
Reputation: 29

Rotate Pixel-Data in a two dimensional array by x degrees (PseudoCode or Python3)

For a school project, our informatics teacher wants us to reinvent the wheel. We have given an array, representing the pixels of an image, containing Colour-Objects defined in another script. They represent a set of 4 Integers, with the Values 0 to 255 for Red, Green, Blue and Alpha Values. Now we have to do the standard operations for image manipulation on this array. We were explicitly told, to use the Internet and question-site's like stack-overflow for reference.

For which I have no approach: How to convert a given Colour-Object-Array to another Array representing the same Image, but rotated by x degrees(with expansion). Where do the new Colours/Pixels land, and how to calculate that? How to compute the new size of this Array? Is there any easy-to-understand pdf, I could work through, to understand, how, f.e. the PIL image.rotate(expand=true) algorithm works in theory, or could anybody come up with an explanation how to do this? I would appreciate pseudo-code or python 3, due to it's the only programming-language I understand.

Short example for such an Array:

BLUE  = Colour(0  ,0  ,255,255)
BLACK = Colour(0  ,0  ,0  ,255)
WHITE = Colour(255,255,255,255)
Array = [ [BLUE , BLACK, WHITE, BLUE ],
          [BLACK, BLACK, BLUE , WHITE],
          [WHITE, WHITE, BLUE , WHITE] ]

Edit: To access the Colour-Values, there are the methods getred(), getgreen(), getblue() and gettuple() - I have already implemented the "painters"-algorithm, meaning Colours can be merged by calling merge(bottomColour, topColour) this returns the resulting colour, if one is placed ontop of the other. Theory of this is found here: Determine RGBA colour received by combining two colours

We are not allowed to use numpy, or any other modules or libraries. Places where no Colour/Pixel is, should be 'None'.

Big Thanks in advance!

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2883

Answers (2)


Reputation: 15035

We need to map each coordinate in the rotated image to a corresponding coordinate in the original.

Assuming a rotation about (a, b) and counter-clockwise rotation by θ degrees:

enter image description here

Where (x, y) are in the original image and (x', y') the rotated one.

Simple technique: nearest neighbor

When sampling the pixel data using the calculated coordinates, we could simply round them to the nearest integers (i.e. nearest pixel). This gives the following result:

enter image description here

At first glance this seems good enough, but webpage re-scaling + image compression blurs the edges. A zoomed-in view reveals that the resulting image has nasty jagged edges (aliasing):

enter image description here

Filtering: bilinear approximation

To improve on this, we need to realize that the rotated "pixel" area actually covers multiple pixels in the original image:

enter image description here

We can then calculate the average pixel color as the sum of contributions from each covered original pixel weighted by their relative areas. Let's call this "anisotropic" filtering for convenience (not the exact meaning of this term, but the closest I can think of).

However the areas will be quite difficult to calculate exactly. So we can "cheat" a little by applying an approximation, where the rotated sample area (in red) is aligned with the gridlines:

enter image description here

This makes the areas a lot easier to calculate. We shall use the first-order linear average method - "bilinear" filtering.

C# code sample:

Transform trn = new Transform(a, cx, cy); // inverse rotation transform to original image space

for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
    for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
        Vector v = trn.Get((float)x, (float)y);
        int i = (int)Math.Floor(v.x),
            j = (int)Math.Floor(v.y);
        float s = v.x - (float)i,
              t = v.y - (float)j;
        RGB c = RGB.Black, u; float z, r = 0.0f;
        if ((u = src.getPixel(i, j)).Valid)
            z = (1 - s) * (1 - t); // area of overlap in top-left covered pixel
            c += u * z; r += z; // add to total color and total area
        if ((u = src.getPixel(i + 1, j)).Valid)
            z = s * (1 - t);
            c += u * z; r += z;
        if ((u = src.getPixel(i, j + 1)).Valid)
            z = (1 - s) * t;
            c += u * z; r += z;
        if ((u = src.getPixel(i + 1, j + 1)).Valid)
            z = s * t;
            c += u * z; r += z;
        if (r > 0.0f)
            dst.setPixel(x, y, c * (1.0f / r)); // normalize the sum by total area

Zoomed-in result:

enter image description here

Much better than the naive nearest-neighbor method!

OCD Alert!

Just out of curiosity, I implemented the full "anisotropic" method mentioned before. Took way longer than it should, and not exactly efficient (using Sutherland-Hodgman clipping to calculate the intersection region between the rotated pixel area and each grid pixel). Computational time went through the roof - about 7 seconds compared to less than 0.5 for the bilinear method. The end result? Not worth the effort at all!

