Reputation: 1709
I'm trying to grook Haskell singletons.
In the paper Dependently Typed Programming with Singletons and in his blog post singletons v0.9 Released! Richard Eisenberg defines the data type Nat which defines natural numbers with the peano axioms:
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
By using the language extension DataKinds this data type is promoted to the type level. The data constuctors Zero and Succ are promoted to the type constructors 'Zero and 'Succ. With this we get for every Natural number a single and unique corresponding type on the type level. Eg for 3 we get 'Succ ( 'Succ ( 'Succ 'Zero)). So we have now Natural numbers as types.
He then defines on the value level the function plus and on the type level the type family Plus to have the addition operation available. With the promote function/quasiqoter of the singletons library we can automatically create the Plus type family from the plus function. So we can avoid writing the type family ourselfs.
So far so good!
With GADT syntax he also defines a data type SNat:
data SNat :: Nat -> * where
SZero :: SNat Zero
SSucc :: SNat n -> SNat (Succ n)
Basically he only wraps the Nat type into a SNat constructor. Why is this necessary? What do we gain? Are the data types Nat and SNat not isomorphic? Why is SNat a singleton, and why is Nat not a singleton? In both cases every type is inhabited by one single value, the corresponding natural number.
Upvotes: 23
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Reputation: 43393
What do we gain? Hmm. The status of singletons is that of awkward but currently necessary workaround, and the sooner we can do away with them, the better.
Let me see if I can clarify the picture. We have a data type Nat
data Nat = Zero | Suc Nat
(wars have been started over even more trivial issues than the number of 'c's in Suc
The type Nat
has run-time values which are indistinguishable at the type level. The Haskell type system currently has the replacement property, which means that in any well typed program, you may replace any well typed subexpression by an alternative subexpression with the same scope and type, and the program will continue to be well typed. For example, you can rewrite every occurrence of
if <b> then <t> else <e>
if <b> then <e> else <t>
and you can be sure that nothing will go wrong...with the outcome of checking your program's type.
The replacement property is an embarrassment. It's clear proof that your type system gives up at the very moment that meaning starts to matter.
Now, by being a data type for run-time values, Nat
also becomes a type of type-level values 'Zero
and 'Suc
. The latter live only in Haskell's type language and have no run-time presence at all. Please note that although 'Zero
and 'Suc
exist at the type level, it is unhelpful to refer to them as "types" and the people who currently do that should desist. They do not have type *
and can thus not classify values which is what types worthy of the name do.
There is no direct means of exchange between run-time and type-level Nat
s, which can be a nuisance. The paradigmatic example concerns a key operation on vectors:
data Vec :: Nat -> * -> * where
VNil :: Vec 'Zero x
VCons :: x -> Vec n x -> Vec ('Suc n) x
We might like to compute a vector of copies of a given element (perhaps as part of an Applicative
instance). It might look like a good idea to give the type
vec :: forall (n :: Nat) (x :: *). x -> Vec n x
but can that possibly work? In order to make n
copies of something, we need to know n
at run time: a program has to decide whether to deploy VNil
and stop or to deploy VCons
and keep going, and it needs some data to do that. A good clue is the forall
quantifier, which is parametric: it indicates thats the quantified information is available only to types and is erased by run time.
Haskell currently enforces an entirely spurious coincidence between dependent quantification (what forall
does) and erasure for run time. It does not support a dependent but not erased quantifier, which we often call pi
. The type and implementation of vec
should be something like
vec :: pi (n :: Nat) -> forall (x :: *). Vec n x
vec 'Zero x = VNil
vec ('Suc n) x = VCons x (vec n x)
where arguments in pi
-positions are written in the type language, but the data are available at run time.
So what do we do instead? We use singletons to capture indirectly what it means to be a run-time copy of type-level data.
data SNat :: Nat -> * where
SZero :: SNat Zero
SSuc :: SNat n -> SNat (Suc n)
Now, SZero
and SSuc
make run-time data. SNat
is not isomorphic to Nat
: the former has type Nat -> *
, while the latter has type *
, so it is a type error to try to make them isomorphic. There are many run-time values in Nat
, and the type system does not distinguish them; there is exactly one run-time value (worth speaking of) in each different SNat n
, so the fact that the type system cannot distinguish them is beside the point. The point is that each SNat n
is a different type for each different n
, and that GADT pattern matching (where a pattern can be of a more specific instance of the GADT type it is known to be matching) can refine our knowledge of n
We may now write
vec :: forall (n :: Nat). SNat n -> forall (x :: *). x -> Vec n x
vec SZero x = VNil
vec (SSuc n) x = VCons x (vec n x)
Singletons allow us to bridge the gap between run time and type-level data, by exploiting the only form of run-time analysis that allows the refinement of type information. It's quite sensible to wonder if they're really necessary, and they presently are, only because that gap has not yet been eliminated.
Upvotes: 37