Reputation: 445
I have input record in following format: Input data format
I want the data to be transofmmed in the following format: Output data format
I want to combine my 2 rows based on the condition type.
As per my knowledge I need to take the composite key of the 3 data fields and compare the type fields once they are equal.
Can someone please help me with the implementation in Spark using Python?
EDIT: Following is my try using RDD in pyspark
record ="wasb:///records.csv",header=True).rdd
print("Total records: %d")%record.count()
private_ip = fields: fields[2]).distinct().count()
private_port = fields: fields[3]).distinct().count()
destination_ip = fields: fields[6]).distinct().count()
destination_port = fields: fields[7]).distinct().count()
print("private_ip:%d, private_port:%d, destination ip:%d, destination_port:%d")%(private_ip,private_port,destination_ip,destination_port)
types = fields: ((fields[2],fields[3],fields[6],fields[7]),fields[0])).reduceByKey(lambda a,b:a+','+b)
print types.first()
And following is my output till now.
((u'', u'54835', u'', u'80'), u'22-02-2016 13:11:03,22-02-2016 13:13:53')
Upvotes: 4
Views: 14347
Reputation: 11975
Hope this helps!
(Edit note: tweaked code after getting the updated requirement)
import pyspark.sql.functions as func
#create RDD
rdd = sc.parallelize([(22,'C','xxx','yyy','zzz'),(23,'D','xxx','yyy','zzz'),(24,'C','xxx1','yyy1','zzz1'),(25,'D','xxx1','yyy1','zzz1')])
#convert RDD to dataframe
df = rdd.toDF(['Date','Type','Data1','Data2','Data3'])
#group by 3 data columns to create list of date & type
df1 = df.sort("Data1","Data2","Data3","Type").groupBy("Data1","Data2","Data3").agg(func.collect_list("Type"),func.collect_list("Date")).withColumnRenamed("collect_list(Type)", "Type_list").withColumnRenamed("collect_list(Date)", "Date_list")
#add 2 new columns by splitting above date list based on type list's value
df2 = df1.where((func.col("Type_list")[0]=='C') & (func.col("Type_list")[1]=='D')).withColumn("Start Date",df1.Date_list[0]).withColumn("End Date",df1.Date_list[1])
#select only relevant columns as an output"Data1","Data2","Data3","Start Date","End Date").show()
Alternate solution using RDD :-
(Edit note: added below snippet as @AnmolDave is interested in RDD solution as well)
import pyspark.sql.types as typ
rdd = sc.parallelize([('xxx','yyy','zzz','C',22),('xxx','yyy','zzz','D',23),('xxx1','yyy1','zzz1','C', 24),('xxx1','yyy1','zzz1','D', 25)])
reduced = row: ((row[0], row[1], row[2]), [(row[3], row[4])]))\
.reduceByKey(lambda x,y: x+y)\
.map(lambda row: (row[0], sorted(row[1], key=lambda text: text[0])))\
.map(lambda row: (
','.join([str(e[0]) for e in row[1]]),
.filter(lambda row: row[3]=="C,D")
schema_red = typ.StructType([
typ.StructField('Data1', typ.StringType(), False),
typ.StructField('Data2', typ.StringType(), False),
typ.StructField('Data3', typ.StringType(), False),
typ.StructField('Type', typ.StringType(), False),
typ.StructField('Start Date', typ.StringType(), False),
typ.StructField('End Date', typ.StringType(), False)
df_red = sqlContext.createDataFrame(reduced, schema_red)
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 23119
Here is a simple example as you want, code is on scala hope you can change to python.
//create a dummy data
val df = Seq((22, "C", "xxx","yyy","zzz"), (23, "C", "xxx","yyy","zzz")).toDF("Date", "Type", "Data1", "Data2", "Data3")
| 22| C| xxx| yyy| zzz|
| 23| C| xxx| yyy| zzz|
//group by three fields and collect as list for column Date
val df1 = df.groupBy("Data1", "Data2", "Data3").agg(collect_list($"Date"))
|Data1|Data2|Data3| Date|
| xxx| yyy| zzz|[22, 23]|
//create new column with the given array of date
df1.withColumn("Start Date", $"Date"(0)).withColumn("End Date", $"Date"(1)).show
|Data1|Data2|Data3| Date|Start Date|End Date|
| xxx| yyy| zzz|[22, 23]| 22| 23|
Hope this helps!
Upvotes: 3