Nurul Alam
Nurul Alam

Reputation: 352

ng-click is not working within a custom directive

I have initialised a jquery plugin using custom directive. The plugin works as it is supposed to. however no angularjs specific code does not work within the directive

  Js steps

app.directive('step', function () {

  return {
    link: function (scope, element, attrs) {     
        headerTag: "h3",
        bodyTag: "section",
        transitionEffect: "slideLeft",
        stepsOrientation: "vertical"


     <div step>
        <h3>Services {{5+2}}</h3>
        <section class="select_packages">
          <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-12">
              <h2 class="commonH2">1) Select Website Package</h2>
              <p>What kind of website do you want?</p>
          <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-4" ng-init="selectedClass =''" ng-class="{active_site: selectedClass === 'broucher'}" ng-click="selectedSite(1)">                
                <div class="quot_img">
                  <img src="img/man.jpg">
                <div class="quot_details">
                    <h3 class="commonH3">Broucher Website</h3>
                    This package includes following items.
                    This package includes following itemsThis package includes following items.
                    This package includes following items This package includes following items.
                    This package includes following items
            <div class="col-md-4" ng-class="{active_site: selectedClass === 'business_site'}" ng-click="selectedSite(2)" >
                <div class="quot_img">
                  <img src="img/man.jpg">
                <div class="quot_details">
                   <h3 class="commonH3">Business</h3>
                    This package includes following items.
                    This package includes following itemsThis package includes following items.
                    This package includes following items This package includes following items.
                    This package includes following items
            <div class="col-md-4" ng-class="{active_site: selectedClass === 'ecommerce_site'}" ng-click="selectedSite(3)">
                <div class="quot_img">
                  <img src="img/man.jpg">
                <div class="quot_details">
                    <h3 class="commonH3">Ecommerce website</h3>
                    This package includes following items.
                    This package includes following itemsThis package includes following items.
                    This package includes following items This package includes following items.
                    This package includes following items

        <h3>Additional Details</h3>
          <p>Wonderful transition effects.</p>

        <h3>Digital Marketing package</h3>
          <p>The next and previous buttons help you to navigate through your content.</p>


For example :

Services {{5+2}}

It is is suppose to print Services 7 there, but it prints

Services {{5+2}}


Also ng-click does not work. I am new to angularjs.


//website quotation page

app.controller("webQuotationController",function($scope, $http, $location, $rootScope,  $window, $routeParams){
    $scope.selectedVar = false;
    $scope.showStep2 = false;
    $scope.seoShow = false;
    $scope.fb_advertising_budget_show = false;
    $scope.showMarketing = false;
    $scope.content_price_updated = 0;
    $scope.design_price_updated = 0;
    $scope.fullprice = 0;
    $scope.nopage =0;
    $scope.showContact = false;
    $scope.onsite_updated = 0;
    $scope.offsite_updated = 0;
    $scope.ppc_updated = 0;
    $scope.marketing_strategy_updated= 0;
    $scope.marketing_email_updated = 0;
    $scope.marketing_event_updated = 0;

    var errorMsg = "";
    var broucher_site_price = 500;
    var business_site_price = 3000;
    var ecommerce_site_price = 10000;
    var design_price = 80;  //per psd
    var content_price = 40;  //per page

    var sitePrice = 0;
    var numpage = 0;

// onsite price
    var onsite = 1;
//offsite price per month
    var offsite = 1;
//ppc price
    var ppc = 1;
//marketing strategy price
    var marketing_strategy = 1;
//email marketing price
    var marketing_email = 1;
//event management price
    var marketing_event = 1;


        console.log("web quotation page has loaded");

    //detect which page it is

    $scope.selectedSite = function(x)
        //console.log("btn clicked");

        //first check if selected site has been clicked because this is required
            case 1:
            $scope.selectedClass = "broucher";
            sitePrice = broucher_site_price;
            //default design price
            $scope.nopage = 8;
            console.log("Broucher site selected");


            $('.price-ul').append("<li class='site_type list-group-item'>Site: Broucher.</li>");


            case 2:
            $scope.selectedClass = "business_site";
            sitePrice = business_site_price;

