
Reputation: 359

How to search for an optimal solution that depends on a specific values in a matrix in C#

I need to extract the best path in terms of its length from a rectangular array like this array:

enter image description here

The pathfinding rules:

  • Start from the indexes provided in the method signature where the rowIndex and colIndex are the positions of the starting point.`
  • The ones must be able to connect with each other either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
  • The last point on the path is the cell with a value of one that has no path to any other surrounding cells with a value of one.

I tried the following recursion algorithm, but it does not work for me and generate wrong output i.e. not as expected!!.

Here are the results: Results

        using System;
        using System.IO;
        using System.Text;
        using System.Drawing;
        using System.Collections;
        using System.ComponentModel;
        using System.Windows.Forms;
        using System.Data;
        using System.Threading;
        using AUV_Topology;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using System.Media;
        using System.Linq;

        namespace AUVtopology
            public partial class Form1 : Form
              static int[,] array;
              static List<int[]> path;

// *******************************************************************************************************************************//
        //This method is used to make sure the coordinate array 
        //is contained in the list. List.contains(new int[] {val1,val2}) was not enough.
        static Boolean containsArray(List<int[]> list, int[] array)
            if (array == null || array.Length == 0)
                return false;
            foreach (var listArray in list)
                if (listArray != null && listArray.Length == array.Length)
                    for (int i = 0; i < listArray.Length; i++)
                        if (i != listArray.Length - 1)
                            if (array[i] != listArray[i] && array[i + 1] != listArray[i + 1])

                            return true;



            return false;

// *******************************************************************************************************************************//

        //This is the recursive method of the algorithm. It finds the 
        //maximum path of 1 cells in a matrix of 0/1 cells
        static List<int[]> getMaxPath(int[,] array, List<int[]> maxPath, int rowIndex, int colIndex)

            //Add the current cell to the path.
            maxPath.Add(new int[] { rowIndex, colIndex });

            //Get the array limits.
            int rowLength = array.GetLength(0);
            int colLength = array.GetLength(1);

            //If the path contains all the cells in the matrix, stop
            if (maxPath.Count >= rowLength * colLength)
                return maxPath;

            //remove one from lengths to make it the maximum index
            colLength = colLength - 1;
            rowLength = rowLength - 1;

            //We'll use this variable to see which of the 
            //potential 7 paths are the longest.
            List<int[]> futurePath;

            //Go over all 8 possible adjoining cells:
            //If we can go one down, one right, and it's a spot we 
            //have not yet visited
            if (colIndex < colLength && rowIndex < rowLength &&
                array[rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1] == 1 &&
                !containsArray(maxPath, new int[] { rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1 }))

                //We use maxPath first, since this is the first 
                //direction and by default is the longest
                maxPath = getMaxPath(array, maxPath, rowIndex + 1, colIndex + 1);

            //If we can go one down, and it's a spot we have not
            //yet visited
            if (colIndex < colLength &&
              array[rowIndex, colIndex + 1] == 1 &&
              !containsArray(maxPath, new int[] { rowIndex, colIndex + 1 }))

                //We use futurePath now, since this is a second
                //direction and a potential contender
                futurePath = getMaxPath(array, maxPath, rowIndex, colIndex + 1);

                //We only need the maximum path.
                if (futurePath.Count > maxPath.Count)
                    maxPath = futurePath;

            //If we can go one down and one left, and it's a spot
            //we have not yet visited
            if (rowIndex > 0 && colIndex < colLength &&
               array[rowIndex - 1, colIndex + 1] == 1 &&
               !containsArray(maxPath, new int[] { rowIndex - 1, colIndex + 1 }))

                futurePath = getMaxPath(array, maxPath, rowIndex - 1, colIndex + 1);
                if (futurePath.Count > maxPath.Count)
                    maxPath = futurePath;

