Reputation: 87
I'm trying to do the Chapter 5 Challenges for the Python Programming for Absolute Beginners book, and seem to be having some issues. The program I am working on is making a Character attribute skill point distribution program with a dictionary. The objective is to make a program that has 4 skills that you can distribute 30 points across. You can add them, remove them, or view them all. When I launch my program, it distributes the points to all skills, instead of just one, which is not what I am intending. Also, it has the message for my "else" option every time, which I don't want either. Sorry for posting the whole thing, I just am new to this and am unsure where within the code I messed up. Thank you!
# Hero Attribute Assigner
# My attempt
name = ""
attr = {"STRENGTH":0, "DEXTERITY":0, "WISDOM":0, "HEALTH":0}
totalPoints = 30
for attrName in attr:
attrPoints = attr[attrName]
userInput = None
while userInput != "5":
userInput = input \
Character Creator
1 - Name Character
2 - Assign Attribute Points
3 - Remove Attribute Points
4 - Exit
# Name Character
if userInput == "1":
name = str(input("\nCharacter Name: "))
print("\nYour character's name is now: " + name)
input("\nPress 'Enter' to return to menu.")
# Assign Points
if userInput == "2":
# What attribute?
print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are:\n")
for attrName in attr:
print(attrName, ":\t", str(attrPoints))
print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t" + str(totalPoints))
changeAttr = input("\nWhat attribute would you like to add points to? ").upper()
# How many points to add?
if changeAttr in attr:
changePoints = int(input("How many points would you like to add? "))
attr[changeAttr] += changePoints
totalPoints -= changePoints
print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are now:\n")
for attrName in attr:
print(attrName, ":\t", str(attrPoints))
print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t " + str(totalPoints))
print("\nThat is not a valid choice.")
# Remove Points
if userInput == "3":
# What attribute?
print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are:\n")
for attrName in attr:
print(attrName, ":\t", str(attrPoints))
print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t" + str(totalPoints))
changeAttr = input("\nWhat attribute would you like to remove points from? ").upper()
# How many points to remove?
if changeAttr in attr:
changePoints = int(input("How many points would you like to remove? "))
attr[changeAttr] -= changePoints
totalPoints += changePoints
print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are now:\n")
for attrName in attr:
print(attrName, ":\t", str(attrPoints))
print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t " + str(totalPoints))
print("\nThat is not a valid amount.")
# Exit
elif userInput == "4":
# Invalid Choice in Menu
print("\nInvalid choice...")
input("\nPress 'Enter' to exit.")
Upvotes: 1
Views: 102
Reputation: 4213
A function based answer for problem:
# constants
userInput = None
def create_character():
:return: name : of character
name = str(input("\nCharacter Name: "))
ATTRIBUTES['character'] = name
print("\nYour character's name is now: " + name)
input("\nPress 'Enter' to return to menu.")
return name # returns name entered by user which can be stored and retrive in other function
def change_attributes(char_name="", flag="add"):
:param char_name: name of character
:param flag: add/sub to make sure which function to call to change attributes value
:return: this either returns true or false or none
name = char_name
if 'character' in ATTRIBUTES.keys(): # user needs to create character first before assigning any attributes
# What attribute?
print(name + "'s Attribute Stats are:\n")
for attrName in ATTRIBUTES:
print(attrName, ":\t", str(ATTRIBUTES[attrName]))
print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t" + str(TOTAL_POINTS))
changeAttr = input("What attribute would you like to change? ").upper()
if flag == "add":
result = add_points(changeAttr, name)
elif flag == "sub":
result = remove_points(changeAttr, name)
if result:
return True
print("That is an invalid choice.")
choice = input("Do you want to try again ?... (Y/N)").upper()
if choice == "Y":
change_attributes(name, flag)
elif choice == "N":
print("Have a nice day!!!")
return False
print("Invalid input.")
return False
print('You need to create character first.')
def add_points(changeAttr, char_name):
add points to attribute
:param changeAttr: attributes which is to be change
:param char_name: character name whose attribute value to be change
:return: True/False
global TOTAL_POINTS # it is good habit to specify global keyword to know function it is not local variable otherwise you may get UnboundLocalError
name = char_name
if changeAttr in ATTRIBUTES:
changePoints = abs(int(input(
"How many points would you like to add? "))) # converts negative input to positive or use another control statement to handle value input.
except ValueError:
print("Invalid values. Please enter integer value only")
if 0 < changePoints < TOTAL_POINTS: # make sure points to insert is greater than 0 and less than total points
ATTRIBUTES[changeAttr] += changePoints
TOTAL_POINTS -= changePoints
print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are now:\n")
for attrName in ATTRIBUTES:
print(attrName, ":\t", str(ATTRIBUTES[attrName]))
print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t " + str(TOTAL_POINTS))
return True
print("You can only add minimum {} points and maximum {} points".format(1, TOTAL_POINTS))
choice = input("Do you want to try again ?... (Y/N)").upper()
if choice == "Y":
change_attributes(name, "add")
elif choice == "N":
print("Have a nice day!!!")
return False
print("Invalid input.")
