Reputation: 211
Problem :
Using Agent run and send mail give a different link
Mail Contain a link which is not include database
I set it send to a yahoo mail
Sub Initialize()
Print"Agent:First Reminder for LateIn Reason started running at " & DateValue(Now()) & "," + TimeValue(Now())
Dim ss As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim LateInVw As NotesView
Dim LateInDocs As NotesViewEntryCollection
Dim LateEntry As NotesViewEntry
Dim LateDoc As NotesDocument
Dim StaffVw As NotesView, StaffDoc As NotesDocument
Dim MailDoc As NotesDocument
Dim rtBody As NotesRichTextItem
Dim sysdoc As NotesDocument, sysVw As NotesView
Dim AttVw As NotesView, Attdoc As NotesDocument
Set db=ss.Currentdatabase
Set sysVw=db.getview("($System Settings)")
Set sysdoc=sysvw.getfirstdocument
If sysdoc Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set LateInVw=db.getview("(Testing Late-In Time Records)")
Set StaffVw=db.getview("($Active Staff by ID)")
Set AttVw = db.Getview("($Effective Attendance Setting By ID)")
'get all time records for today
Set LateInDocs=LateInVw.Allentries
Set lateEntry=LateInDocs.getfirstentry
Do While Not LateEntry Is Nothing
Set LateDoc=LateEntry.Document
Set Attdoc=Attvw.Getdocumentbykey(LateDoc.TStaffID(0), True)
If Attdoc.LateAtt(0)="Yes" Then
If LateDoc.LateReason(0)="" Then
If Not ApprovedLateIn(LateDoc, LateDoc.TAmend(0), False) Then
'get staff mail
Set staffDoc=StaffVw.Getdocumentbykey(LateDoc.TStaffID(0), True)
If Not staffdoc Is Nothing Then
'send email with link to main menu
If email$<> Then
' email$
email$="[email protected]"
Set Maildoc=New NotesDocument(db)
Set maildoc=db.Createdocument()
maildoc.Form="First Reminder Notification"
maildoc.Subject="Smartcard Attendance System: Late-In Notification for " +Format$(LateDoc.TDate(0),"dd/mm/yyyy")
maildoc.Sendto="[email protected]"
' maildoc.NotifyDate=LateDoc.Tdate(0)
End If
End If
End If 'check against unimas's jadual kedatangan
End If 'check for late in reason
End If 'check late-in on/off in attendance settings
Set LateEntry=LateInDocs.Getnextentry(LateEntry)
End Sub
I will attach my image file and coding here
from this 2 image you can see that, actually i want to put as a
notes://Mulu/SmartCard Attedancce/sas-server.nsf/Scais Main?OpenFrameset
but result of the mail send out is
notes:////Scais Main?OpenFrameset
which is no server and database. I am not sure what part of my coding is wrong
Another attachment will be the form i use as mail.form
Upvotes: 0
Views: 99
Reputation: 12060
First of all: Sending an external mail with a custom form like you do it is not the best Idea, as the target system might not be able to render everything accordingly.
That said, I would first create a document that contains all data and then RENDER it to a maildoc. code would look like this:
Dim Templatedoc as NotesDocument
Dim body as NotesRichtextItem
Set Templatedoc=New NotesDocument(db)
Set Templatedoc=db.Createdocument()
Templatedoc.Form="First Reminder Notification"
' maildoc.NotifyDate=LateDoc.Tdate(0)
Set maildoc=New NotesDocument(db)
maildoc.Form = "Memo"
maildoc.Subject="Smartcard Attendance System: Late-In Notification for " +Format$(LateDoc.TDate(0),"dd/mm/yyyy")
maildoc.Sendto="[email protected]"
Set body = New NotesRichtextItem( maildoc, "Body" )
Call Templatedoc.RenderToRTItem( body )
Second: You set two fields (NotesServer and NotesDBPath) to compute your Link. But your link in reality is computed from environment- variables, and these are not set on the server.
Change your Link- Computation- Formula to:
srv := NotesServer;
pth := NotesDBPath;
That should do the trick for the link.
Upvotes: 2