Reputation: 666
I'm trying to write a scalable and reusable script to provision ec2s using ansible. As part of this, I would like to be able to determine which Route53 hosted zone my machine is a part of, so I can add it as a record set for a private zone. I don't want to have to enter the zone ... I want to be able to figure it out using the ec2.
For a given ec2, I can get the instance. From the instance, I get get VPC-ID. I know that VPC-IDs are associated with Route53 hosted zones, but I can't seem to find an AWS CLI command to figure out the hosted zone from the VPC-ID.
I've found the command'route53 list-vpc-association-authorizations --hosted-zone-id=' command, which has to be run on each individual zone, but the result is an empty array for a zone that I know for a fact is associated with a VPC.
Can anyone help me to derive the correct private hosted zone, given that I know the VPC ID and ec2 instance id?
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Views: 735
Reputation: 999
Maybe too simple for people, but this works:
aws route53 list-hosted-zones --output text | grep 'MYDOMAIN' | awk '{print $3}' | cut -c13-
...Just lists the domains in AWS in column format, searches for your domain and then cuts out the zone id with awk and cut.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 666
Took me a while, but I figured it out:
ZONE_IDS=$(aws route53 --region $2 list-hosted-zones | jq ".HostedZones | map(.Id)")
while IFS= read -r; do
ZONE=$(aws route53 --region $2 get-hosted-zone --id $REPLY)
hasVPCs=$(echo $ZONE | jq 'has("VPCs")')
VPCs=$(echo $ZONE | jq ".VPCs")
if [ "$hasVPCs" == true ]
VPC=$(echo $VPCs | jq ".[] | select(.VPCId == \"$1\")")
if [ -n "$VPC" ]
HOSTED_ZONE=$(echo $REPLY | sed 's/^\/hostedzone\///g')
done < <(echo $ZONE_IDS | jq -r '.[]')
Called with:
ZONE_ID=$(getHostedZone $VPC_ID $EC2_REGION)
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