            //If we can go one left, and it's a spot we have not
            //yet visited
            if (rowIndex > 0 &&
               array[rowIndex - 1, colIndex] == 1 &&
               !containsArray(maxPath, new int[] { rowIndex - 1, colIndex }))

                futurePath = getMaxPath(array, maxPath, rowIndex - 1, colIndex);
                if (futurePath.Count > maxPath.Count)
                    maxPath = futurePath;
            //If we can go one left and one up, and it's a spot we
            //have not yet visited
            if (rowIndex > 0 && colIndex > 0 &&
              array[rowIndex - 1, colIndex - 1] == 1 &&
              !containsArray(maxPath, new int[] { rowIndex - 1, colIndex - 1 }))

                futurePath = getMaxPath(array, maxPath, rowIndex - 1, colIndex - 1);
                if (futurePath.Count > maxPath.Count)
                    maxPath = futurePath;
            //If we can go one up, and it's a spot we have not yet
            if (colIndex > 0 &&
                array[rowIndex, colIndex - 1] == 1 &&
                !containsArray(maxPath, new int[] { rowIndex, colIndex - 1 }))

                futurePath = getMaxPath(array, maxPath, rowIndex, colIndex - 1);
                if (futurePath.Count > maxPath.Count)
                    maxPath = futurePath;
            //If we can go one up and one right, and it's a spot we
            //have not yet visited
            if (colIndex > 0 && rowIndex < rowLength &&
              array[rowIndex + 1, colIndex - 1] == 1 &&
              !containsArray(maxPath, new int[] { rowIndex + 1, colIndex - 1 }))

                futurePath = getMaxPath(array, maxPath, rowIndex + 1, colIndex - 1);
                if (futurePath.Count > maxPath.Count)
                    maxPath = futurePath;
            //If we can go one right, and it's a spot we have not
            //yet visited
            if (rowIndex < rowLength &&
              array[rowIndex + 1, colIndex] == 1 &&
              !containsArray(maxPath, new int[] { rowIndex + 1, colIndex }))

                futurePath = getMaxPath(array, maxPath, rowIndex + 1, colIndex);
                if (futurePath.Count > maxPath.Count)
                    maxPath = futurePath;

            //We return the max path. Note: If none of the directions around 
            //us was applicable, we simply return the path we started 
            //with our cell included.
            return maxPath;

Is prim algorithm the best choice ?

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Views: 175

Answers (2)


Reputation: 34421

I finally had some time to work this out. I did it with an enumerator to simplify the if loop. Did like having 8 if statements. I've been doing code like this for 40 years and know all the pitfalls.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

namespace AUV_Topology
    class Program
        public static object[] PopulationChromosomes = {
                                    new int[,] {
                                        { 1,0,1,1},
                                        { 1,1,1,0},
                                        { 1,0,1,0},
                                        { 0,1,0,0}
                                      new int[,] {
                                        { 1,1,0,1},
                                        { 1,1,0,0},
                                        { 0,1,0,0},
                                        { 1,0,1,0}
                                    new int[,] {
                                        { 1,0,0,0},
                                        { 1,1,1,1},
                                        { 1,0,0,1},
                                        { 0,0,0,1}
                                    new int[,] {
                                        { 0,1,0,0},
                                        { 1,1,1,0},
                                        { 1,0,0,1},
                                        { 0,1,0,1}
                                    new int[,] {
                                        { 0,1,0,1},
                                        { 0,1,1,0},
                                        { 1,1,0,1},
                                        { 0,0,0,1}
                                    new int[,] {
                                        { 0,1,1,0},
                                        { 1,1,0,1},
                                        { 0,1,0,1},
                                        { 1,0,0,0}

        public static int[] auvChromosomeLocationsIndexesX = { 3, 0, 1, 3, 2, 2 };
        public static int[] auvChromosomeLocationsIndexesY = { 2, 1, 0, 1, 3, 0 };

        const string FILENAME = @"C:/temp/TreeParser.txt";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(FILENAME);
            int tt = 0;

            foreach (int[,] chromosome in PopulationChromosomes)

                new SpanningTree(auvChromosomeLocationsIndexesY[tt], auvChromosomeLocationsIndexesX[tt], chromosome);
                SpanningTree.OrderHighLow(SpanningTree.root, 0);
                SpanningTree.Print(SpanningTree.root, 0, tt, sw);

    /* Class Cell */

    public class Cell

        public int row { get; set; }
        public int col { get; set; }
        public int value { get; set; }
        public Boolean visited { get; set; }


