Bikesh Thakur
Bikesh Thakur

Reputation: 1024

Display Nested array from JSON data to tableview using Alamofire

I have displayed first json data in tableview but when trying to display array data of inner array data it's showing blank data on table view , I have tired many ways sometimes it showing me Index out of range don't know where i'am getting wrong or forget to write code , I'am able to display that Fees class data in table view but not able to display description data ,Or do i need to change my Ui desgin

here i have model class

class Fees {
    var Billno = String()
    var DateOfReciept = String()
    var amount =  String()
    var status = String()
    var recivedDate = String()
    var AmountPaid = String()
    var descriptions = [Description]()

    init(feesJson:JSON) {
        self.Billno = feesJson["RecieptNo"].stringValue
        self.DateOfReciept = feesJson["DateOfReciept"].stringValue
        self.amount = feesJson["dueAmount"].stringValue
        self.status = feesJson["Status"].stringValue
        self.recivedDate = feesJson["recivedDate"].stringValue
        self.AmountPaid = feesJson["AmountPaid"].stringValue

        if let description = feesJson["Description"] as? JSON, let desArray = description.array{
            for desc in desArray{
                let desfees = Description(feedesJson: desc)


class Description{
var amountdes =  String()
    var des = String()

        self.amountdes = feedesJson["Amount"].stringValue
        self.des = feedesJson["des"].stringValue


code for getting JSON data

@IBOutlet weak var tableview1: UITableView!
    var fees : [Fees] = []
    var descriptionFe : [Description] = []
func getFees() {
        let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
        let student_id =  defaults.string(forKey: "masteridKey")

        let std_id_String = student_id?.replacingOccurrences(of: "[^0-9 ]", with: "", options: NSString.CompareOptions.regularExpression, range:nil)

        let url = NSURL(string: "" + "?ID=" + std_id_String! + "&fromDate=" + "&toDate=")
        var request = URLRequest(url: url! as URL)
        request.httpMethod = "GET"
        request.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
        Alamofire.request(request).responseJSON(){ response in
            switch response.result{
            case.success(let data):

                let myresponse = JSON(data)


               // dictdata = myresponse.arrayObject

                for fee in myresponse.array!
                    let feesObj = Fees(feesJson: fee)
                    self.fees.append(feesObj) // here I'am getting array data but not descripition datas and while calling from here to tableview its giving me blank


                for fee in myresponse.array!
                //self.descriptionFe = feesObj.descriptions

                let feesdesc =  Description(feedesJson: fee)


            case.failure(let error):
                print("Not Success",error)



for display to tableview

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
       if tableView == tableview1{
        return fees.count
        return descriptionFe.count

    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

        if tableView == tableview1{
        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath) as! FeesTableViewCell
        let getdata = fees[indexPath.row]
        cell.billno_txt.text = getdata.Billno

            cell.received_date_txt.text = getdata.recivedDate

            cell.status_txt.text = getdata.status
            cell.total_amount_txt.text = getdata.AmountPaid

            cell.date_txt.text = getdata.recivedDate

        return cell

            let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath) as! FeesTableViewCell
//           // let getdatafees = fees[indexPath.row]

          let getdatadesciption = self.descriptionFe[indexPath.row]

            cell.inner_txt1.text = getdatadesciption.des

           // cell.inner_txt2.text = fees[indexPath.row].AmountPaid

            return cell

and JSON api data format

        "StdID": 95,
        "Status": "D",
        "NAME": "Calvin Patterson",
        "CLASSNO": "1",
        "recivedDate": "2017-06-08T00:00:00",
        "MasterID": "E0017",
        "RecieptNo": 83,
        "DateOfReciept": "2017-06-08T00:00:00",
        "Description": "[{\"des\":\"Admission\",\"Amount\":1200},{\"des\":\"Due\",\"Amount\":0}]",
        "AmountPaid": 1200,
        "dueDate": "2017-06-29T00:00:00",
        "dueAmount": 1200,
        "reciever": "Mr. Adminstrator",
        "CLASS_ID": 2021,
        "receivedAmount": 0
        "StdID": 95,
        "Status": "P",
        "NAME": "Calvin Patterson",
        "CLASSNO": "1",
        "recivedDate": "2017-07-13T00:00:00",
        "MasterID": "E0017",
        "RecieptNo": 1171,
        "DateOfReciept": "2017-07-01T00:00:00",
        "Description": "[{\"des\":\"Admission Fee\",\"Amount\":2000},{\"des\":\"Due\",\"Amount\":1200}]",
        "AmountPaid": 3200,
        "dueDate": "2017-07-30T00:00:00",
        "dueAmount": 3200,
        "reciever": "Mr. Adminstrator",
        "CLASS_ID": 2021,
        "receivedAmount": 0

enter image description here

I am confused to display that description in tableview , how it can be displayed data of description datas ??

