
Reputation: 51

Why I'm getting different results from GNU g++ and VC++

I'm trying to solve this problem in C++:

"Given a sequence S of integers, find a number of increasing sequences I such that every two consecutive elements in I appear in S, but on the opposite sides of the first element of I."

This is the code I've developed:


using namespace std;

struct Element {
long long height;
long long acc;
long long con;

bool fncomp(Element* lhs, Element* rhs) {
    return lhs->height < rhs->height;

int solution(vector<int> &H) {
    // set up
    int N = (int)H.size();
    if (N == 0 || N == 1) return N;
    long long sol = 0;
    // build trees
    bool(*fn_pt)(Element*, Element*) = fncomp;
    set<Element*, bool(*)(Element*, Element*)> rightTree(fn_pt),   leftTree(fn_pt);
    set<Element*, bool(*)(Element*, Element*)>::iterator ri, li;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        Element* e = new Element;
        e->acc = 0;
        e->con = 0;
        e->height = H[i];
    //tree elements set up
    ri = --rightTree.end();
    Element* elem = *ri;
    elem->con = 1;
    elem->acc = 1;
    while (elem->height > H[0]) {
        Element* succ = elem;
        elem = *ri;
        elem->con = 1;
        elem->acc = succ->acc + 1;
    elem->con = elem->acc;
    sol += elem->acc;
    // main loop
    Element* pE = new Element;
    for (int j = 1; j < (N - 1); j++) {
        // bad case
        if (H[j] < H[j - 1]) {
            Element* nE = new Element;
            nE->height = H[j];
            pE->height = H[j - 1];
            li = leftTree.lower_bound(pE);
            long ltAcc = (*li)->acc;
            ri = rightTree.lower_bound(pE);
            long rtAcc = 0;
            if (ri != rightTree.end()) rtAcc = (*ri)->acc;
            while (ri != (--rightTree.begin()) && (*ri)->height > H[j]) {
                if (fncomp(*ri, *li)) {
                    (*li)->con = rtAcc + 1;
                    (*li)->acc = rtAcc + 1 + ltAcc;
                    ltAcc = (*li)->acc;
                else {
                    (*ri)->con = ltAcc + 1;
                    (*ri)->acc = ltAcc + 1 + rtAcc;
                    rtAcc = (*ri)->acc;
            while ((*li)->height > H[j]) {
                (*li)->con = rtAcc + 1;
                (*li)->acc = rtAcc + 1 + ltAcc;
                ltAcc = (*li)->acc;
            (*li)->con = rtAcc + 1;
            (*li)->acc = rtAcc + 1 + ltAcc;
            sol += (*li)->acc;
        // good case
        else {
            Element* nE = new Element;
            nE->height = H[j];
            ri = rightTree.upper_bound(nE);
            li = leftTree.upper_bound(nE);
            if (li == leftTree.end() && ri == rightTree.end()) {
                nE->con = 1;
                nE->acc = 1;
            else if (li != leftTree.end() && ri == rightTree.end()) {
                nE->con = 1;
                nE->acc = 1 + (*li)->acc;
            else if (li == leftTree.end() && ri != rightTree.end()) {
                nE->con = (*ri)->acc + 1;
                nE->acc = nE->con;
            else {
                nE->con = (*ri)->acc + 1;
                nE->acc = nE->con + (*li)->acc;
            sol += nE->acc;
    // final step
    li = leftTree.upper_bound(*rightTree.begin());
    while (li != leftTree.end()) {
    return (int)(sol % 1000000007);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    vector<int> H = { 13, 2, 5 };
    cout << "sol: " << solution(H) << endl;

The main function calls solution(vector<int> H). The point is, when the argument has the particular value of H = {13, 2, 5} the VC++ compiled program give an output value of 7 (which is the correct one), but the GNU g++ compiled program give an output value of 5 (also clang compiled program behave like this).

I'm using this website, among others, for testing different compilers http://rextester.com/l/cpp_online_compiler_gcc

I've tried to figure out the reason for this wierd behaviour but didn't found any relevant info. Only one post treat a similar problem: Different results VS C++ and GNU g++ and that's why I'm using long long types in the code, but the problem persists.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 141

Answers (1)


Reputation: 51

The problem was decrementing the start-of-sequence --rightTree.begin()

As I found VC++ and GNU g++ does not behave the same way on above operation. Here is the code that shows the difference, adapted from http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/84609/:


using namespace std;

struct Element {
long long height;
long long acc;
long long con;

bool fncomp(Element* lhs, Element* rhs) {
    return lhs->height < rhs->height;

int main(){

    bool(*fn_pt)(Element*, Element*) = fncomp;
    set<Element*, bool(*)(Element*, Element*)> rightTree(fn_pt);
    set<Element*, bool(*)(Element*, Element*)>::iterator ri;

    ri = rightTree.begin();
    if(ri == rightTree.begin()) cout << "it works!" << endl;

Upvotes: 1

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