            $('.price-ul').append("<li class='site_type list-group-item'>Site: business.</li>");
            $scope.nopage = 15;


            case 3:
            $scope.selectedClass = "ecommerce_site";
            sitePrice = ecommerce_site_price;

            $('.price-ul').append("<li class='site_type list-group-item'>Site: Ecommerce.</li>");
            $scope.nopage = 20;


            console.log("Nothing selected");

    $scope.marketing_smm_advert_selected = function()
        //if selected then show the budget box
        //console.log("budget should display");
        if($scope.marketing_smm_advert == true)
            $scope.fb_advertising_budget_show = true;
            //console.log("budget should display");
            $scope.fb_advertising_budget_show = false;

    $scope.price = function()
        if($scope.content == true)
            //find out how many pages
            numpage =  $scope.nopage;
            $scope.content_price_updated = content_price * numpage;
            $scope.content_price_updated = 0;
        if($ == true)
            //find out how many pages
            numpage = $scope.nopage;
            $scope.design_price_updated = design_price * numpage;
            $scope.design_price_updated = 0;
          $scope.fullprice = 

          + $scope.content_price_updated 
          + $scope.design_price_updated 
          + $scope.onsite_updated 
          + $scope.ppc_updated
          + $scope.offsite_updated
          + $scope.marketing_strategy_updated 
          + $scope.marketing_email_updated 
          + $scope.marketing_event_updated ;

         return $scope.fullprice;

    $scope.contentPrice = function()
        if($scope.content == true)
            //find out how many pages
            numpage =  $scope.nopage;
            $scope.content_price_updated = content_price * numpage;
            $scope.content_price_updated = 0;
        return $scope.content_price_updated;
    $scope.designPrice = function()
        if($ == true)
            //find out how many pages
            numpage = $scope.nopage;
            $scope.design_price_updated = design_price * numpage;
            $scope.design_price_updated = 0;
        return $scope.design_price_updated;     

    // onsite price
    $scope.onsitePrice = function()
        console.log("onsite function hit");
        if($scope.onsite == true)
            $scope.onsite_updated = onsite;
            console.log("onsite has been selected");
            $scope.onsite_updated = 0;
            console.log("Weird has been selected");
        return $scope.onsite_updated;
    //offsite price
    $scope.offsitePrice = function()
        if($scope.offsite == true)
            $scope.offsite_updated = offsite;
            $scope.offsite_updated = 0;         
        return $scope.offsite_updated;
    //ppc price
    $scope.ppcPrice = function()
        if($scope.ppc == true)
            $scope.ppc_updated = ppc;
            $scope.ppc_updated = 0;         
        return $scope.ppc_updated;
    //marketing strategy
    $scope.marketing_strategyPrice = function()
        if($scope.marketing_strategy == true)
            $scope.marketing_strategy_updated = marketing_strategy;
            $scope.marketing_strategy_updated = 0;          
        return $scope.marketing_strategy_updated;
    //email marketing
    $scope.marketing_emailPrice = function()
        if($scope.marketing_email == true)
            $scope.marketing_email_updated = marketing_email;
            $scope.marketing_email_updated = 0;         
        return $scope.marketing_email_updated;
    //marketing strategy
    $scope.marketing_eventPrice = function()
        if($scope.marketing_event == true)
            $scope.marketing_event_updated = marketing_event;
            console.log("marketign event price " + marketing_event );
            $scope.marketing_event_updated = 0;         
        return $scope.marketing_event_updated;

    //check if design is included

    //get smm price

    $scope.smm_package_price_get = function()

        //first detect what has been selected
        var selectedPack = $scope.smm_package;
            case "1":
            //if selected monthly
            $scope.packageName = "monthly";
            $scope.packagePrice = "150";


            case "2":
            //if selected weekly
            $scope.packageName = "weekly";
            $scope.packagePrice = "400";

            case "3":
            //if selected weekly
            $scope.packageName = "daily";
            $scope.packagePrice = "1200";

            $scope.packageName = "Nothing has selected yet";


    //show contact form before submission
    $scope.quotCompleted = function()
        //check for validation 

        if(validationCheck() == true)
            $scope.showContact = true;
            console.log("quotation has been completed");
            $scope.errorMsg = "";
            //FIND responsible box
            $scope.errorMsg = errorMsg;

