sure the paths are accurate before running. In the command, the input is the people1.jpg file in the data directory contained in the root. The output will be stored in a file named result.json. Feel free to modify this output name but retain the .json extension to change its name.

Upvotes: 0

Hassaan Awan
Hassaan Awan

Reputation: 38

If the Accepted Answer does not work for you this might be because you are using AlexyAB's darknet model instead of pjreddie's darknet model.

You just need to go to image_opencv.cpp file in the src folder and uncomment the following section:


            //int b_x_center = (left + right) / 2;
            //int b_y_center = (top + bot) / 2;
            //int b_width = right - left;
            //int b_height = bot - top;
            //sprintf(labelstr, "%d x %d - w: %d, h: %d", b_x_center, b_y_center, b_width, b_height);

This will print the Bbox center coordinates as well as the width and height of the Bbox. After making the changes make sure to make the darknet again before running YOLO.

Upvotes: 0

Wahyu Bram
Wahyu Bram

Reputation: 435

for python user in windows:

first..., do several setting jobs:

  1. setting python path of your darknet folder in environtment path:


  2. add PYTHONPATH to Path value by add:


  3. edit file in cfg folder, by change the names folder variable to your coco.names folder, in my case:

    names = D:/core/darknetAB/data/coco.names

with this setting, you can call (from alexeyAB\darknet repository) as your python module from any folder.

start scripting:

from darknet import performDetect as scan #calling 'performDetect' function from

def detect(str):
    ''' this script if you want only want get the coord '''
    picpath = str
    cfg='D:/core/darknetAB/cfg/yolov3.cfg' #change this if you want use different config
    coco='D:/core/darknetAB/cfg/' #you can change this too
    data='D:/core/darknetAB/yolov3.weights' #and this, can be change by you
    test = scan(imagePath=picpath, thresh=0.25, configPath=cfg, weightPath=data, metaPath=coco, showImage=False, makeImageOnly=False, initOnly=False) #default format, i prefer only call the result not to produce image to get more performance

    #until here you will get some data in default mode from alexeyAB, as explain in module.
    #try to: help(scan), explain about the result format of process is: [(item_name, convidence_rate (x_center_image, y_center_image, width_size_box, height_size_of_box))], 
    #to change it with generally used form, like PIL/opencv, do like this below (still in detect function that we create):

    newdata = []
    if len(test) >=2:
        for x in test:
            item, confidence_rate, imagedata = x
            x1, y1, w_size, h_size = imagedata
            x_start = round(x1 - (w_size/2))
            y_start = round(y1 - (h_size/2))
            x_end = round(x_start + w_size)
            y_end = round(y_start + h_size)
            data = (item, confidence_rate, (x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end), w_size, h_size)

    elif len(test) == 1:
        item, confidence_rate, imagedata = test[0]
        x1, y1, w_size, h_size = imagedata
        x_start = round(x1 - (w_size/2))
        y_start = round(y1 - (h_size/2))
        x_end = round(x_start + w_size)
        y_end = round(y_start + h_size)
        data = (item, confidence_rate, (x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end), w_size, h_size)

        newdata = False

    return newdata

How to use it:

table = 'D:/test/image/test1.jpg'
checking = detect(table)'

to get the coordinate:

if only 1 result:

x1, y1, x2, y2 = checking[2]

if many result:

for x in checking:
    item = x[0]
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = x[2]
    print(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Upvotes: 5

Saugat Bhattarai
Saugat Bhattarai

Reputation: 2760

Inspired from @Wahyu answer above. There are few changes, modification and bug fixes and tested with single object detection and multiple object detection.

# calling 'performDetect' function from
from darknet import performDetect as scan
import math

def detect(img_path):
    ''' this script if you want only want get the coord '''
    picpath = img_path
    # change this if you want use different config
    cfg = '/home/saggi/Documents/saggi/prabin/darknet/cfg/yolo-obj.cfg'
    coco = '/home/saggi/Documents/saggi/prabin/darknet/'  # you can change this too
    # and this, can be change by you
    data = '/home/saggi/Documents/saggi/prabin/darknet/backup/yolo-obj_last.weights'
    test = scan(imagePath=picpath, thresh=0.25, configPath=cfg, weightPath=data, metaPath=coco, showImage=False, makeImageOnly=False,
                initOnly=False)  # default format, i prefer only call the result not to produce image to get more performance

