Reputation: 1363
I changed my datatable to server side processing. From this point on the row attribute seem to not working any more.
This is my definition of the datatable within the JSP:
<datatables:table id="users" url="/user_User_Json_List_Dandelion.action" serverSide="true" row="user">
<datatables:column titleKey="user.user.list.username" sortable="false" property="benutzername" />
<datatables:column titleKey="user.user.list.prename" sortable="false" property="person.vorname" />
<datatables:column titleKey="user.user.list.surname" sortable="false" property="person.nachname" />
<datatables:column titleKey="" sortable="false" property="" />
<datatables:column cssCellClass="img" sortable="false" cssCellStyle="width: 40px">
bla<c:if test="${user.gesperrt}">
<img src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/static/images/locked.gif" title="<s:text name="%{getText('user.user.list.locked')}"/>"
alt="<s:text name="%{getText('user.user.list.locked')}"/>" />
<c:if test="${!user.aktiv}">
<img src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/static/images/delete.gif" title="<s:text name="%{getText('user.user.list.delete')}"/>"
alt="<s:text name="%{getText('user.user.list.delete')}"/>" />
<datatables:column cssCellClass="img" sortable="false" cssCellStyle="width: 20px">
<c:if test="${!user.systemBenutzer}">
<s:url var="edit" action="user_User_Edit_Pre">
<s:param name="benutzerId">${user.benutzerId}</s:param>
<s:a href="%{edit}" title="%{getText('user.user.edit.header')}">
<img src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/static/images/edit.gif" title="<s:text name="%{getText('user.user.edit.header')}"/>"
alt="<s:text name="%{getText('user.user.edit.header')}"/>" />
<datatables:column cssCellClass="img" sortable="false" cssCellStyle="width: 20px">
<s:url var="listRights" action="user_Auth_List_Pre">
<s:param name="benutzerId">${user.benutzerId}</s:param>
<s:a href="%{listRights}" title="%{getText('user.user.list.listRights')}">
<img src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/static/images/user_details.gif" title="<s:text name="%{getText('user.user.list.listRights')}"/>"
alt="<s:text name="%{getText('user.user.list.listRights')}"/>" />
all calls like e.g. '' do not work, theres no user-variable available since I turned server side processing on.
My Json Result from the Json WebService does look like:
So whats going wrong here? How else can I access the data?
Thanks for any help.
just for testing I changed one of the columns to:
<datatables:column cssCellClass="img" sortable="false" cssCellStyle="width: 40px">
'hello' is never printed out in none of the about 2500 lines.
whenever setting to server side I only can access data via
when not using server side I also can use row attribute and things like ${user.gesperrt}
Maybe its a bug?
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Views: 49
Reputation: 1363
as described in a previous chapter in the doc
8.3. Customizing column contents
One only can use of column tags using the property-property and my use the renderFunction-property to call java script which then may processes some logics. But in my observation these java script calls returning some html (like an img-tag) is slowing down the rendering.
I hope in the end server side processing will although make some benefits in speed.
My dandelion datatables column then looks like:
<datatables:column property="aktiv" renderFunction="produceUserLockedIcon"/>
and my java script looks like:
<script type="text/javascript">
function produceUserLockedIcon(data, type, full) {
return "testString: " + '<a href="blaa">blaa</a>' + '<img src="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/static/images/locked.gif"\>';
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