Pratik T
Pratik T

Reputation: 1597

Error when uploading product content on iTunes connect

I am working on project which download content from iTunes connect when user purchase. but I can't upload product content on iTunes with application loader. I am getting following error during upload

ERROR: ERROR ITMS-4000: "The package can't include two files with the same name 'mzl.kzekbupn.png' but with different size or checksum." at Software/SoftwareMetadata/SoftwareInAppPurchase

enter image description here

Upvotes: 2

Views: 236

Answers (1)

Will Chen
Will Chen

Reputation: 46


I got it!

So, I got the exact same message, except mine was complaining about "screenshot.jpg".

I have multiple in-app purchases I have uploaded, and the "screenshot.jpg" is the Screenshot for Review: in the "Info" tab of the In-App Purchases section of the App Loader. Somewhere it must have gotten corrupted or something.

The App Loader creates an xml file of all the In-App purchases (see below) and if there's a discrepancy in the checksum of a file that's referred to more than once, it creates this error. And even though I had stopped using "screenshot.jpg" it was still being referred to when creating the xml file.

So, my solution was to post the same screenshot through all the purchases of the app. App Loader

So after going through all my In-App purchases and adding the new screenshot, I was able to push it through.

There might be a more elegant way to access the xml file, but I'm posting what worked for me.

Good luck!

                    <locale name="en-US">
                        <title>Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra</title>
                        <description>A Shakespeare classic.</description>
                    <checksum type="md5">d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e</checksum>
                    <read_only_value key="iap-status">Ready to Submit</read_only_value>
                <reference_name>Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra</reference_name>
                    <asset type="in-app-purchase-content">
                            <checksum type="md5">44c282b4fe09115b7d8ed0f6415a215a</checksum>

Upvotes: 3

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