Reputation: 23
I am going to use Apache Jena and it takes RDF as the input format. But I've data in the CSV format. I researched a lot and couldn't find a way to convert it. Does anyone know how to do that efficiently.
I have gone thru tools like xml123 but the download link wasn't working.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2711
Reputation: 612
You can also use which builds generic CSV/RDF graph and then transforms it using SPARQL CONSTRUCT
query. (Disclaimer: I'm the author)
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Reputation: 835
Using jena-arq and jena-csv (both v3.0.1) the following way is working for me:
public static void main(String ... strings) throws Exception {
//load through manager:
//Model m = RDFDataMgr.loadModel("test.csv") ;
//classic way to load:
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
try (InputStream in = JenaCSVTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/test.csv")) {, "", "csv");
m.setNsPrefix("test", "");
m.write(System.out, "ttl");
The input (test.csv):
The output (rdf in turtle):
@prefix test: <> .
[ test:Population "123000"^^<> ;
test:Town "Southton" ;
] .
[ test:Population "654000"^^<> ;
test:Town "Northville" ;
] .
See official doc jena-csv
Starting jena-3.10.0 jena-csv has been retired. The last jena-csv release is 3.9.0. Instead you can use any other csv2rdf converters. For example, tarql.
A quick demonstration example for com.github.tarql:tarql
version v1.2
(obtained through - it seems, there is no maven-central release):
Path file = Paths.get(JenaCSVTest.class.getResource("/test.csv").toURI());
String base = "";
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel().setNsPrefix("xsd", XSD.getURI()).setNsPrefix("test", base);
Graph g = m.getGraph();
CSVOptions op = new CSVOptions();
String query = "PREFIX test: <" + base + ">\n" +
"PREFIX xsd: <" + XSD.getURI() + ">\n" +
" ?Row a test:Row;\n" +
" test:town ?town;\n" +
" test:population ?population;\n" +
"} \n" +
"WHERE {\n" +
" BIND (BNODE() AS ?Row)\n" +
" BIND (xsd:string(?Town) AS ?town)\n" +
" BIND (xsd:integer(?Population) AS ?population)\n" +
TarqlQuery q = new TarqlQuery(QueryFactory.create(query));
InputStreamSource src = InputStreamSource.fromFilenameOrIRI(file.toUri().toString());
TarqlQueryExecution qe = TarqlQueryExecutionFactory.create(q, src, op);
m.write(System.out, "ttl");
This snippet will generate the following RDF:
@prefix test: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
[ a test:Row ;
test:population 123000 ;
test:town "Southton"
] .
[ a test:Row ;
test:population 654000 ;
test:town "Northville"
] .
Upvotes: 6