Reputation: 41
I have a Table - Product
In Oracle, wherein p_spc_cat_id
is stored as comma separated values.
p_id p_name p_desc p_spc_cat_id
1 AA AAAA 26,119,27,15,18
2 BB BBBB 0,0,27,56,57,4
3 BB CCCC 26,0,0,15,3,8
4 CC DDDD 26,0,27,7,14,10
5 CC EEEE 26,119,0,48,75
Now I want to search p_name
which have p_spc_cat_id
in '26,119,7'
And this search value are not fixed it will some time '7,27,8'
. The search text combination change every time
my query is:
select p_id,p_name from product where p_spc_cat_id in('26,119,7');
when i execute this query that time i can't find any result
Upvotes: 3
Views: 5100
Reputation: 10360
This solution uses CTE's. "product" builds the main table. "product_split" turns products into rows so each element in p_spc_cat_id is in it's own row. Lastly, product_split is searched for each value in the string '26,119,7' which is turned into rows by the connect by.
with product(p_id, p_name, p_desc, p_spc_cat_id) as (
select 1, 'AA', 'AAAA', '26,119,27,15,18' from dual union all
select 2, 'BB', 'BBBB', '0,0,27,56,57,4' from dual union all
select 3, 'BB', 'CCCC', '26,0,0,15,3,8' from dual union all
select 4, 'CC', 'DDDD', '26,0,27,7,14,10' from dual union all
select 5, 'CC', 'EEEE', '26,119,0,48,75' from dual
product_split(p_id, p_name, p_spc_cat_id) as (
select p_id, p_name,
regexp_substr(p_spc_cat_id, '(.*?)(,|$)', 1, level, NULL, 1)
from product
connect by level <= regexp_count(p_spc_cat_id, ',')+1
and prior p_id = p_id
and prior sys_guid() is not null
-- select * from product_split;
select distinct p_id, p_name
from product_split
where p_spc_cat_id in(
select regexp_substr('26,119,7', '(.*?)(,|$)', 1, level, NULL, 1) from dual
connect by level <= regexp_count('26,119,7', ',') + 1
order by p_id;
---------- --
1 AA
3 BB
4 CC
5 CC
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Reputation: 935
I am little late in answering however i hope that i understood the question correctly.
Read further if: you have a table storing records like
1. 10,20,30,40
2. 50,40,20,70
3. 80,60,30,40
And a search string like '10,60', in which cases it should return rows 1 & 3.
Please try below, it worked for my small table & data.
create table Temp_Table_Name (some_id number(6), Ab varchar2(100))
insert into Temp_Table_Name values (1,'112,120')
insert into Temp_Table_Name values (2,'7,8,100,26')
Firstly lets breakdown the logic:
1.) Lets multiple each record in the table x times where x is the count of comma separated values in the search string [X_STRING]. We can use below query to create the cartesian join sub-query table.
Select Rownum Sequencer,'26,119,7,18' X_STRING
from dual
CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= (LENGTH( '26,119,7,18') - LENGTH(REPLACE( '26,119,7,18',',',''))) + 1
Small note: Calculating count of comma separated values =
Length of string - length of string without ',' + 1 [add one for last value]
2.) Create a function PARSING_STRING such that PARSING_STRING(string,position). So If i pass:
PARSING_STRING('26,119,7,18',3) it should return 7.
(String_Inside IN Varchar2, Position_No IN Number)
Return Varchar2 Is
OurEnd Number; Beginn Number;
If Position_No < 1 Then
Return Null;
End If;
OurEnd := Instr(String_Inside, ',', 1, Position_No);
If OurEnd = 0 Then
OurEnd := Length(String_Inside) + 1;
End If;
If Position_No = 1 Then
Beginn := 1;
Beginn := Instr(String_Inside, ',', 1, Position_No-1) + 1;
End If;
Return Substr(String_Inside, Beginn, OurEnd-Beginn);
3.) Main query, with the join to multiply records.:
select t1.*,PARSING_STRING(X_STRING,Sequencer)
from Temp_Table_Name t1,
(Select Rownum Sequencer,'26,119,7,18' X_STRING from dual
CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= (Select (LENGTH( '26,119,7,18') - LENGTH(REPLACE(
'26,119,7,18',',',''))) + 1 from dual)) t2
Please note that with each multiplied record we are getting 1 particular position value from the comma separated string.
4.) Finalizing the where condition:
/* For when the value is in the middle of the strint [,value,] */
AB like '%,'||PARSING_STRING(X_STRING,Sequencer)||',%'
/* For when the value is in the start of the string [value,]
parsing the first position comma separated value to match*/
/* For when the value is in the end of the string [,value]
parsing the last position comma separated value to match*/
5.) Using distinct in the query to get unique ID's
[Final Query:Combination of all logic stated above: 1 Query to find them all]
select distinct Some_ID
from Temp_Table_Name t1,
(Select Rownum Sequencer,'26,119,7,18' X_STRING from dual
CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= (Select (LENGTH( '26,119,7,18') - LENGTH(REPLACE( '26,119,7,18',',',''))) + 1 from dual)) t2
AB like '%,'||PARSING_STRING(X_STRING,Sequencer)||',%'
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 65105
SELECT p_id,p_name
FROM product
WHERE p_spc_cat_id
LIKE '%'||'&i_str'||'%'`
where i_str
is 26,119,7
or 7,27,8
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 702
If the string which you are searching will always have 3 values (i.e. 2 commas present) then you can use below approach.
where p_spc_cat_id like regexp_substr('your_search_string, '[^,]+', 1, 1)
or p_spc_cat_id like regexp_substr('your_search_string', '[^,]+', 1, 2)
or p_spc_cat_id like regexp_substr('your_search_string', '[^,]+', 1, 3)
If you cant predict how many values will be there in your search string (rather how many commas) in that case you may need to generate dynamic query.
Unfortunately sql fiddle is not working currently so could not test this code.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 21
Use the Oracle function instr() to achieve what you want. In your case that would be:
SELECT p_name
FROM product
WHERE instr(p_spc_cat_id, '26,119') <> 0;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 58774
You can use like to find it:
select p_id,p_name from product where p_spc_cat_id like '%26,119%'
or p_spc_cat_id like '%119,26%' or p_spc_cat_id like '%119,%,26%' or p_spc_cat_id like '%26,%,119%';
Upvotes: 0