return False
return False
def remove_points(changeAttr, char_name):
remove points of attribute
:param changeAttr: attributes which is to be change
:param char_name: character name whose attribute value to be change
:return: True/False
name = char_name
if changeAttr in ATTRIBUTES:
if ATTRIBUTES[changeAttr] > 0: # only remove attributes if it has value
changePoints = abs(int(input("How many points would you like to remove? ")))
if 0 < changePoints < ATTRIBUTES[changeAttr]:
ATTRIBUTES[changeAttr] -= changePoints
TOTAL_POINTS += changePoints
print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are now:\n")
for attrName in ATTRIBUTES:
print(attrName, ":\t", str(ATTRIBUTES[attrName]))
print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t " + str(TOTAL_POINTS))
return True
print("You can only remove minimum {} points and maximum {} points".format(1, ATTRIBUTES[changeAttr]))
# give a chance to input again with function call
choice = input("Do you want to try again ?... (Y/N)").upper()
if choice == "Y":
"sub") # you can also call same function remove_points() with valid arguments if you want user to enter only selected field again
elif choice == "N":
print("Have a nice day!!!")
return False
print("Invalid input.")
return False
print("no attributes left to remove.")
sel = input("Do you want to add points first ?... (Y/N)").upper()
if sel == "Y":
change_attributes(name, "add")
elif sel == "N":
print("Have a nice day!!!")
return False
print("Invalid input.")
return False
return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
while userInput != "5":
userInput = input \
Character Creator
1 - Name Character
2 - Assign Attribute Points
3 - Remove Attribute Points
4 - Exit
>> """)
# Name Character
if userInput == "1":
character_name = create_character()
# Assign Points
elif userInput == "2":
change_attributes(character_name, "add")
except NameError:
print("You need to create character first!!!!!")
choice1 = input("want to try again? (Y/N)").upper()
if choice1 == "Y":
# Remove Points
elif userInput == "3":
change_attributes(character_name, "sub")
except NameError:
print("You need a character with valid attributes...")
choice2 = input("want to try again? (Y/N)").upper()
if choice2 == "Y":
# Exit
elif userInput == "4":
# Invalid Choice in Menu
print("\nInvalid choice...")
input("Press 'Enter' to exit.")
Note: depending on your choice and expectation you may change flow of function which may require some fix otherwise this is a good example for you to learn and use functions.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 87
Looks like it was a combination of simple mistakes and a misunderstanding of how to properly define dictionaries. Thanks everyone!
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4213
Better version of your code with fix.
# Hero Attribute Assigner
# My attempt
name = ""
attr = {"STRENGTH":0, "DEXTERITY":0, "WISDOM":0, "HEALTH":0}
totalPoints = 30
userInput = None
while userInput != "5":
userInput = input \
Character Creator
1 - Name Character
2 - Assign Attribute Points
3 - Remove Attribute Points
4 - Exit
: """)
# Name Character
if userInput == "1":
name = str(input("\nCharacter Name: "))
attr['character'] = name
print("\nYour character's name is now: " + name)
input("\nPress 'Enter' to return to menu.")
# Assign Points
elif userInput == "2":
if 'character' in attr.keys(): # user needs to create character first before assigning any attributes
# What attribute?
print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are:\n")
for attrName in attr:
print(attrName, ":\t", str(attr[attrName]))
print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t" + str(totalPoints))
changeAttr = input("\nWhat attribute would you like to add points to? ").upper()
# How many points to add?
if changeAttr in attr:
changePoints = abs(int(input("How many points would you like to add? "))) # converts negative input to positive or use another control statement to handle value input.
except ValueError:
print("Invalid values. Please enter integer value only")
if 0 < changePoints < totalPoints: # make sure points to insert is greater than 0 and less than total points
attr[changeAttr] += changePoints
totalPoints -= changePoints
print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are now:\n")
for attrName in attr:
print(attrName, ":\t", str(attr[attrName]))
print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t " + str(totalPoints))
print("You can only add minimum {} points and maximum {} points".format(1, totalPoints))
print("\nThat is not a valid choice.")
print('You need to create character first.')
# Remove Points
elif userInput == "3":
if 'character' in attr.keys():
# What attribute?
print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are:\n")
for attrName in attr:
print(attrName, ":\t", str(attr[attrName]))
print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t" + str(totalPoints))
changeAttr = input("\nWhat attribute would you like to remove points from? ").upper()
# How many points to remove?
if changeAttr in attr:
if attr[changeAttr] > 0: # only remove attributes if it has value
changePoints = abs(int(input("How many points would you like to remove? ")))
if 0 < changePoints < attr[changeAttr]:
attr[changeAttr] -= changePoints
totalPoints += changePoints
print("\n" + name + "'s Attribute Stats are now:\n")
for attrName in attr:
print(attrName, ":\t", str(attr[attrName]))
print("UNUSED POINTS:" + "\t " + str(totalPoints))
print("You can only remove minimum {} points and maximum {} points".format(1, attr[changeAttr]))
print("no attributes left to remove.")
print("\nThat is not a valid amount.")
print('You need to create character first.')
# Exit
elif userInput == "4":
# Invalid Choice in Menu
print("\nInvalid choice...")
input("\nPress 'Enter' to exit.")
Upvotes: 1