Reputation: 25
I noticed that @timestamp field, which is correctly defined by filebeat, is changed automatically by logstash and its value is replaced with a log timestamp value (field name is a_timestamp). Here is part of logstash debug log:
[2017-07-18T11:55:03,598][DEBUG][logstash.pipeline ] filter received {"event"=>{"@****timestamp"=>2017-07-18T09:54:53.507Z, "offset"=>498, "@version"=>"1", "input_type"=>"log", "beat"=>{"hostname"=>"centos-ea", "name"=>"filebeat_shipper_kp", "version"=>"5.5.0"}, "host"=>"centos-ea", "source"=>"/home/elastic/ELASTIC_NEW/log_bw/test.log", "message"=>"2017-06-05 19:02:46.779 INFO [bwEngThread:In-Memory Process Worker-4] psg.logger - a_applicationName=\"PieceProxy\", a_processName=\"piece.PieceProxy\", a_jobId=\"bw0a10ao\", a_processInstanceId=\"bw0a10ao\", a_level=\"Info\", a_phase=\"ProcessStart\", a_activityName=\"SetAndLog\", a_timeStamp=\"2017-06-05T19:02:46.779\", a_sessionId=\"\", a_sender=\"PCS\", a_cruid=\"37d7e225-bbe5-425b-8abc-f4b44a5a1560\", a_MachineCode=\"CFDM7757\", a_correlationId=\"fa10f\", a_trackingId=\"9d3b8\", a_message=\"START=piece.PieceProxy\"", "type"=>"log", "tags"=>["beats_input_codec_plain_applied"]}}
[2017-07-18T11:55:03,629][DEBUG][logstash.pipeline ] output received {"event"=>{"a_message"=>"START=piece.PieceProxy", "log"=>"INFO ", "bwthread"=>"[bwEngThread:In-Memory Process Worker-4]", "logger"=>"psg.logger ", "a_correlationId"=>"fa10f", "source"=>"/home/elastic/ELASTIC_NEW/log_bw/test.log", "a_trackingId"=>"9d3b8", "type"=>"log", "a_sessionId"=>"\"\"", "a_sender"=>"PCS", "@version"=>"1", "beat"=>{"hostname"=>"centos-ea", "name"=>"filebeat_shipper_kp", "version"=>"5.5.0"}, "host"=>"centos-ea", "a_level"=>"Info", "a_processName"=>"piece.PieceProxy", "a_cruid"=>"37d7e225-bbe5-425b-8abc-f4b44a5a1560", "a_activityName"=>"SetAndLog", "offset"=>498, "a_MachineCode"=>"CFDM7757", "input_type"=>"log", "message"=>"2017-06-05 19:02:46.779 INFO [bwEngThread:In-Memory Process Worker-4] psg.logger - a_applicationName=\"PieceProxy\", a_processName=\"piece.PieceProxy\", a_jobId=\"bw0a10ao\", a_processInstanceId=\"bw0a10ao\", a_level=\"Info\", a_phase=\"ProcessStart\", a_activityName=\"SetAndLog\", a_timeStamp=\"2017-06-05T19:02:46.779\", a_sessionId=\"\", a_sender=\"PCS\", a_cruid=\"37d7e225-bbe5-425b-8abc-f4b44a5a1560\", a_MachineCode=\"CFDM7757\", a_correlationId=\"fa10f\", a_trackingId=\"9d3b8\", a_message=\"START=piece.PieceProxy\"", "a_phase"=>"ProcessStart", "tags"=>["beats_input_codec_plain_applied", "_dateparsefailure", "kv_ok", "taskStarted"], "a_processInstanceId"=>"bw0a10ao", "@timestamp"=>2017-06-05T17:02:46.779Z, "my_index"=>"bw_logs", "a_timeStamp"=>"2017-06-05T19:02:46.779", "a_jobId"=>"bw0a10ao", "a_applicationName"=>"PieceProxy", "TMS"=>"2017-06-05 19:02:46.779"}}
Can you explain me why and what happens with @_timestamp changing? I don't expect it to be done automatically (I saw many posts of people asking how to do that) because @timestamp is a system field.. What's wrong with that?
Here is my pipeline:
input {
beats {
port => "5043"
type => json
filter {
#date {
# match => [ "@timestamp", "ISO8601" ]
# target => "@timestamp"
if "log_bw" in [source] {
grok {
patterns_dir => ["/home/elastic/ELASTIC_NEW/logstash-5.5.0/config/patterns/extrapatterns"]
match => { "message" => "%{CUSTOM_TMS:TMS}\s*%{CUSTOM_LOGLEVEL:log}\s*%{CUSTOM_THREAD:bwthread}\s*%{CUSTOM_LOGGER:logger}-%{CUSTOM_TEXT:text}" }
tag_on_failure => ["no_match"]
if "no_match" not in [tags] {
if "Payload for Request is" in [text] {
mutate {
add_field => { "my_index" => "json_request" }
grok {
patterns_dir => ["/home/elastic/ELASTIC_NEW/logstash-5.5.0/config/patterns/extrapatterns"]
match => { "text" => "%{CUSTOM_JSON:json_message}" }
json {
source => "json_message"
tag_on_failure => ["errore_parser_json"]
target => "json_request"
mutate {
remove_field => [ "json_message", "text" ]
else {
mutate {
add_field => { "my_index" => "bw_logs" }
kv {
source => "text"
trim_key => "\s"
field_split => ","
add_tag => [ "kv_ok" ]
if "kv_ok" not in [tags] {
drop { }
else {
mutate {
remove_field => [ "text" ]
if "ProcessStart" in [a_phase] {
mutate {
add_tag => [ "taskStarted" ]
if "ProcessEnd" in [a_phase] {
mutate {
add_tag => [ "taskTerminated" ]
date {
match => [ "a_timeStamp", "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS" ]
elapsed {
start_tag => "taskStarted"
end_tag => "taskTerminated"
unique_id_field => "a_cruid"
else {
mutate {
add_field => { "my_index" => "other_products" }
output {
elasticsearch {
index => "%{my_index}"
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
file {
path => "/tmp/loggata.tx"
codec => json
Thank you very much,
Upvotes: 0
Views: 563
Reputation: 25
This was the error (a typo from previous tests):
date {
match => [ "a_timeStamp", "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS" ]
Thank you guys, anyway!
Upvotes: 0