Reputation: 25
First, sorry my english.
I'm developing a DSL. In the main window I have two panels: a list of shapes and the diagram itself. I would like, when clicking on an item in the list, to center its shape on the screen (diagram panel).
I don't want to move the shape to the center of the diagram. I want to scroll the diagram to center the shape.
Another way to explain: When a validation error occurs (Error List window on bottom), and when clicking on the error, it centers the invalid shape on the screen, right? That's what I want.
Start point:
private void symbolsListBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var listBox = sender as ListBox;
var symbol = listBox.SelectedItem as Symbol;
var compartment = PresentationViewsSubject.GetPresentation(symbol)
.FirstOrDefault() as SymbolCompartmentShape;
var diagram = docView.CurrentDiagram;
//Next step, center the shape
//How? God please help me!!!
Image example is always better!! So...
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Views: 232
Reputation: 779
What you can do is locate the shape in the diagram and select it. The diagram will automatically make it visible if necessary.
Here's the code I use for that. Note that this starts from the ModelElement (not the shape).
Now the extension methods:
public static bool LocateInDiagram(this ModelElement element)
// Validation
SmartGuard.NotNull(() => element, element);
// Get the diagram view
DiagramView diagramView = element.GetActiveDiagramView();
if (diagramView != null)
// Select it
return diagramView.SelectModelElement(element);
// Default result
return false;
public static DiagramView GetActiveDiagramView(this ModelElement element)
// Validation
SmartGuard.NotNull(() => element, element);
// Get the shape that corresponds to this model element
ShapeElement shapeElement = element.GetShapeElement();
if (shapeElement != null)
// Result
return shapeElement.GetActiveDiagramView();
// Default result
return null;
public static ShapeElement GetShapeElement(this ModelElement element)
// Validation
SmartGuard.NotNull(() => element, element);
// Get the first shape
// If the model element is in a compartment the result will be null
ShapeElement shape = element.GetFirstShapeElement();
if (shape == null)
// If the element is in a compartment, try to get the parent model element to select that
ModelElement parentElement = element.GetCompartmentElementFirstParentElement();
if (parentElement != null)
shape = parentElement.GetFirstShapeElement();
// Result
return shape;
private static ShapeElement GetFirstShapeElement(this ModelElement element)
// Presentation elements
LinkedElementCollection<PresentationElement> presentations = PresentationViewsSubject.GetPresentation(element);
foreach (PresentationElement presentation in presentations)
ShapeElement shapeElement = presentation as ShapeElement;
if (shapeElement != null)
return shapeElement;
// Default result
return null;
private static ModelElement GetCompartmentElementFirstParentElement(this ModelElement modelElement)
// Get the domain class associated with model element.
DomainClassInfo domainClass = modelElement.GetDomainClass();
if (domainClass != null)
// A element is only considered to be in a compartment if it participates in only 1 embedding relationship
// This might be wrong for some models
if (domainClass.AllEmbeddedByDomainRoles.Count == 1)
DomainRoleInfo roleInfo = domainClass.AllEmbeddedByDomainRoles[0];
if (roleInfo != null)
// Get a collection of all the links to this model element
// Since this is in a compartment there should be at least one
// There can be only one.
ReadOnlyCollection<ElementLink> links = roleInfo.GetElementLinks(modelElement);
if (links.Count == 1)
// Get the model element participating in the link that isn't the current one
// That will be the parent
// Probably there is a better way to achieve the same result
foreach (ModelElement linkedElement in links[0].LinkedElements)
if (!modelElement.Equals(linkedElement))
return linkedElement;
// Default result
return null;
public static DiagramView GetActiveDiagramView(this ShapeElement shape)
// Validation
SmartGuard.NotNull(() => shape, shape);
// Result
if (shape.Diagram != null)
return shape.Diagram.ActiveDiagramView;
// Default result
return null;
public static bool SelectModelElement(this DiagramView diagramView, ModelElement modelElement, bool ensureVisible)
// Validation
SmartGuard.NotNull(() => diagramView, diagramView);
SmartGuard.NotNull(() => modelElement, modelElement);
// Get the shape element that corresponds to the model element
ShapeElement shapeElement = modelElement.GetPresentation<ShapeElement>();
if (shapeElement != null)
// Make sure the shape element is visible (because connectors can be hidden)
if (!shapeElement.IsVisible)
// Create a diagram item for this shape element and select it
diagramView.SelectDiagramItem(new DiagramItem(shapeElement), ensureVisible);
return true;
// If the model element does not have a shape, try to cast it IModelElementCompartmented
IModelElementCompartmented compartmentedModelElement = modelElement as IModelElementCompartmented;
if (compartmentedModelElement != null)
// Get the parent
IModelElementWithCompartments parentModelElement = compartmentedModelElement.ParentModelElement;
if (parentModelElement != null)
// Get the compartment that stores the model element
ElementListCompartment compartment = parentModelElement.GetCompartment(compartmentedModelElement.CompartmentName);
if (compartment == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Properties.Resources.RES_Error_CannotFindCompartment, compartmentedModelElement.CompartmentName));
// Expand the compartment?
if (!compartment.IsExpanded)
using (Transaction trans = modelElement.Store.TransactionManager.BeginTransaction("IsExpanded"))
compartment.IsExpanded = true;
// Find the model element in the compartment
int index = compartment.Items.IndexOf(modelElement);
if (index >= 0)
// Create a diagram item and select it
diagramView.SelectDiagramItem(new DiagramItem(compartment, compartment.ListField, new ListItemSubField(index)), ensureVisible);
// Result OK
return true;
// Default result
return false;
Notice that this last method has a "trick" to deal with shapes that have compartments (IModelElementCompartmented). You can omit this part if your shapes don't have compartments.
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