Reputation: 183
I have two cell arrays and each cell has a matrix x = (10X5). Each row in x is an array (between -1 and 1) with a mean "m" and std "s". Now i want to represent this matrix in a rectangular grid using MATLAB such that each box has a mean (orange color) and std deviation (filled with red colour in either side of mean) as shown in the example. So basically there should be 10X2 rectangular grids (corresponding to 10 rows and two cells). Can someone please help me with this? I looked up online but could not find anything.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 228
Reputation: 10450
You can use boxplot
to create the initial structure of the plot, and then alter them to represent what you want. Each matrix x
is converted to one grid plot, and the plots are placed side by side with subplot
Here is a short code to do what you want:
A = {rand(10,5)*2-1,rand(10,5)*2-1}; % your cell array
for n = 1:numel(A)
x = A{n};
means = mean(x,2);
stds = std(x,[],2);
% create boxplot for all variables:
bx = boxplot(x.','Orientation','horizontal');
% remove what's unnecessary:
delete(bx([1:4 7],:))
% set the median to mean:
mat2cell([means means],ones(size(x,1),1),2))
set(bx(6,:),{'Color','LineWidth'},{[1 0.7 0],3})
% set the interQ range to std:
std_bounds = repmat(means,1,5)+bsxfun(@times,stds,[-1 1 1 -1 -1]);
set(bx(5,:),'Color',[0.8 0 0])
for k = 1:size(std_bounds,1)
patch(std_bounds(k,:),get(bx(5,k),'YData'),[0.8 0 0],...
xlim([-1 1])
ax = gca;
ax.Children = ax.Children([end 1:end-1]);
% create the grid:
{'on','k',1,[-1 0 1],'top',(1:size(x,1))+0.5})
% set the zero line:
if n>1
It creates this:
Upvotes: 1