
Reputation: 67988

Import not Working

I have two files say a.py and b.py.

in a.py , we do

import xxx
from b import *

in b.py we have a function which requires module xxx. Now when the function in b.py is called from a.py it cant find the module xxx.

Why is that and what can be the solution here? i cant do import xxx in b.py for some reason.



import xxx
from b import *


def fun():


Global name xxx not defined

Upvotes: 4

Views: 9647

Answers (6)

AGN Gazer
AGN Gazer

Reputation: 8388

Based on my experimentation in my previous answer and with some information from How to get a reference to current module's attributes in Python, I came up with a solution that actually may fix your problem with imports. All the changes are made exclusively to the file a.py and b.py is not touched.

Solution 1:

# in file a.py do this
import xxx
import sys # OR import b (see below)
from b import *
b = sys.modules[fun.__module__] # alternatively, "import b" and drop "import sys" above
# "inject" 'xxx' into 'b':
b.__dict__['xxx'] = globals()['xxx']

Solution 2:

# in file a.py do this
import xxx
import sys
from b import *
b = sys.modules[fun.__module__] # alternatively, "import b"
# "inject" 'xxx' into 'b':
b.__dict__['xxx'] = sys.modules[__name__].__dict__['xxx']


file a.py:

import math # my version of 'xxx'
import sys
from b import *
b = sys.modules[mysq.__module__] # mysq is a function defined in b.py
b.__dict__['math'] = globals()['math']
def angle(x, y):
    return math.acos(x / mysq(x*x + y*y))

file b.py:

def mysq(x):
    return math.sqrt(x)


>>> import a
>>> a.angle(7, 8)

Upvotes: 1

AGN Gazer
AGN Gazer

Reputation: 8388

Here is a set of two files that attempt to simulate your issue. Version 1 is what you describe and Version 2 is what works.

VERSION 1 (OP issue)

file 'a.py':

print("a.py: entered a.py")
import math
print("a.py: imported math")
print("a.py: 1st dir()={}".format(dir()))
from b import *
print("a.py: imported * from b")
print("a.py: 2nd dir()={}".format(dir()))
def angle(x, y):
    return math.acos(x/mysq(x*x+y*y))
print("a.py: angle has been defined")
print("a.py: 3rd dir()={}".format(dir()))
import b
print("a.py: dir(b)={}".format(dir(b)))

file 'b.py':

print("b.py: entered b.py")
print("b.py: 1st dir():{}".format(dir()))
def mysq(x):
    return math.sqrt(x)
print("b.py: mysq has been defined")        
print("b.py: 2nd dir():{}".format(dir()))
print("b.py: leaving b.py...")


>>> import a
a.py: entered a.py
a.py: imported math
a.py: 1st dir()=['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__',
b.py: entered b.py
b.py: 1st dir():['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__']
b.py: mysq has been defined
b.py: 2nd dir():['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__',
                 'mysq'] # <-- NOTICE that module 'b' is still hasn't
                         # loaded 'math' before leaving it!!!
b.py: leaving b.py...
a.py: imported * from b
a.py: 2nd dir()=['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__',
                 'math', 'mysq']
a.py: angle has been defined
a.py: 3rd dir()=['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__',
                 'angle', 'math', 'mysq']
a.py: dir(b)=['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',
              '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__',
              'mysq'] # <-- NOTICE that module 'b' is still not aware of 'math'!!!
>>> a.angle(7,8)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/.../a.py", line 9, in angle
    return math.acos(x/mysq(x*x+y*y))
  File "/Users/.../b.py", line 4, in mysq
    return math.sqrt(x)
NameError: name 'math' is not defined

VERSION 2 (working)

Put import math in b.py and remove it from a.py:

file 'a.py':

from b import *
print("a.py: imported * from b")
print("a.py: 1st dir()={}".format(dir()))
def angle(x, y):
    return math.acos(x/mysq(x*x+y*y))
print("a.py: angle has been defined")
print("a.py: 2nd dir()={}".format(dir()))

file 'b.py':

print("b.py: entered b.py")
import math
print("b.py: loaded math")
print("b.py: 1st dir():{}".format(dir()))
def mysq(x):
    return math.sqrt(x)
print("b.py: mysq has been defined")        
print("b.py: 2nd dir():{}".format(dir()))
print("b.py: leaving b.py...")


>>> import a
b.py: entered b.py
b.py: loaded math
b.py: 1st dir():['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'math']
b.py: mysq has been defined
b.py: 2nd dir():['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__',
                 'math', 'mysq']
b.py: leaving b.py...
a.py: imported * from b
a.py: 1st dir()=['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', 
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__',
                 'math', 'mysq'] # <-- NOTICE 'math' in a.py!!!
a.py: angle has been defined
a.py: 2nd dir()=['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__',
                 'angle', 'math', 'mysq']
>>> a.angle(7,8)

I can't explain (formulate) exactly the machinery behind this behavior but it seems reasonable to me: How is mysq() in b.py is supposed to know about math? The output from numerous print statements indicate that in Version 1 (OP question) importing from b results in importing into a.py's namespace everything that was defined/imported in b.py. The entire b.py is executed once at the time of the import into a.py. However, b itself never "knows" anything about math.