(L: bilinear, R: anisotropic)


Code (my implementation is trash, don't bother to read it, really):

private static Vector[][] clipboxes = new Vector[][] {
    new Vector[] { new Vector(-1f,-1f), new Vector(0f,-1f), new Vector(0f,0f), new Vector(-1f,0f)},
    new Vector[] { new Vector(0f,-1f), new Vector(1f,-1f), new Vector(1f,0f), new Vector(0f,0f)},
    new Vector[] { new Vector(1f,-1f), new Vector(2f,-1f), new Vector(2f,0f), new Vector(1f,0f)},
    new Vector[] { new Vector(-1f,0f), new Vector(0f,0f), new Vector(0f,1f), new Vector(-1f,1f)},
    new Vector[] { new Vector(0f,0f), new Vector(1f,0f), new Vector(1f,1f), new Vector(0f,1f)},
    new Vector[] { new Vector(1f,0f), new Vector(2f,0f), new Vector(2f,1f), new Vector(1f,1f)},
    new Vector[] { new Vector(-1f,1f), new Vector(0f,1f), new Vector(0f,2f), new Vector(-1f,2f)},
    new Vector[] { new Vector(0f,1f), new Vector(1f,1f), new Vector(1f,2f), new Vector(0f,2f)},
    new Vector[] { new Vector(1f,1f), new Vector(2f,1f), new Vector(2f,2f), new Vector(1f,2f)}

private static bool inside(Vector a, Vector b, Vector c)
    return ((c - b) ^ (a - b)) > 0f;

private static Vector intersect(Vector a, Vector b, Vector c, Vector d)
    return (((c - d) * (a ^ b)) - ((a - b) * (c ^ d))) * (1.0f / ((a - b) ^ (c - d)));

private static float getArea(List<Vector> l)
    if (l.Count == 0) 
        return 0f;
    float sum = 0.0f;
    Vector b = l.Last();
    foreach (Vector c in l)
        sum += b ^ c;
        b = c;
    return 0.5f * Math.Abs(sum);

private static float getOverlap(Vector[] clip, Vector[] box)
    List<Vector> lO = box.ToList();
    Vector lC = clip[clip.Length - 1];
    foreach (Vector C in clip)
        if (lO.Count == 0)
            return 0.0f;
        List<Vector> lI = lO;
        Vector lB = lI.Last();
        lO = new List<Vector>();
        foreach (Vector B in lI)
            if (inside(B, lC, C))
                if (!inside(lB, lC, C))
                    lO.Add(intersect(lB, B, lC, C));
            if (inside(lB, lC, C)) 
                lO.Add(intersect(lB, B, lC, C));
            lB = B;
        lC = C;
    return getArea(lO);

// image processing code, as before

    Transform trn = new Transform(a, cx, cy);

    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
            Vector p = trn.Get((float)x, (float)y);
            int i = p.X, j = p.Y;
            Vector d = new Vector(i, j);
            List<Vector> r = new List<Vector>();
            r.Add(p - d);
            r.Add(trn.Get((float)(x+1), (float)y) - d);
            r.Add(trn.Get((float)(x+1), (float)(y+1)) - d);
            r.Add(trn.Get((float)x, (float)(y+1)) - d);
            RGB c = RGB.Black;
            float t = 0.0f;
            for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
                    float area = getOverlap(clipboxes[m * 3 + l], r.ToArray());
                    if (area > 0.0f)
                        RGB s = src.getPixel(i + l - 1, j + m - 1);
                        if (s.Valid)
                            c += s * area;
                            t += area;
            if (t > 0.0f)
                dst.setPixel(x, y, c * (1.0f / t));

There are more advanced techniques available, e.g. using Fourier transforms - see Dartmouth University's paper named High Quality Alias Free Image Rotation (directly available from their website). Also, instead of bilinear interpolation, we could have used a higher order e.g. bicubic, which would give even smoother results.

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 24484

As for placement, try to make the back transformation. Let every result pixel square be represented by its central point. For every such point let's find where belong the source point. Find, to what pixel square belongs that source point and - voila - you have the source square and source set of colours.

Notice, that using the straight order, from source to result, if you want to get the picture without holes, or overlapping, you have to find the areas of the result transformed pixels. It is very complicated. On the other hand, the reversed task can be done fast and simple.

Don't forget to count sine and cosine once and use them for every point calculation.

Upvotes: -1

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