    /* Class EnumCell */

    public class EnumCell : IEnumerator<Cell>
        public EnumCell() { }

        public EnumCell(int startRow, int startCol, List<List<Cell>> graph)
            row = startRow;
            col = startCol;
            numberOfRows = graph.Count;
            numberOfCols = graph[0].Count;
            EnumCell.graph = graph;
            this.position = LOCATIONS.RESET;
        public enum XY
            Y = 0, //row 
            X = 1 //col 

        public enum LOCATIONS : byte
            RESET = 0xFF,
            TOP_LEFT = 0,

        public static List<List<Cell>> graph { get; set; }
        public static int row { get; set; }
        public static int col { get; set; }
        public static int numberOfRows { get; set; }
        public static int numberOfCols { get; set; }

        //offsets are in same order as enum location as y-offset(row), x-offset (col) 
        private static List<List<int>> offsets = new List<List<int>>() { 
        new List<int>() { -1, -1 }, 
        new List<int>() { -1, 0 }, 
        new List<int>() { -1, +1 }, 
        new List<int>() { 0, -1 }, 
        new List<int>() { 0, +1 }, 
        new List<int>() { +1, -1 }, 
        new List<int>() { +1, 0 }, 
        new List<int>() { +1, +1 } 
        public LOCATIONS position { get; set; }

        public EnumCell GetEnumerator()
            return new EnumCell(row, col, graph);

        object IEnumerator.Current
                return Current;

        /* Class Current Cell */
        public Cell Current
                    // move to first valid postion
                    if (position == LOCATIONS.RESET) position = LOCATIONS.TOP_LEFT;
                    for (LOCATIONS location = position; location < LOCATIONS.END; location++)
                        if ((row + offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.Y] >= 0) && (row + offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.Y] < numberOfRows) &&
                        (col + offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.X] >= 0) && (col + offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.X] < numberOfCols))
                            position = (LOCATIONS)location;
                            int newRow = row + offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.Y];
                            int newCol = col + offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.X];
                            return graph[newRow][newCol];
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

        public Boolean MoveNext()
            Boolean results = false;
            for (LOCATIONS location = ++position; location < LOCATIONS.END; location++)
                int y = offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.Y];
                int x = offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.X];
                if ((row + y >= 0) && (row + y < numberOfRows) &&
                (col + x >= 0) && (col + x < numberOfCols))
                    if (graph[row + y][col + x].value == 1)
                        position = (LOCATIONS)location;
                        return true;

            return results;

        public void Reset()
            position = LOCATIONS.RESET;
        public void Dispose()

    /* Class Graph */

    public class Graph
        public Graph(int[,] graph)

            this.graph = new List<List<Cell>>();
            for (int row = 0; row < graph.GetLength(0); row++)
                List<Cell> newRow = new List<Cell>();
                for (int col = 0; col < graph.GetLength(1); col++)
                    Cell newCell = new Cell();

                    newCell.row = row;
                    newCell.col = col;
                    newCell.value = graph[row, col];
                    newCell.visited = false;

        public List<List<Cell>> graph;


    /* Class SpanningTree */

    class SpanningTree
        public static Graph graph = null;
        public static SpanningTree root = null;

        public static int counter = 0;

        public int row { get; set; }
        public int col { get; set; }
        public int length { get; set; }
        public List<SpanningTree> children { get; set; }

        public SpanningTree() { }
        public SpanningTree(int startRow, int startCol, int[,] graph)
            root = new SpanningTree();
            SpanningTree.graph = new Graph(graph);
            RecursiveTree(root, SpanningTree.graph.graph[startRow][startCol]);

        public int RecursiveTree(SpanningTree parent, Cell currentCell)
            int length = 0;
            int maxLength = 0;
            parent.row = currentCell.row;
            parent.col = currentCell.col;

            graph.graph[currentCell.row][currentCell.col].visited = true;
            EnumCell enumCell = new EnumCell(currentCell.row, currentCell.col, graph.graph);

            foreach (Cell cell in enumCell)
                if (!cell.visited)
                    SpanningTree newBranch = new SpanningTree();
                    if (parent.children == null) parent.children = new List<SpanningTree>();
                    length = RecursiveTree(newBranch, SpanningTree.graph.graph[cell.row][cell.col]);

                    if (length > maxLength)
                        if ((EnumCell.numberOfRows > 7) || (EnumCell.numberOfCols > 7))
                            if (parent.children.Count == 0)
                                parent.children[0] = newBranch;
                        maxLength = length;
            graph.graph[currentCell.row][currentCell.col].visited = false;