In Version 2 everything works as expected because math is imported into b which is executed immediately at the time of its import into a and imports everything from b (including math) into a.

Now, let's do some more experimentation... Let's break version 2:

VERSION 2b (broken)

In this version we modify a.py as follows (b.py stays the same as in Version 2):

file 'a.py':

import b # <-- We do not import 'math' from b into a!
         # Is it still "loaded" somehow into 'a'?
def angle(x, y):
    return math.acos(x/b.mysq(x*x+y*y))

Importing "just" b itself (as opposite to importing everything from b) does not import math into a:

>>> a.angle(7,8)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/.../a.py", line 10, in angle
    return math.acos(x/b.mysq(x*x+y*y))
NameError: name 'math' is not defined

VERSION 1b (fixed)

Finally, let's fix Version 1 by importing everything from a into b as well as continuing to import everything from b into a:

file 'a.py':

print("a.py: entered a.py")
import math
print("a.py: imported math")
print("a.py: 1st dir()={}".format(dir()))
from b import *
print("a.py: imported * from b")
print("a.py: 2nd dir()={}".format(dir()))
def angle(x, y):
    return math.acos(x/mysq(x*x+y*y))
print("a.py: angle has been defined")
print("a.py: 3rd dir()={}".format(dir()))
import b # extra check of b
print("a.py: dir(b)={}".format(dir(b)))

file 'b.py':

print("b.py: entered b.py")
print("b.py: 1st dir():{}".format(dir()))
from a import *
print("b.py: imported * from a")
print("b.py: 2nd dir():{}".format(dir()))
def mysq(x):
    return math.sqrt(x)
print("b.py: mysq has been defined")        
print("b.py: 3rd dir():{}".format(dir()))
print("b.py: leaving b.py...")


>>> import a
a.py: entered a.py
a.py: imported math
a.py: 1st dir()=['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__',
                 'math'] # 'math' is loaded first into 'a'
b.py: entered b.py
b.py: 1st dir():['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__'
                ] # 'b' doesn't "know" yet about 'math'
b.py: imported * from a
b.py: 2nd dir():['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', 
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 
                 'math'] # after importing *(!!!) from 'a' into 'b', 'b' now has 'math' 
b.py: mysq has been defined
b.py: 3rd dir():['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', 
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 
                 'math', 'mysq']
b.py: leaving b.py...
a.py: imported * from b
a.py: 2nd dir()=['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', 
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 
                 'math', 'mysq'] # NOTICE: math is not imported twice into 'a'
a.py: angle has been defined
a.py: 3rd dir()=['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', 
                 '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 
                 'angle', 'math', 'mysq']
a.py: dir(b)=['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__',
              '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__',
              'math', 'mysq'] # just to make sure, check that 'b' still has 'math' defined.
>>> a.angle(7,8)

So, you can fix your code by importing * from a into b and from b into a. You cannot import a package xxx and b into a and expect b to magically learn about xxx. For instance, b is not aware of a when b is imported into a just like math has no clue that it was imported into a and it (math) cannot "learn" what other packages were imported into a when a imported math.

By the way, you can easily break the fixed version 1b again by switching the order of imports in a.py:

file 'a.py':

from b import * # swap order of imports breaks Version 1b!
import math

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 3523

In python all modules have their own global namespaces, and A namespace containing all the built-in names is created, and module don't share it with other only built in Namespace are common and available for all modules, when you import a module it added into module global namespace, not into built namespace

enter image description here

The import statement does two things:

one, if the requested module does not yet exist, executes the code in the imported file

two makes it available as a module. Subsequent import statements will skip the first step.

and the Main point is that the code in a module will be executed exactly once, no matter how many times it is imported from various other modules.


Upvotes: 5

hamster on wheels
hamster on wheels

Reputation: 2893


import numpy as np_patched
def f():
np_patched.array = f


import a as np_patched
import numpy as np

c.py (order of import doesn't matter?)

import numpy as np
import a as np_patched

Result (python3 b.py, or python3 c.py)



a.py import library X (numpy) and monkey patches X. Then, b.py imports a.py. At this point, X is not directly visible to b.py. After that b.py imports X. Python won't import the same thing twice, so it goes on and uses the X patched in a.py for b.py instead of importing a new copy of X for b.py. That is why b.py only gets the patched X, but not the original X.

Upvotes: 0

hamster on wheels
hamster on wheels

Reputation: 2893



import numpy
print("a.py is imported")


import a

Result (python3 b.py):

a.py is imported
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "b.py", line 3, in <module>
NameError: name 'numpy' is not defined


I guess this is better for writing a library. Let's say a.py is part of the library, b is the user's program that uses the library, and I wrote the library. If everything I imported (import numpy) in a.py shows up in b.py, the API of my library won't be that clean because I can't hide the numpy library from the users of my library. I guess that is the reason that libraries imported in a.py is hidden from b.py if b.py imports a.py.

Upvotes: 1

Julian Chan
Julian Chan

Reputation: 466

You can import xxx in b.py

If its name conflicts with another file you import in b, do this:

import xxx as some_name

and within b.py you can now refer to it as some_name, i.e.,


Upvotes: 0

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