Han Nan
Han Nan

Reputation: 117

How to write csv file with empty body using Spring batch

Im using spring boot to write my outbound batch which one of the requirement is to send and empty file with header only if there is no record found.

im using BeanPropertyRowMapper to map my JdbcCursorItemReader... why im using BeanPropertyRowMapper because there is alot column to map. if im using rowmapper it will be hell for me lol. this is the configuration :

public Step RawDataOutBoundSteps() throws IOException {

    return stepBuilderFactory.get("step1").<RawDataExtractionDTO, RawDataExtractionDTO>chunk(1000)//.faultTolerant()

the problem is, if myDBreader() queries return empty resultset, my code wont go to myProcessor hence myWriter also.

myProcessor :

public class RawDataJobProcessor implements 
ItemProcessor<RawDataExtractionDTO, RawDataExtractionDTO>{

public RawDataExtractionDTO process(RawDataExtractionDTO item) throws Exception {
    System.out.println(" Raw DAta Process");

    if(item == null )
    return null;

    return item;

my DB reader :

ItemReader<RawDataExtractionDTO> rawDataDBReader() {

    String jobName = Application.jobName;
    String sql_query = "";


        sql_query = "select * from vw_rawdata_weekly";

    }else if("RawDataOutBoundmonthly".equalsIgnoreCase(jobName)){

        sql_query = "select * from vw_rawdata_monthly";
    log.info("ENTERING rawDataDBReader  ===================");

    JdbcCursorItemReader<RawDataExtractionDTO> datareader = new 
    datareader.setRowMapper(new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>
    return datareader;

no error throw, but if i put debug point after my reader it wont go to my processor at all, it just shutdown the job.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 3584

Answers (1)

Niraj Sonawane
Niraj Sonawane

Reputation: 11115

You can implement FlatFileHeaderCallback to write header of file.


Some sample code to configure FlatFileHeaderCallback. Even reader does not read any record FlatFileHeaderCallback will be called and will write header. final file will have header only

    public FlatFileItemWriter<Person> myWriter()
        FlatFileItemWriter<Person> writer = new FlatFileItemWriter<Person>();
        writer.setResource(new FileSystemResource("output.csv"));
        DelimitedLineAggregator<Person> delLineAgg = new DelimitedLineAggregator<Person>();
        BeanWrapperFieldExtractor<Person> fieldExtractor = new BeanWrapperFieldExtractor<Person>();
        fieldExtractor.setNames(new String[] {"firstName", "lastName"});


        return writer;

public class MyFlatFileHeaderCallback implements FlatFileHeaderCallback {

    public void writeHeader(Writer writer) throws IOException {
        System.out.println("Header called");



Upvotes: 3

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