Reputation: 55
I am attempting to mount my Azure File Storage to a container using the method found here:
Upon pod creation I am getting the error: "Output: mount error: could not resolve address for [encoded name of my file storage] Unknown error"
I have confirmed that my File Storage resource and the VM hosting the pod are in the same Azure location (East US). I am able to mount this share manually on the VM hosting the pod using the same address in the error above. Is it possible I am missing some sort of configuration in my container that is not explained in the Git Hub tutorial?
I have tried creating my container without specifying the volume and was able to ping the address for the file storage from within the container so I am not sure where the cannot resolve address error is coming from.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 4327
Reputation: 44
There is also dynamic provisioning for azure file mount feature, you could find complete examples here:
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 6620
Remember to use flag -n
to avoid echoing trailing characters:
echo -n foobarbaz | base64
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 13974
I can't reproduce your error, but we can follow those steps to mount Azure file share to k8s container.
1.create k8s via Azure new portal.
2.SSH k8s master, create secret
, create secret by k8s file:
In this yaml file, we should write storage account and key in it, and we should base64 encoded Azure storage account and key, like this:
root@k8s-master-3CC6E803-0:~# echo -n jasonshare321 | base64
root@k8s-master-3CC6E803-0:~# echo -n Bnbh0fjykD+b/EveNoR/elOp118+0vmLsbQqVGC3H0W23mSfbH9WfV1A60Qw3CAZ70Tm4Wgpse1LEtgSJF27cQ== | base64
Then create azure-secret
root@k8s-master-3CC6E803-0:~# mkdir /azure_file
root@k8s-master-3CC6E803-0:~# cd /azure_file/
root@k8s-master-3CC6E803-0:/azure_file# touch azure-secret.yaml
root@k8s-master-3CC6E803-0:/azure_file# vi azure-secret.yaml
Here is the azure-secret:
root@k8s-master-3CC6E803-0:/azure_file# cat azure-secret.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: azure-secret
type: Opaque
azurestorageaccountname: amFzb25zaGFyZTMyMQ==
azurestorageaccountkey: Qm5iaDBmanlrRCtiL0V2ZU5vUi9lbE9wMTE4KzB2bUxzYlFxVkdDM0gwVzIzbVNmYkg5V2ZWMUE2MFF3M0NBWjcwVG00V2dwc2UxTEV0Z1NKRjI3Y1E9PQ==
Then use kubectl to create secret,like this:
root@k8s-master-3CC6E803-0:/azure_file# kubectl create -f /azure_file/azure-secret.yaml
secret "azure-secret" created
root@k8s-master-3CC6E803-0:/azure_file# kubectl get secret
azure-secret Opaque 2 11s
default-token-07cd5 3 35m
3.Create pod: create azure.yaml:
root@k8s-master-3CC6E803-0:/azure_file# touch azure.yaml
root@k8s-master-3CC6E803-0:/azure_file# vi azure.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
- image: nginx
name: nginx
- name: azure
mountPath: /mnt/azure
- name: azure
secretName: azure-secret
shareName: testfileshare
readOnly: false
Use this file to create pod:
root@k8s-master-3CC6E803-0:/azure_file# kubectl create -f /azure_file/azure.yaml
pod "nginx" created
root@k8s-master-3CC6E803-0:/azure_file# kubectl get pods
nginx 1/1 Running 0 17s
Now, pod create is completed, we can use this script to check file,like this:
root@k8s-master-3CC6E803-0:/azure_file# kubectl exec -it nginx bash
root@nginx:/# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib32 lib64 libx32 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
root@nginx:/# cd /mnt
root@nginx:/mnt# ls
root@nginx:/mnt# cd azure
root@nginx:/mnt/azure# ls
root@nginx:/mnt/azure# df -Th
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
overlay overlay 30G 3.3G 26G 12% /
tmpfs tmpfs 1.7G 0 1.7G 0% /dev
tmpfs tmpfs 1.7G 0 1.7G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1 ext4 30G 3.3G 26G 12% /etc/hosts
// cifs 50G 0 50G 0% /mnt/azure
shm tmpfs 64M 0 64M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs tmpfs 1.7G 12K 1.7G 1% /run/secrets/
1.We should base64 encoded Azure storage account and key.
2.write the right file share name to azure.yaml:
Upvotes: 3