Reputation: 994
I'm trying to accomplish a simple things of "writing a dataframe to Hive table", below is the code written in Java. I'm using Cloudera VM with no changes.
public static void main(String[] args) {
String master = "local[*]";
SparkSession sparkSession = SparkSession
//.config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "hdfs://localhost:50070/user/hive/warehouse/")
SparkContext context = sparkSession.sparkContext();
SQLContext sqlCtx = sparkSession.sqlContext();
Dataset<Row> rowDataset = sqlCtx.jsonFile("employees.json");
Dataset<Row> firstRow = sqlCtx.sql("select employee.firstName, employee.addresses from employeesData");;
firstRow.write().mode() saveAsTable("default.employee");
I have create the managed table in HIVE using the HQL ,
CREATE TABLE employee ( firstName STRING, lastName STRING, addresses ARRAY < STRUCT < street:STRING, city:STRING, state:STRING > > ) STORED AS PARQUET;
I'm reading a simple JSON file for data from "employees.json"
It says "Table default
already exists.;" and it does not append the content. How to append the content to the hive table ??
If I set the mode("append"), it does not complain but it does not write the content as well ..
firstRow.write().mode("append") saveAsTable("default.employee");
Any help will be appreciated... thanks.
| name|database|description|tableType|isTemporary|
| employee| default| null| MANAGED| false|
|employeesdata| null| null|TEMPORARY| true|
/usr/lib/hive/conf/hive-site.xml was not in the classpath so it was not reading the tables, after adding it in the classpath it worked fine ... Since I was running from IntelliJ I have this problem .. in production the spark-conf folder will have link to hive-site.xml ...
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Views: 3345
Reputation: 22477
Looks like you should be doing insertInto(String tableName) instead of saveAsTable(String tableName)
Upvotes: 1