Reputation: 3
I have been reading great posts in this forum and got close to what I want to do but couldn't figure out the exact code.
I want to create a windows batch file to do following:
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Views: 2490
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There are multiple problems.
FIND /i "%A%" ... can't work, the name of the FOR-Varibale is %%A
And the second proble: With FIND you check the content of the file not the name.
And you should use indention to avoid too much parenthesis.
You better try
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN (%listfile%) DO (
FOR %%f in (%searchdir%\*) do (
set "filename=%%~f"
set replaced=!filename:%%A=!
if !replaced! NEQ !filename! (
echo !filename! contains '%%A'
It tries to replace %%A inside of the filename with . If the replaced is not equal the filename, the filename must contain %%A
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Reputation: 3
I wrote the following code but not sure if I am in the right track. Here is my setup: list.txt file contents are (my keywords for the filename search) --
f1 folder contains --
I want to move the matching ones to F2 folder, but the code simplicity I am using echo instead.
My code is:
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
SET listfile=D:\batchtest\list.txt
SET searchdir=D:\batchtest\f1
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN (%listfile%) DO (
FOR %%f in (%searchdir%\*) do (FIND /i "%A%" %%f
if errorlevel 1 (
echo Search failed) else (
echo Search successful
It is running but not finding matching filenames.
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Reputation: 18010
I'm not running Windows at the moment, so I can only post some ideas, not the solution.
1) Use for /f
to iterate over file contents.
2) Use find "%Keyword%" %SourceDir%
to get the list of matching files. You will have to parse out file names from the output of find
2a) As an alternative, you can iterate over files in the source dir (with nested for
) and call find
for each file, discarding its output and using its exit code (%ERRORLEVEL%
) to decide whether the file matches (it will return 0 if there is a match and nonzero if there is no match). Something like this:
for %%F in (%SourceDir%\*) do (
find "%Keyword%" %%F > nul
if not errorlevel 1 (echo File %%F matches) else (echo File %%F does not match)
3) Move matching files with move
Upvotes: 1