Reputation: 1146
I'm trying to transfer file using smack extension library 4.2.0 but couldn't able to successfully transfer file. When i try to transfer file this is the error I'm getting
org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException$XMPPErrorException: XMPP error reply received from 252615100006@server/Smack: XMPPError: service-unavailable - cancel
Even though the peer 00006 is online but I don't why I'm receiving error from the peer
This is my code to transfer file
public void sendImageMessage(String sendTo, String imagePath) throws XmppStringprepException {
FileTransferManager manager = FileTransferManager.getInstanceFor(mConnection);
EntityBareJid jid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(sendTo);
EntityFullJid entityFullJid = JidCreate.entityFullFrom(jid+"/Smack");
Domainpart domainpart = entityFullJid.getDomain();
// Log.d(TAG ," JID Domain "
OutgoingFileTransfer outgoingFileTransfer = manager.createOutgoingFileTransfer(entityFullJid);
File file = new File(imagePath);
try {
outgoingFileTransfer.sendFile(file, file.getName());
} catch (SmackException e) {
while (!outgoingFileTransfer.isDone()) {
if (outgoingFileTransfer.getStatus().equals(FileTransfer.Status.error)) {
System.out.println("ERROR!!! " + outgoingFileTransfer.getError());
} else if (outgoingFileTransfer.getStatus().equals(FileTransfer.Status.cancelled)
|| outgoingFileTransfer.getStatus().equals(FileTransfer.Status.refused)) {
System.out.println("Cancelled!!! " + outgoingFileTransfer.getError());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (outgoingFileTransfer.getStatus().equals(FileTransfer.Status.refused) || outgoingFileTransfer.getStatus().equals(FileTransfer.Status.error)
|| outgoingFileTransfer.getStatus().equals(FileTransfer.Status.cancelled)) {
System.out.println("refused cancelled error" + outgoingFileTransfer.getError().toString());
} else {
Any help and guidance is much appreciated
Edit : I user spark client to transfer files using my server it susseccfully tranfered the file. So the problem is not with server I thin't it's in code on client side.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1301
Reputation: 1228
I had same problem, I investigated the stanza and solved it this way.
Many people use "/Smack" or "/Resource" as resource part in jid, but that can be done another way.
Resource path is changing with every presence changed of user. Lets say we want to send image to this user: "user1@mydomain"
You must add "/Resource" or "/Smack" part to this jid and it become this: user1@mydomain/Resource
But resource path is changing with presence so you must follow every presence change to update resource path. Best way is to get user presence is in roster listener and in presencheChanged() method you get last user resource part like this:
Roster roster=getRoster();
roster.addRosterListener(new RosterListener() {
public void entriesAdded(Collection<Jid> addresses) {
Log.d("entriesAdded", "ug");
context.sendBroadcast(new Intent("ENTRIES_ADDED"));
public void entriesUpdated(Collection<Jid> addresses) {
Log.d("entriesUpdated", "ug");
public void entriesDeleted(Collection<Jid> addresses) {
Log.d("entriesDeleted", "ug");
public void presenceChanged(Presence presence) {
Log.d("presenceChanged", "ug");
//Resource from presence
String resource = presence.getFrom().getResourceOrEmpty().toString();
//Update resource part for user in DB or preferences
Resource string will be some generated string like "6u1613j3kv" and jid will become: user1@mydomain/6u1613j3kv
That means that you must create your outgoing transfer like this:
EntityFullJid jid = JidCreate.entityFullFrom("user1@mydomain/6u1613j3kv");
OutgoingFileTransfer transfer = manager.createOutgoingFileTransfer(jid)
In your case like this:
EntityBareJid jid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(sendTo);
EntityFullJid entityFullJid = JidCreate.entityFullFrom(jid + resource);
Where resource
is resourcepart from Presence in listener.
And that is how i have solved my problem with file transfer on smack and Openfire.
Also to mention you must add following properties in your Openfire server:
xmpp.proxy.enabled - true
xmpp.proxy.externalip - MY_IP_ADDRESS
xmpp.proxy.port -7777
Just to mention, I am using Openfire 4.0.2 and Smack 4.2.2.
Also this can be configured the easy way, just set the resource on
XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration.Builder .
XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration.Builder configurationBuilder =
Upvotes: 1