Reputation: 3051
I am using Bamboo 6.0.3 build 60004
and I installed the version 2.1.0
of the official Artifactory plugin for Bamboo.
The build.gradle
of the project looks like:
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
apply plugin: 'com.jfrog.artifactory'
task androidJavadocs(type: Javadoc) {
source =
classpath += project.files(android.getBootClasspath().join(File.pathSeparator))
task androidJavadocsJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: androidJavadocs) {
classifier = 'javadoc'
from androidJavadocs.destinationDir
task androidSourcesJar(type: Jar) {
classifier = 'sources'
artifacts {
archives androidSourcesJar
archives androidJavadocsJar
afterEvaluate {
androidJavadocs.classpath += files(android.libraryVariants.collect { variant ->
publishing {
publications {
android.buildTypes.all { variant ->
"${}Aar"(MavenPublication) {
// set values from Android manifest file
groupId group
version version
if ( == "release") {
artifactId project.getName()
else {
artifactId "${project.getName()}-${}"
artifact "$buildDir/outputs/aar/${project.getName()}-${}-${version}.aar"
artifact androidJavadocsJar
pom.withXml {
def dependenciesNode = asNode().appendNode('dependencies')
// List all compile dependencies and write to POM
configurations.compile.getAllDependencies().each { Dependency dep ->
if ( == null || dep.version == null || == null || == "unspecified")
return // ignore invalid dependencies
def dependencyNode = dependenciesNode.appendNode('dependency')
dependencyNode.appendNode('version', dep.version)
if (!dep.transitive) {
// If this dependency is transitive, we should force exclude all its dependencies them from the POM
def exclusionNode = dependencyNode.appendNode('exclusions').appendNode('exclusion')
exclusionNode.appendNode('groupId', '*')
exclusionNode.appendNode('artifactId', '*')
} else if (! {
// Otherwise add specified exclude rules
def exclusionNode = dependencyNode.appendNode('exclusions').appendNode('exclusion') { ExcludeRule rule ->
exclusionNode.appendNode('groupId', ?: '*')
exclusionNode.appendNode('artifactId', rule.module ?: '*')
def libraryGroupId = group
def libraryVersion = version
artifactory {
contextUrl = '<artifactory_url>'
publish {
repository {
repoKey = '<repoKey>'
username = artifactory_username
password = artifactory_password
defaults {
android.buildTypes.all { variant ->
publishArtifacts = true
properties = ['qa.level': 'basic', '': 'core']
publishPom = true
When I run the command gradle build assembleRelease artifactoryPublish
on my laptop, it uploads in the Artifactory repo an aar
and a pom
I tried using the Artifactory Deployment
task in the deployment project that runs after a build task that does gradle build assembleRelease
(so the same but without the publishing to artifactory), but it instead publishes only the aar file and the directory structure in artifactory doesn't look the same (it does not breakdown the package name by subfolder). How to achieve the same with Bamboo?
Upvotes: 8
Views: 2444
Reputation: 1065
According to the Bamboo Artifacotry plugin official page there is no plugin yet for Bamboo 6.0 (but for Bamboo 5.15). However if you use a gradle task to publish, the Bamboo plugin is not used.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1472
Looks like there is an update available for versions 6+ for Bamboo Server located here:
However, I am trying it now with Atlassian Bamboo version 6.3.2 build 60307 and keep getting this error:
Could not execute task no Plugin with key 'org.jfrog.bamboo.bamboo-
artifactory-plugin:artifactoryGenericResolveTask' is installed.
Tried adding it as an executable as documented here
But still receiving the error. So trying again using the spec file it recommends just using generic resolve task but still no luck.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1033
Don't use JFrog, we use Nexus, but it looks like that Deployment Project task in the plugin is designed just to take the shared/published artifacts from the build plan the Deployment Project is dependent on and upload those to Artifactory. So for your first problem, the POM not being uploaded, is the POM a shared artifact in the source build plan feeding the Deployment Project? So you have two shared artifacts in that build plan, the archive AAR file and the POM?
For your second problem, it may depend on how you define the path to shared artifact in source build plan. It doesn't look like the deployment task gives you any options about where to write the artifact to in artifactory. However, I notice the normal build plan task uses a JSON file descriptor where you have more control:
So I wonder if you would have more flexibility if you published your artifact from the feeding normal Build Plan rather than from the Deployment Project, and just downloaded the artifact from artifactory at the beginning of your Deployment Project tasks for that environment.
Not a solution really - just a bunch of things to look at that might help.
Upvotes: 2