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1261

Answers (1)

Krishnarjun Banoth
Krishnarjun Banoth

Reputation: 1580

Basically there is nothing wrong in your code at all, But what you think and what data actually has is the main conflict, let me tell you where is the exact problem making you crazy.

Clearly observe Your json response. I have edited first record in your data and does not changed anything to the second record. Observe your Description value in 2 record.

    "StdID": 95,
    "Status": "D",
    "NAME": "Calvin Patterson",
    "CLASSNO": "1",
    "recivedDate": "2017-06-08T00:00:00",
    "MasterID": "E0017",
    "RecieptNo": 83,
    "DateOfReciept": "2017-06-08T00:00:00",
    "Description": [{"des":"Admission","Amount":1200},{"des":"Due","Amount":0}],
    "AmountPaid": 1200,
    "dueDate": "2017-06-29T00:00:00",
    "dueAmount": 1200,
    "reciever": "Mr. Adminstrator",
    "CLASS_ID": 2021,
    "receivedAmount": 0
    "StdID": 95,
    "Status": "P",
    "NAME": "Calvin Patterson",
    "CLASSNO": "1",
    "recivedDate": "2017-07-13T00:00:00",
    "MasterID": "E0017",
    "RecieptNo": 1171,
    "DateOfReciept": "2017-07-01T00:00:00",
    "Description": "[{\"des\":\"Admission Fee\",\"Amount\":2000},{\"des\":\"Due\",\"Amount\":1200}]",
    "AmountPaid": 3200,
    "dueDate": "2017-07-30T00:00:00",
    "dueAmount": 3200,
    "reciever": "Mr. Adminstrator",
    "CLASS_ID": 2021,
    "receivedAmount": 0

What i have done in your first record is.

This is the actual data:

 "Description": "[{\"des\":\"Admission\",\"Amount\":1200},{\"des\":\"Due\",\"Amount\":0}]"

Resultant data after i removed quotation marks and backward slashes.

"Description": [{"des":"Admission","Amount":1200},{"des":"Due","Amount":0}]

That's it if you run your code for this type of data then you get what you want. What you are mistake is you are accessing data from a string value, what i mean is

   "Description": "[{\"des\":\"Admission Fee\",\"Amount\":2000},{\"des\":\"Due\",\"Amount\":1200}]",

in the above data the value of your description key is a string type, but you are assuming it as an array of dictionaries and accessing those records that is the mistake. To solve this just make sure your data should be like as in below format.

    "StdID": 95,
    "Status": "D",
    "NAME": "Calvin Patterson",
    "CLASSNO": "1",
    "recivedDate": "2017-06-08T00:00:00",
    "MasterID": "E0017",
    "RecieptNo": 83,
    "DateOfReciept": "2017-06-08T00:00:00",
    "Description": [{"des":"Admission","Amount":1200},{"des":"Due","Amount":0}],
    "AmountPaid": 1200,
    "dueDate": "2017-06-29T00:00:00",
    "dueAmount": 1200,
    "reciever": "Mr. Adminstrator",
    "CLASS_ID": 2021,
    "receivedAmount": 0
    "StdID": 95,
    "Status": "P",
    "NAME": "Calvin Patterson",
    "CLASSNO": "1",
    "recivedDate": "2017-07-13T00:00:00",
    "MasterID": "E0017",
    "RecieptNo": 1171,
    "DateOfReciept": "2017-07-01T00:00:00",
    "Description": [{"des":"Admission Fee","Amount":2000},{"des":"Due","Amount":1200}],
    "AmountPaid": 3200,
    "dueDate": "2017-07-30T00:00:00",
    "dueAmount": 3200,
    "reciever": "Mr. Adminstrator",
    "CLASS_ID": 2021,
    "receivedAmount": 0

Upvotes: 1

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