    # until here you will get some data in default mode from alexeyAB, as explain in module.
    # try to: help(scan), explain about the result format of process is: [(item_name, convidence_rate (x_center_image, y_center_image, width_size_box, height_size_of_box))],
    # to change it with generally used form, like PIL/opencv, do like this below (still in detect function that we create):

    newdata = []

    # For multiple Detection
    if len(test) >= 2:
        for x in test:
            item, confidence_rate, imagedata = x
            x1, y1, w_size, h_size = imagedata
            x_start = round(x1 - (w_size/2))
            y_start = round(y1 - (h_size/2))
            x_end = round(x_start + w_size)
            y_end = round(y_start + h_size)
            data = (item, confidence_rate,
                    (x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end), (w_size, h_size))

    # For Single Detection
    elif len(test) == 1:
        item, confidence_rate, imagedata = test[0]
        x1, y1, w_size, h_size = imagedata
        x_start = round(x1 - (w_size/2))
        y_start = round(y1 - (h_size/2))
        x_end = round(x_start + w_size)
        y_end = round(y_start + h_size)
        data = (item, confidence_rate,
                (x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end), (w_size, h_size))

        newdata = False

    return newdata

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Multiple detection image test
    # table = '/home/saggi/Documents/saggi/prabin/darknet/data/26.jpg'
    # Single detection image test
    table = '/home/saggi/Documents/saggi/prabin/darknet/data/1.jpg'
    detections = detect(table)

    # Multiple detection
    if len(detections) > 1:
        for detection in detections:
            print(' ')
            print(' ')
            print('All Parameter of Detection: ', detection)

            print(' ')
            print(' ')
            print('Detected label: ', detection[0])

            print(' ')
            print(' ')
            print('Detected object Confidence: ', detection[1])

            x1, y1, x2, y2 = detection[2]
            print(' ')
            print(' ')
                'Detected object top left and bottom right cordinates (x1,y1,x2,y2):  x1, y1, x2, y2')
            print('x1: ', x1)
            print('y1: ', y1)
            print('x2: ', x2)
            print('y2: ', y2)

            print(' ')
            print(' ')
            print('Detected object width and height: ', detection[3])
            b_width, b_height = detection[3]
            print('Weidth of bounding box: ', math.ceil(b_width))
            print('Height of bounding box: ', math.ceil(b_height))
            print(' ')

    # Single detection
        print(' ')
        print(' ')
        print('All Parameter of Detection: ', detections)

        print(' ')
        print(' ')
        print('Detected label: ', detections[0][0])

        print(' ')
        print(' ')
        print('Detected object Confidence: ', detections[0][1])

        x1, y1, x2, y2 = detections[0][2]
        print(' ')
        print(' ')
            'Detected object top left and bottom right cordinates (x1,y1,x2,y2):  x1, y1, x2, y2')
        print('x1: ', x1)
        print('y1: ', y1)
        print('x2: ', x2)
        print('y2: ', y2)

        print(' ')
        print(' ')
        print('Detected object width and height: ', detections[0][3])
        b_width, b_height = detections[0][3]
        print('Weidth of bounding box: ', math.ceil(b_width))
        print('Height of bounding box: ', math.ceil(b_height))
        print(' ')

# Single detections output:
# test value  [('movie_name', 0.9223029017448425, (206.79859924316406, 245.4672393798828, 384.83673095703125, 72.8630142211914))]

# Multiple detections output:
# test value  [('movie_name', 0.9225175976753235, (92.47076416015625, 224.9121551513672, 147.2491912841797, 42.063255310058594)),
#  ('movie_name', 0.4900225102901459, (90.5261459350586, 12.4061279296875, 182.5990447998047, 21.261077880859375))]

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 5085

If you are going to implement this in python, there is this small python wrapper that I have created in here. Follow the ReadMe file and install it. It will be very easy to install.

After that follow this example code to know how to detect objects.
If your detection is det

top_left_x = det.bbox.x
top_left_y = det.bbox.y
width = det.bbox.w
height = det.bbox.h

If you need, you can get the midpoint by:

mid_x, mid_y = det.bbox.get_point(pyyolo.BBox.Location.MID)

Hope this helps..

Upvotes: 2

Brian O'Donnell
Brian O'Donnell

Reputation: 1896

A quick solution is to modify the image.c file to print out the bounding box information:

if(bot > im.h-1) bot = im.h-1;

// Print bounding box values 
printf("Bounding Box: Left=%d, Top=%d, Right=%d, Bottom=%d\n", left, top, right, bot); 
draw_box_width(im, left, top, right, bot, width, red, green, blue);

Upvotes: 21

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