Reputation: 349
I have built an SSIS package which reads CSV from certain folder. But now I need to download same csv from exchange server.Also Outlook is not installed on my machine. Will I be able to download CSV from exchange server and how ? Thanks!
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Views: 5361
Reputation: 349
I have used some of the code from the link but i have added some new code for removing TCP binding error using ServicePointManager as well as added search filter for retrieving specific emails and this code also takes care of multiple attachment from different emails to be saved on file system.
public void Main()
string filePath = "";
string fileName = "";
List<SearchFilter> searchFilterCollection = new List<SearchFilter>();
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
DateTime beginRecievedTime = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 7, 55, 0);
DateTime finishRecievedTime = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 8, 15, 0);
EmailMessage latestEmail = null;
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;
ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010);
service.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
//service.Credentials = new WebCredentials("username", "password");
service.Url = new Uri("");
// 10 mails per page in DESC order
ItemView view = new ItemView(10);
view.OrderBy.Add(ItemSchema.DateTimeReceived, SortDirection.Descending);
searchFilterCollection.Add(new SearchFilter.ContainsSubstring(ItemSchema.Subject, "Scheduled search"));
SearchFilter greaterthanfilter = new SearchFilter.IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(ItemSchema.DateTimeReceived, beginRecievedTime);
SearchFilter lessthanfilter = new SearchFilter.IsLessThan(ItemSchema.DateTimeReceived, finishRecievedTime);
SearchFilter filter = new SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection(LogicalOperator.And, searchFilterCollection);
//Find mails
FindItemsResults<Item> fir = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, filter, view);
Dictionary<EmailMessage, string> emailsMap = new Dictionary<EmailMessage, string>();
foreach (Item item in fir.Items)
item.Load(); //Load the entire message with attachment
EmailMessage email = item as EmailMessage;
if (email != null)
if (email.HasAttachments == true && email.Attachments.Count == 1)
if (email.Subject.StartsWith("Scheduled search") == true)
filePath = Path.Combine(Dts.Variables["User::SourceFolderPath"].Value.ToString()
, email.DateTimeReceived.Date.ToString("MM.dd.yyyy") + "_" +
// fileName = email.DateTimeReceived.Date.ToString("MM.dd.yyyy") + "_" +
// email.Attachments[0].Name.ToString();
emailsMap.Add(email, filePath);
if (emailsMap.Count > 0) {
foreach (var item in emailsMap) {
//Save attachment
EmailMessage email = item.Key;
filePath = item.Value;
FileAttachment fileAttachment = email.Attachments[0] as FileAttachment;
string extractPath = Dts.Variables["User::SourceFolderPath"].Value.ToString() + "\\" + email.Attachments[0].Name;
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(filePath, extractPath);
fileName = Dts.Variables["User::SourceFolderPath"].Value.ToString() + "\\" + email.DateTimeReceived.Date.ToString("MM.dd.yyyy") + "_" +
if (File.Exists(fileName))
// Dts.Variables["User::SourceFileName"].Value = fileName;
Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
catch(System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
if (Dts.Variables.Locked == true)
//An error occurred.
Dts.Events.FireError(0, "Error occured", ex.Message, String.Empty, 0);
Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Failure;
Upvotes: 1