Reputation: 2923
The closest example I can get is found in this issue:
With this minimum reproducible code:
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.python.framework.ops as ops
g = tf.Graph()
with g.as_default():
A = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal( [25,16] ))
B = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal( [16,9] ))
C = tf.matmul(A,B) # shape=[25,9]
for op in g.get_operations():
flops = ops.get_stats_for_node_def(g, op.node_def, 'flops').value
if flops is not None:
print 'Flops should be ~',2*25*16*9
print '25 x 25 x 9 would be',2*25*25*9 # ignores internal dim, repeats first
print 'TF stats gives',flops
However, the FLOPS returned is always None. Is there a way to concretely measure FLOPS, especially with a PB file?
Upvotes: 27
Views: 33640
Reputation: 32700
Another user posted an answer. It was deleted by a mod so it cannot be restored. But it does solve the problem, and better than other answers. So I repeat it here.
You can use following pip package to get some basic information like model's memory requirement, no. of parameters, flops etc.
it'll output something like
Model Profile | Value | Unit |
Selected GPUs | ['0', '1'] | GPU IDs |
No. of FLOPs | 0.30932349055999997 | BFLOPs |
GPU Memory Requirement | 7.4066760912537575 | GB |
Model Parameters | 138.357544 | Million |
Memory Required by Model Weights | 527.7921447753906 | MB |
[Copied verbatim from the library website]
from tensorflow.keras.applications import VGG16
model = VGG16(include_top=True)
from model_profiler import model_profiler
Batch_size = 128
profile = model_profiler(model, Batch_size)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 321
The above approaches no longer work for TF2.0 as the profiler methods have been deprecated and moved under compat.v1
. Seems like this feature still needs to be implemented.
Below is an issue on Github:
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 7908
I would like to build on Tobias Schnek's answer as well as answering the original question: how to get FLOP from a pb
Running the first snippet of code from Tobias answer with TensorFlow 1.6.0
g = tf.Graph()
run_meta = tf.RunMetadata()
with g.as_default():
A = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([25,16]))
B = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([16,9]))
C = tf.matmul(A,B)
opts = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder.float_operation()
flops = tf.profiler.profile(g, run_meta=run_meta, cmd='op', options=opts)
if flops is not None:
print('Flops should be ~',2*25*16*9)
print('TF stats gives',flops.total_float_ops)
We get the following ouput:
Flops should be ~ 7200
TF stats gives 8288
So, why do we get 8288
instead of the expected result 7200=2*25*16*9
[a]? The answer is in the way the tensors A
and B
are initialised. Initialising with a Gaussian distribution costs some FLOP. Changing the definition of A
and B
A = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.zeros([25, 16]))
B = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.zeros([16, 9]))
gives the expected output 7200
Usually, a network's variables are initialised with Gaussian distributions among other schemes. Most of the time, we are not interested by the initialisation FLOP as they are done once during initialisation and do not happen during the training nor the inference. So, how could one get the exact number of FLOP disregarding the initialisation FLOP?
Freeze the graph with a pb
. Calculating the FLOP from a pb
file was, actually, the OP's use case.
The following snippet illustrates this:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_util
def load_pb(pb):
with tf.gfile.GFile(pb, "rb") as f:
graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph:
tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='')
return graph
# ***** (1) Create Graph *****
g = tf.Graph()
sess = tf.Session(graph=g)
with g.as_default():
A = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.random_normal([25, 16]))
B = tf.Variable(initial_value=tf.random_normal([16, 9]))
C = tf.matmul(A, B, name='output')
flops = tf.profiler.profile(g, options = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder.float_operation())
print('FLOP before freezing', flops.total_float_ops)
# *****************************
# ***** (2) freeze graph *****
output_graph_def = graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(sess, g.as_graph_def(), ['output'])
with tf.gfile.GFile('graph.pb', "wb") as f:
# *****************************
# ***** (3) Load frozen graph *****
g2 = load_pb('./graph.pb')
with g2.as_default():
flops = tf.profiler.profile(g2, options = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder.float_operation())
print('FLOP after freezing', flops.total_float_ops)
FLOP before freezing 8288
FLOP after freezing 7200
[a] Usually the FLOP of a matrix multiplication are mq(2p -1) for the product AB where A[m, p]
and B[p, q]
but TensorFlow returns 2mpq for some reason. An issue has been opened to understand why.
Upvotes: 29
Reputation: 633
A little bit late but maybe it helps some visitors in future. For your example I successfully tested the following snippet:
g = tf.Graph()
run_meta = tf.RunMetadata()
with g.as_default():
A = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal( [25,16] ))
B = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal( [16,9] ))
C = tf.matmul(A,B) # shape=[25,9]
opts = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder.float_operation()
flops = tf.profiler.profile(g, run_meta=run_meta, cmd='op', options=opts)
if flops is not None:
print('Flops should be ~',2*25*16*9)
print('25 x 25 x 9 would be',2*25*25*9) # ignores internal dim, repeats first
print('TF stats gives',flops.total_float_ops)
It's also possible to use the profiler in combination with Keras
like the following snippet:
import tensorflow as tf
import keras.backend as K
from keras.applications.mobilenet import MobileNet
run_meta = tf.RunMetadata()
with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess:
net = MobileNet(alpha=.75, input_tensor=tf.placeholder('float32', shape=(1,32,32,3)))
opts = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder.float_operation()
flops = tf.profiler.profile(sess.graph, run_meta=run_meta, cmd='op', options=opts)
opts = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder.trainable_variables_parameter()
params = tf.profiler.profile(sess.graph, run_meta=run_meta, cmd='op', options=opts)
print("{:,} --- {:,}".format(flops.total_float_ops, params.total_parameters))
I hope I could help!
Upvotes: 23