            parent.length = maxLength;
            return maxLength + 1;
        public static void OrderHighLow(SpanningTree parent, int level)
            if (parent.children != null)
                parent.children = parent.children.OrderByDescending(x => x.length).ToList();
                foreach (SpanningTree child in parent.children)
                    OrderHighLow(child, level + 1);

        public static void Print(SpanningTree parent, int level, int chromosomeNum, StreamWriter sw)
            sw.WriteLine("------------------- Chromosome : {0} -------------------", chromosomeNum);
            //Print(parent, level, sw); 
            PrintLongest(parent, level, sw);
            counter = 0;

        private static void Print(SpanningTree parent, int level, StreamWriter sw)
            sw.WriteLine("{0}Level : '{1}', Row : '{2}', Col : '{3}', Length : '{4}'", new string(' ', 4 * level), level, parent.row, parent.col, parent.length);

            if (parent.children != null)
                foreach (SpanningTree child in parent.children)

                    Print(child, level + 1, sw);

                    if (child.length == 0)

                        sw.WriteLine("||,,,,,,Branch {0},,,,,,||", counter);
                        sw.WriteLine("{0}Level : '{1}', Row : '{2}', Col : '{3}', Length : '{4}'", new string(' ', 4 * level), level, root.row, root.col, root.length);
                        counter += 1;



        public static void PrintLongest(SpanningTree parent, int level, StreamWriter sw)
            sw.WriteLine("{0}Level : '{1}', Row : '{2}', Col : '{3}', Length : '{4}'", new string(' ', 4 * level), level, parent.row, parent.col, parent.length);

            if (parent.children != null)
                PrintLongest(parent.children[0], level + 1, sw);

}// end name space

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 34421

Here is code using a Class Project that works without compiler errors

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Auv_Topology
    public class Cell

        public int row { get; set; }
        public int col { get; set; }
        public int value { get; set; }
        public Boolean visited { get; set; }


    public class EnumCell : IEnumerator<Cell>
        public EnumCell() { }

        public EnumCell(int startRow, int startCol, List<List<Cell>> graph)
            this.row = startRow;
            this.col = startCol;
            this.numberOfRows = graph.Count;
            this.numberOfCols = graph[0].Count;
            this.graph = graph;
        public enum XY
            Y = 0,  //row
            X = 1   //col

        public enum LOCATIONS : byte
            TOP_LEFT = 0,

        public List<List<Cell>> graph { get; set; }
        public int row { get; set; }
        public int col { get; set; }
        public int numberOfRows { get; set; }
        public int numberOfCols { get; set; }

        //offsets are in same order as enum location as y-offset(row), x-offset (col)
        private List<List<int>> offsets = new List<List<int>>() {
        new List<int>() { -1, -1 },
        new List<int>() { -1, 0 },
        new List<int>() { -1, +1 },
        new List<int>() { 0, -1 },
        new List<int>() { 0, +1 },
        new List<int>() { +1, -1 },
        new List<int>() { +1, 0 },
        new List<int>() { +1, +1 }
        public LOCATIONS position { get; set; }

        public EnumCell GetEnumerator()
            return new EnumCell(row, col, graph);

        object IEnumerator.Current
                return Current;

        public Cell Current
                    // move to first valie postion
                    for (LOCATIONS location = position; location < LOCATIONS.END; location++)
                        if ((row + offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.Y] >= 0) && (row + offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.Y] < numberOfRows) &&
                            (col + offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.X] > 0) && (col + offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.X] < numberOfCols))
                            position = (LOCATIONS)location;
                            int newRow = row + offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.Y];
                            int newCol = col + offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.X];
                            return graph[newRow][newCol];
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

        public Boolean MoveNext()
            Boolean results = false;
            for (LOCATIONS location = ++position; location < LOCATIONS.END; location++)
                int y = offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.Y];
                int x = offsets[(byte)location][(int)XY.X];
                if ((row + y >= 0) && (row + y < numberOfRows) &&
                    (col + x > 0) && (col + x < numberOfCols))
                    if (graph[row + y][col + x].value == 1)
                        position = (LOCATIONS)location;
                        return true;

            return results;

        public void Reset()
            position = LOCATIONS.TOP_LEFT;
        public void Dispose()

Upvotes: 1

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