Reputation: 68
I plan to use GeoFire to filter my firebase data based on location. Not sure how to get started with this because I just started developing. I have a pic and a caption etc that I create in one Class with:
@IBAction func shareDidTap(_ sender: Any) {
if let image = image, let caption = textView.text {
let newMedia = Media(type: "image", caption: caption, createdBy: user, image: image) { (error) in
if let error = error {
self.alert(title: "Oops!", message: error.localizedDescription, buttonTitle: "OK")
} else {
self.user.share(newMedia: newMedia)
in a separate "User" class (MVC) I save it into Firebase with
func share(newMedia: Media) {
DatabaseReference.users(uid: uid).reference().child("media").childByAutoId().setValue(newMedia.uid)
Where do I instantiate the GeoFire reference? Do I have to use Core Location to get my own Lat and Lon? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2822
Reputation: 1487
Adding GeoFire
Install with pods
pod 'GeoFire', :git => ''
Then import to project import GeoFire
Create a reference to it using
let rootRef = Database.database().reference()
let geoRef = GeoFire(firebaseRef: rootRef.child("user_locations"))
To get the current user location you can use Location manager via cocoa pods:
I am guessing you want the media saved on the database to have a location. You then use GeoFire to save the location using GeoFire.setlocation
Call this when you save your post to the database, GeoFire handles the database structure of adding locations using your post ID.
an example:
geoFire!.setLocation(myLocation, forKey: userID) { (error) in
if (error != nil) {
debugPrint("An error occured: \(error)")
} else {
print("Saved location successfully!")
You then query the database of locations using CircleQuery
You can give a radius of how far you want to query the database within from a given location (user location)
an example:
let query = geoRef.query(at: userLocation, withRadius: 1000)
query?.observe(.keyEntered, with: { key, location in
guard let key = key else { return }
print("Key: " + key + "entered the search radius.")
A really good tutorial that I used was:
Look on their channel and query GeoFire
for other videos that might help you further.
Upvotes: 1