Reputation: 143
I'm trying to write a class which includes a variable whose type would be chosen to be the smallest possible able to contain a value.
What I mean is:
class foo {
"int type here" a;
I came across Automatically pick a variable type big enough to hold a specified number. Due to difficulties using the boost library, I went ahead and used the template suggestions.
That turns the code into:
template<unsigned long long T>
class foo {
SelectInteger<T>::type a;
However, my problem arises from the fact that the variable's size is a result of multiplying a floating point variable and integer. Therefore, what I would like to be able to do is:
template<unsigned long long T, double E>
class foo {
SelectInteger<T*E>::type a;
But since templates don't work with floating point variables (see here), I can't pass E
in a template. Is there some other way I can pass a variable (which should be available during compilation) to the class?
Upvotes: 14
Views: 388
Reputation: 66230
What about using a constexpr
function ?
I mean... something as follows
template <unsigned long long>
struct SelectInteger
{ using type = int; };
template <>
struct SelectInteger<0U>
{ using type = short; };
constexpr unsigned long long getSize (unsigned long long ull, double d)
{ return ull*d; }
template <unsigned long long T>
struct foo
{ typename SelectInteger<T>::type a; };
int main()
static_assert( std::is_same<short,
decltype(foo<getSize(1ULL, 0.0)>::a)>::value, "!");
static_assert( std::is_same<int,
decltype(foo<getSize(1ULL, 1.0)>::a)>::value, "!!");
Upvotes: 8