I am trying to write some basic list operations for a linked list in Haskell but I could use a hand with this one. I want to append a list to another but it doesn't work at all, here is my code:
data ML a = E | L a (ML a) deriving (Show)
myList = (L 1 (L 2 (L 3 (L 4 E))))
myHead :: ML a -> a
myHead E = error "empty list"
myHead (L a _) = a
myTail :: ML a -> ML a
myTail E = error "empty list"
myTail (L _ a) = a
myAppend :: ML a -> ML a -> ML a
myAppend E a = a
myAppend (x L xs) ys = x L (xs myAppend ys)
I also got a question on how to show this list as a String like "1,2,3". I got a function that shows it as a list like this [1,2,3] but not as a String.
toString :: ML a -> [a]
toString E = []
toString (L a l) = a:(toString l)
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I think the basic problem is on the last line:
myAppend :: ML a -> ML a -> ML a
myAppend E a = a
myAppend (x L xs) ys = x L (xs myAppend ys)
The constructor is L
and in Haskell, one usually writes the constructor before its arguments, like:
myAppend :: ML a -> ML a -> ML a
myAppend E a = a
myAppend (L x xs) ys = L x (myAppend xs ys)
Now it should work.
About your second question: toString ML a -> [a]
. Actually an [a]
is a list, not a String
(well, a String
is a list of Char
s: type String = [Char]
), and guess what: a list in Haskell is a linked list. So that means that your toString :: ML a -> [a]
is actually more a toList
If you want to write something as a String
, it means the elements should be have a textual representation. You can write that by using a type constraint, like Show a =>
. So now the signature is: toString :: Show a => ML a -> [String]
We can convert a list of a
s into a textual representation, by map
ping all the elements to their textual representation, and intercalate :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [a]
for instance with a comma, like:
import Data.List(intercalate)
toList :: ML a -> [a]
toList E = []
toList (L x xs) = x : toList xs
toString :: Show a => ML a -> String
toString = intercalate "," . map show . toList
Or we can "implement the function by ourselves":
toString :: Show a => ML a -> String
toString E = ""
toString (L x E) = show x
toString (L x xs) = show x++',' : toString xs
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