Reputation: 39
I am trying to copy XML files from an FTP location to an application server - but not all files. New files are archived after every half an hour in the ftp location. I need to transfer only the new files based on the timestamp and date.
I am currently using the below 2 files to copy all the files from FTP location.
Batch file:
ftp -i -s:D:\ftp_commands.txt -n <host name>
Text file (ftp_commands.txt):
user <username> <password>
cd <source path>
lcd <destination path>
mget *
Can anyone please help me copy files based on timestamp or date?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 14049
Reputation: 202682
It's a pretty complex task to implement with Windows batch-file and the built-in FTP client (ftp.exe
It would be more easier with PowerShell or other more powerful language.
And even easier using a more capable FTP client.
For example WinSCP FTP client supports time constraints.
With WinSCP, a batch file to download today's files is as trivial as: /ini=nul /log=todays.log /command ^
"open" ^
"get /remote/path/*>=%%TIMESTAMP#yyyy-mm-dd%% C:\local\path\" ^
With WinSCP 5.13 and newer, the syntax is even easier:
"get /remote/path/*>=today C:\local\path\" ^
This uses the %TIMESTAMP%
syntax and a file mask with a time-constraint.
See also:
(I'm the author of WinSCP)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 34989
As user Martin Prikryl pointed out in a comment, it is possible to use Windows' native FTP command ftp.exe
to accomplish your goal, although it might not be that easy. So I had to take the challenge…
Here is a script that downloads a given number of the most recent (newest) files. This could be modified to regard the timestamp rather than a count, but since the date/time format may depend on the FTP host and/or the local machine, and I do not know what format you are receiving when executing the FTP command dir
, I decided to go for the count at the first place. So here it is:
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedexpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "_FTP_LIST=%TEMP%\ftp_list_%RANDOM%.txt" & rem // (FTP script for listing files)
set "_FTP_RECV=%TEMP%\ftp_recv_%RANDOM%.txt" & rem // (FTP script for getting files)
set "_FTP_LTMP=%TEMP%\ftp_list_%RANDOM%.tmp" & rem // (file to store remote file list)
set "_FTP_HOST=<host name>" & rem // (name of FTP host)
set "_FTP_USER=<username>" & rem // (user name to login to the FTP host)
set "_FTP_PASS=<password>" & rem // (pass word to login to the FTP host)
set "_FTP_RSRC=<source path>" & rem // (path to remote source location)
set "_FTP_LDST=<destination path>" & rem // (path to local destination location)
set "_REVERSE=" & rem // (set to any value to get the oldest not the newest files)
set /A "_COUNT=1" & rem // (number of most recent or newest remote files to receive)
rem // Check if revert flag is set, force sort order to be in decreasing age in case:
if defined _REVERSE (set "REV=r") else (set "REV=")
rem // Build FTP script for listing remote files sorted by age:
> "%_FTP_LIST%" (
rem // Check whether use name is given:
if defined _FTP_USER (
rem // Avoid auto-login:
set "SWITCH=-n"
rem // Write command to login:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo user "!_FTP_USER!" !_FTP_PASS!
) else (
rem // Attempt to login anonymously:
set "SWITCH=-A"
rem // Write command to change to the desired remote location:
echo cd "%_FTP_RSRC%"
rem // Write command to list remote files sorted by increasing age:
echo ls -t%REV% "%_FTP_LTMP%"
rem // Write command to leave the FTP host:
echo bye
rem /* Execute FTP script to list remote files sorted by age and write result to a
rem temporary file, which is going to be read and parsed later: */
ftp -i -v %SWITCH% -s:"%_FTP_LIST%" "%_FTP_HOST%"
rem // Build FTP script for downloading the newest remote files:
> "%_FTP_RECV%" (
rem // Check whether use name is given:
if defined _FTP_USER (
rem // Write command to login:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo user "!_FTP_USER!" !_FTP_PASS!
rem // Write command to change to the desired remote location:
echo cd "%_FTP_RSRC%"
rem // Write command to change to the desired local location:
echo lcd "%_FTP_LDST%"
rem // Reset index used to extract the listed remote files:
set /A "INDEX=0"
rem /* Read the temporary file containing the list of remote files sorted by age,
rem loop through them and dynamically build the download commands: */
for /F usebackq^ delims^=^ eol^= %%L in ("%_FTP_LTMP%") do (
rem // Increment index:
for /F %%K in ('set /A "INDEX+1"') do (
set /A "INDEX=%%K"
rem /* Check whether index already reached given count of remote files and
rem if not, write command to download a single file: */
if %%K LEQ %_COUNT% echo get "%%L"
rem // Write command to leave the FTP host:
echo bye
rem // Ensure that the local destination directory exists:
md "%_FTP_LDST%" 2> nul
rem // Execute FTP script to download the newest remote files:
ftp -i -v %SWITCH% -s:"%_FTP_RECV%" "%_FTP_HOST%"
rem // Clean up temporary files:
del "%_FTP_LIST%" "%_FTP_RECV%" "%_FTP_LTMP%"
exit /B
Upvotes: 1