    //process additinal information when submit button is clicked
    $scope.web_quot_submit = function()
        if(validationCheck() == true)
            $scope.formData = {};
            //find out if all required field has been filled
            //if valid
            if(1 == 1) //or add different this case it is always true
                //object to hold all info submitted
                var additional_personal = {
                //find list of item along with price
                final_price : $scope.price(),
                //find additioal details
                other_info : $scope.additional,
                dev_budget : $scope.budget,
                exampleSite : $scope.exampleSite,
                content: $scope.content,
                content_price: $scope.contentPrice(),
                design: $,
                design_price: $scope.designPrice(),
                page_num: $scope.nopage,
                onsite_seo_price: $scope.onsitePrice(),
                offsite_seo: $scope.offsite,
                offsite_seo_price: $scope.offsitePrice(),
                seo_budget: $scope.seo_budget,
                competetors: $scope.competetors,
                ppc : $scope.ppc,
                ppc_price: $scope.ppcPrice(),
                marketing: $,
                marketing_strategy: $scope.marketing_strategy,
                marketing_strategy_price: $scope.marketing_strategyPrice(),
                marketing_email: $scope.marketing_email,
                marketing_email_price : $scope.marketing_emailPrice(),
                marketing_event: $scope.marketing_event,
                marketing_event_price: $scope.marketing_eventPrice(),
                marketing_budget: $scope.marketing_budget,
                marketing_smm_advert: $scope.marketing_smm_advert,
                smm_advertisement_budget: $scope.smm_advertisement_budget,
                smm_package: $scope.packagePrice,
                smm_budget: $scope.smm_budget,
                //find personal details
                name  :$,
                email : $,
                phone : $


                $ = additional_personal;
                $scope.formData = additional_personal;
                // test... remove this once test is done...find out if submission is ok
                          headers: {
                            'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
                            data: additional_personal,
                                console.log("session data :"+data.result);
                                if(data.result == true)
                                    alert("Something is wrong");
                                //insert into db
                                //alert("submitted : "+additional_personal);
                                console.log("data has been sent through ajax"); 
                                console.log("umm...the api was accessed but nothing was returned");
                                console.log("there was an error with the api. Find a fallback");
                    //test ends

                //if not valid
                console.log("not valid");


            //validation error for email and name
            alert("required Contact detail missing");

    //little notification
    var displayNotification = function()
        var msg = "The quotation has been submitted";

    //validation check

    var validationCheck = function()
        var validationVariable = true; //init variable

        //check if a site has been selected
        //if site_type class is present within dom that means it is pressed

        if($scope.selectedVar == true)
            if($('input[name="nopage"]').val() > 0 )
                //if number of page input field has stuff init...then valid
                validationVariable = true;
                validationVariable = false;
                errorMsg = " Number of pages required";
            validationVariable = false;
            errorMsg = " No site type has been selected";


        return validationVariable;      

    $scope.checkIfSelectedSeo = function()
        if($scope.seo == true)
            console.log("SEO SELECTED");
            //display a box full of seo options
            $scope.seoShow = true;
            $scope.seoShow = false;
            console.log("SEO not selected");

    $scope.checkIfSelectedMarketing = function()
        if($ == true)
            console.log("marketing SELECTED");
            //display a box full of seo options
            $scope.showMarketing = true;
            $scope.showMarketing = false;
            console.log("marketing not selected");

    $scope.checkIfSelectedSocialMedia = function()
        if($scope.smm == true)
            console.log("smm SELECTED");
            $scope.showSmm = true;
            console.log("smm not SELECTED");
            $scope.showSmm = false;

Plunker See here

Upvotes: 0

Views: 77

Answers (1)

Yordan Nikolov
Yordan Nikolov

Reputation: 2678

have you set the controller for that piece of HTML

<div ng-controller="webQuotationController">
  <div step>
     <!-- rest html here -->

app.directive('step', [function() {
    return {
      restrict: 'EA',
      scope: {
        stepChanging: '='
      compile: function(element, attr) {
          bodyTag: attr.bodyTag

        return {
          pre:function() {},
          post: function(scope, element) {
            element.on('stepChanging', scope.stepChanging);

Edited: Directive example

Upvotes: 2

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