Reputation: 2702
Is it possible to get Delphi to close a ShowMessage or MessageDlg Dialog after a certain length of time?
I want to show a message to the user when the application is shut down, but do not want to stop the application from shutting down for more than 10 seconds or so.
Can I get the default dialog to close after a defined time, or will I need to write my own form?
Upvotes: 14
Views: 26115
Reputation: 21
Best way is to use a stayontop form and manage a counter to disappear using the alfpha blend property of the form, at the end of the count just close the form, but the control will be passed to the active control needed before showing the form, this way, user will have a message which disappears automatically and wont prevent the usage of the next feature, very cool trick for me.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
MessageBox calls this function internally and pass 0xFFFFFFFF as timeout parameter, so the probability of it being removed is minimal (thanks to Maurizio for that)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 11
This works fine with windows 98 and newers...
I don't use the " MessageBoxTimeOut" because old windows 98, ME, doesn't have it...
this new function works like a "CHARM"..
//add this procedure
procedure DialogBoxAutoClose(const ACaption, APrompt: string; DuracaoEmSegundos: Integer);
Form: TForm;
Prompt: TLabel;
DialogUnits: TPoint;
ButtonTop, ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight: Integer;
nX, Lines: Integer;
function GetAveCharSize(Canvas: TCanvas): TPoint;
I: Integer;
Buffer: array[0..51] of Char;
for I := 0 to 25 do Buffer[I] := Chr(I + Ord('A'));
for I := 0 to 25 do Buffer[I + 26] := Chr(I + Ord('a'));
GetTextExtentPoint(Canvas.Handle, Buffer, 52, TSize(Result));
Result.X := Result.X div 52;
Form := TForm.Create(Application);
Lines := 0;
For nX := 1 to Length(APrompt) do
if APrompt[nX]=#13 then Inc(Lines);
with Form do
Font.Name:='Arial'; //mcg
Font.Size:=10; //mcg
Canvas.Font := Font;
DialogUnits := GetAveCharSize(Canvas);
//BorderStyle := bsDialog;
BorderStyle := bsToolWindow;
FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;
BorderIcons := [];
Caption := ACaption;
ClientWidth := MulDiv(Screen.Width div 4, DialogUnits.X, 4);
ClientHeight := MulDiv(23 + (Lines*10), DialogUnits.Y, 8);
Position := poScreenCenter;
Prompt := TLabel.Create(Form);
with Prompt do
Parent := Form;
AutoSize := True;
Left := MulDiv(8, DialogUnits.X, 4);
Top := MulDiv(8, DialogUnits.Y, 8);
Caption := APrompt;
Form.Width:=Prompt.Width+Prompt.Left+50; //mcg fix
////////////////////////////How Call It//////////////////
DialogBoxAutoClose('Alert'', "This message will be closed in 10 seconds',10);
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1007
You can hook up the Screen.OnActiveFormChange event and use Screen.ActiveCustomForm if it is a interested form that you want to hook up the timer to close it
procedure abz.ActiveFormChange(Sender: TObject);
Timer: TTimer;
if (Screen.ActiveCutomForm <> nil) and //valid form
(Screen.ActiveCutomForm.Tag = 0) and //not attached a timer yet
(Screen.ActiveCutomForm.ClassName = 'TMessageForm') //any interested form type check
Timer := TTimer.Create(Screen.ActiveCutomForm); // let the form owned so it will be freed
Timer.Enabled := False;
Timer.Tag := Integer(Screen.ActiveCutomForm); // keep track to be used in timer event
.... setup any timer interval + event
Screen.ActiveCutomForm.Tag := Integer(Timer);
Timer.Enabled := True;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 32334
Your application is actually still working while a modal dialog or system message box or similar is active (or while a menu is open), it's just that a secondary message loop is running which processes all messages - all messages sent or posted to it, and it will synthesize (and process) WM_TIMER
messages when necessary as well.
So there's no need to create a thread or jump through any other hoops, you simply need to schedule the code that closes the message box to be run after those 10 seconds have elapsed. A simple way to do that is to call SetTimer()
without a target HWND
, but a callback function:
procedure CloseMessageBox(AWnd: HWND; AMsg: UINT; AIDEvent: UINT_PTR;
ATicks: DWORD); stdcall;
Wnd: HWND;
KillTimer(AWnd, AIDEvent);
// active window of the calling thread should be the message box
Wnd := GetActiveWindow;
if IsWindow(Wnd) then
PostMessage(Wnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
TimerId: UINT_PTR;
TimerId := SetTimer(0, 0, 10 * 1000, @CloseMessageBox);
Application.MessageBox('Will auto-close after 10 seconds...', nil);
// prevent timer callback if user already closed the message box
KillTimer(0, TimerId);
Error handling ommitted, but this should get you started.
Upvotes: 18
Reputation: 13485
You can do this with WTSSendMessage.
You can find this in the JWA libraries, or call it yourself.
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 6848
You can try to do it with a standard Message dialog. Create the dialog with CreateMessageDialog procedure from Dialogs and after add the controls that you need.
In a form with a TButton define onClick with this:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
// create the message
AMsgDialog := CreateMessageDialog('This is a test message.',mtWarning, [mbYes, mbNo]) ;
lbl := TLabel.Create(AMsgDialog) ;
tim := TTimer.Create(AMsgDialog);
counter := 0;
// Define and adding components
with AMsgDialog do
Caption := 'Dialog Title' ;
Height := 169;
// Label
lbl.Parent := AMsgDialog;
lbl.Caption := 'Counting...';
lbl.Top := 121;
lbl.Left := 8;
// Timer
tim.Interval := 400;
tim.OnTimer := myOnTimer;
tim.Enabled := true;
// result of Dialog
if (ShowModal = ID_YES) then begin
Button1.Caption := 'Press YES';
else begin
Button1.Caption := 'Press NO';
An the OnTimer property like this:
procedure TForm1.MyOnTimer(Sender: TObject);
lbl.Caption := 'Counting: ' + IntToStr(counter);
if (counter >= 5) then begin
Define the variables and procedure:
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
AMsgDialog: TForm;
procedure MyOnTimer(Sender: TObject);
And test it.
The form close automatically when the timer final the CountDown. Similar this you can add other type of components.
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 176
Try this:
function MessageBoxTimeOut(hWnd: HWND; lpText: PChar; lpCaption: PChar;
uType: UINT; wLanguageId: WORD; dwMilliseconds: DWORD): integer;
stdcall; external user32 name 'MessageBoxTimeoutA';
I've been using this for quite some time; it works a treat.
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 125728
No. ShowMessage and MessageDlg are both modal windows, which means that your application is basically suspended while they're displayed.
You can design your own replacement dialog that has a timer on it. In the FormShow event, enable the timer, and in the FormClose event disable it. In the OnTimer event, disable the timer and then close the form itself.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6078
OK. You have 2 choices:
1 - You can create your own MessageDialog form. Then, you can use it and add a TTimer that will close the form when you want.
2 - You can keep using showmessage and create a thread that will use FindWindow (to find the messadialog window) and then close it.
I recommend you to use you own Form with a timer on it. Its cleaner and easier.
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 28144
I thought about using a separate thread, but it's probably going to get you into a lot of unnecessary code etc. Windows dialogs were simply not made for this thing.
You should do your own form. On the good side, you can have custom code/UI with a countdown like timed dialog boxes do.
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