Reputation: 707
What's the VBA code to popup the Status Date form in Project 2016? Just like if click the button on the ribbon. I want the code to pop up the Status Date and then keep running the macro.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 878
Reputation: 707
Found the answer I needed.
ActiveProject.CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("StatusDate")
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 8442
While you can just pop-up the Project Information Tab with this line: Application.ProjectSummaryInfo
, you don't have any ability to validate the Status Date. There's nothing to stop the user from just clicking OK or Cancel without entering a date.
It's better to call a function like this so you know that a valid status date was entered.
Private Sub GetStatusDate()
Dim CurStatusDate As Variant
CurStatusDate = ActiveProject.StatusDate
' set a default, suggested status date
Dim SuggestedDate As Date
SuggestedDate = Date
Dim StatusDate As Date
If VarType(CurStatusDate) = vbDate And CDate(CurStatusDate) >= SuggestedDate Then
StatusDate = CDate(CurStatusDate)
Dim Msg As String
Msg = vbCrLf & "Suggested status date:" & vbTab & SuggestedDate
If VarType(CurStatusDate) = vbDate Then
Msg = "Current status date:" & vbTab & Format(CurStatusDate, "m/d/yyyy") & Msg
Msg = "Current status date:" & vbTab & Format(CurStatusDate, "m/d/yyyy") & Msg
End If
Dim NewDate As String
NewDate = InputBox(Msg, "Enter the project status date", SuggestedDate)
If Len(NewDate) = 0 Then
StatusDate = SuggestedDate
ElseIf Not IsDate(NewDate) Then
StatusDate = SuggestedDate
Msg = "Your entry of " & NewDate & " was not recognized as a valid date." & _
vbCrLf & StatusDate & " will be used as the status date."
MsgBox Msg, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Invalid entry"
StatusDate = CDate(NewDate)
End If
ActiveProject.StatusDate = StatusDate
End If
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4356
Dim NewStatusDate
NewStatusDate = InputBox("Please enter a new Status Date value")
If NewStatusDate <> "" Then ' Check it's not empty
ThisProject.StatusDate = NewStatusDate
End If
You'd probably want to validate that the value given was a date and any other things you might require but this will pop up an inputbox and allow you to change the Status Date for the project.
Upvotes: 1