Reputation: 372
I'm trying to calculate the CRC32-C checksum value. I referred lot of online CRC calculators and lot of websites for writing my own crc checksum calculator. I'm not getting the expected result. From my research only "" is giving my expected value.
I see there are many approaches with tables, without tables.. etc Nothing seems to be working for me, I'm uploading simple approach program which i used to calculate crc
def convertobin(input_message):
input_message = bin(input_message[::-1])
return input_message
def find_xor(polynomial, input_message):
# print polynomial
print input_message
xor = polynomial ^ input_message
return xor
def find_crc(polynomial, packet):
print len(packet)
input_messageInBin = bin(int(packet,16))[2:]
print input_messageInBin, type(input_messageInBin)
input_messageInBin = input_messageInBin + '0'*31
inputMessageLength = len(input_messageInBin)
firstTime = 1
remainder = 0
startmarker = 0
control = 1
diff = 0
stopmarker = 0
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
while control:
if len(input_messageInBin) > (startmarker + 32) :
if firstTime:
inputString = input_messageInBin[0:POLY_LENGTH]
stopmarker = POLY_LENGTH - 1
xor = find_xor(polynomial, int(inputString,2))
xor_bits_length = len(bin(xor)) - 2
remainder = str(bin(xor))[2:]
diff = POLY_LENGTH - xor_bits_length
firstTime = 0
startmarker = startmarker + diff - 1
diff_bits = input_messageInBin[stopmarker+1:stopmarker+diff+1]
inputString = remainder + diff_bits
print "--------------------------------------------------------"
print "Total number of different bits are: ", diff
print "remainder + diff_bits : ", remainder, "+", diff_bits
print "XOR of :"
print inputString
print bin(polynomial)[2:]
xor = find_xor(polynomial, int(inputString,2))
xor_bits_length = len(bin(xor)) - 2
remainder = str(bin(xor))[2:]
print remainder
print "--------------------------------------------------------"
diff = POLY_LENGTH - xor_bits_length
stopmarker = stopmarker + diff
startmarker = startmarker + diff
control = 0
remainder = remainder + input_messageInBin[startmarker:stopmarker]
print stopmarker
print startmarker
return remainder
val = find_crc(0x1EDC6F41, 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0F0FB01013F2E8FAF0421208')
print val
I'm trying to get this working. Appreciate if somebody has solution for this
Upvotes: 1
Views: 5340
Reputation: 12597
As far as I tested module to use CRC-32C (nasty mangling ceph objects), the best was crccheck
, it does not require SSE4 like the most of its implementations.
>>> from crccheck.crc import Crc32c
>>> Crc32c().process(b'kwarunek').finalhex()
'aa862086' gives the same results.
Edit: calc for hex value
is able to calc checksum for a hex value, just requires the value to be passed as bytes - method for large integers:
x = int('FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0F0FB01013F2E8FAF0421208', 16)
nbytes, rem = divmod(x.bit_length(), 8)
if rem: nbytes += 1
prepared = x.to_bytes(nbytes, 'big')
Upvotes: 2