Reputation: 69
When I compile my code is ok, but when I call and execute the function Quicksort, the program seems to be in infinite loop. What Can I do ? I tested all the functions, but it seems the problem is in tQuicksort function. I'm a beginner.
let h l =
match l with
| [] -> raise (Failure "head")
| x::xs -> x;;
let t l =
match l with
| [] -> raise (Failure "tail")
| x::xs -> xs;;
let rec trev l r =
match l with
| [] -> r
| x::xs -> trev xs (x::r);;
let rev l = trev l [];;
let rec tunir l1 l2 r =
match l1 with
| [] -> if l2 == [] then
rev r
tunir [] (t l2) ((h l2)::r)
| x1::xs1 -> tunir xs1 l2 (x1::r);;
let unir l1 l2 = tunir l1 l2 [];;
let rec tpart x l l1 l2 =
match l with
| [] -> if l1 == [] then
((x::[]), l2)
(l1, (x::l2))
| (lx:: lxs) -> if (h l) <= x then
tpart x (t l) ((h l)::l1) l2
tpart x (t l) l1 ((h l)::l2);;
let part x l = tpart x l [] [];;
let rec tnroelem l n =
match l with
| [] -> n
| x::xs -> tnroelem (t l) (n+1);;
let nroelem l = tnroelem l 0;;
let rec tunirL l r =
match l with
| [] -> rev r
| lx::lxs -> if lx == [] then tunirL lxs r
else tunirL((t lx)::lxs) ((h lx)::r);;
let unirL l = tunirL l [];;
let rec tquicksort lm l lM =
match l with
| [] -> unirL (unir (rev lm) lM)
| lx::lxs -> let (la, lb) = part (h l) (t l) in
if (nroelem la < nroelem lb) then tquicksort ((quicksort la)::lm) lb lM
else tquicksort lm la ((quicksort lb)::lM)
and quicksort l = tquicksort [] l [];;
let rec geraListaT n l =
if n == 0 then l
else geraListaT (n-1) (n::l);;
let geraLista n = geraListaT n [];;
let lista : int list = geraLista 9;;
List.iter (fun x->print_int x) (quicksort lista)
Upvotes: 2
Views: 288
Reputation: 12103
You are missing a case when you're attempting to quicksort lm l lM
and l
only has one element. In that case the branch taken is
| lx::lxs -> let (la, lb) = part (h l) (t l) in
if (nroelem la < nroelem lb)
then tquicksort ((quicksort la)::lm) lb lM
else tquicksort lm la ((quicksort lb)::lM)
And then no matter what the result of the if
is, you perform a recursive call quicksort lm' l' lM'
where l'
also has only one element. This can be fixed by adding an extra case after the one for the empty list:
| lx::[] -> unirL (unir (rev (l :: lm)) lM)
Upvotes: 4