Reputation: 321
Python 3.4 Kivy 1.10.0
I am attempting to use Kivy Animation class to animate my an Image class. This is so because I want to modify the anim_delay and position values for each image separately.
I want to modify the 'source' property of an image class. Although it recognizes the 'source' property, it attempts to multiply the filename string file.
How can I modify the image file names?
Working Example:
from import App
from kivy.animation import Animation
from kivy.clock import Clock
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.image import Image
class Test(App):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Test, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.content = BoxLayout()
self.content.orientation = 'vertical'
self.anim_image = Image(source = 'image1.png')
self.anim_button = Button(on_press=self.animate_image)
def build(self):
return self.content
def animate_image(self, *args, **kwargs):
image_animate = Animation()
for i in range(4):
image_animate += Animation(x = (i + 10), source = 'image' + str(i) + '.png', duration=(0.10 * i))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Error Log:
[INFO ] [Base ] Leaving application in progress...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python34x86\projects\rogue_like_app\repeatable issues\", line 31, in <module>
File "C:\Python34x86\lib\site-packages\kivy\", line 828, in run
File "C:\Python34x86\lib\site-packages\kivy\", line 504, in runTouchApp
File "C:\Python34x86\lib\site-packages\kivy\core\window\", line 663, in mainloop
File "C:\Python34x86\lib\site-packages\kivy\core\window\", line 405, in _mainloop
File "C:\Python34x86\lib\site-packages\kivy\", line 339, in idle
File "C:\Python34x86\lib\site-packages\kivy\", line 581, in tick
File "kivy\_clock.pyx", line 367, in kivy._clock.CyClockBase._process_events (kivy\_clock.c:7700)
File "kivy\_clock.pyx", line 397, in kivy._clock.CyClockBase._process_events (kivy\_clock.c:7577)
File "kivy\_clock.pyx", line 395, in kivy._clock.CyClockBase._process_events (kivy\_clock.c:7498)
File "kivy\_clock.pyx", line 167, in kivy._clock.ClockEvent.tick (kivy\_clock.c:3490)
File "C:\Python34x86\lib\site-packages\kivy\", line 345, in _update
value = calculate(a, b, t)
File "C:\Python34x86\lib\site-packages\kivy\", line 376, in _calculate
return (a * (1. - t)) + (b * t)
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'
Looking into from Kivy Code I see that the values that return an error from above are:
a = image2.png
b = image1.png
t = 0.0
Does this mean this doing an animation like I was planning to in not inherent in the Kivy code? Or, how do I fix this issue so that the animation will loop correctly?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 3076
Reputation: 8041
The error occurs because the Animation cannot do a transition from an str object to an str object "image0.png" -> "image1.png" !?
One way to work around this is to use the on_complete callback
def animate_image(self, *args, **kwargs):
image_animate = Animation()
def f(i, w):
w.source = 'image%d.jpg' % i
for i in range(4):
a = Animation(x = (i + 10), duration=(0.10 * i),
a.on_complete = functools.partial(f, i)
image_animate += a
Another option is to have a image_num property on the image and bind it so it will change the image accordingly ...
for example in the KV file:
image_num: 0
source: "image%d.png" % int(self.image_num)
and in the .py file:
image_animate += Animation(x = (i + 10), image_num=i, duration=(0.10 * i))
Upvotes: 7