I realize I might be pushing the limits of a scripting language like AHK, but I would think it should be possible to import some data structure with 16.5 million entries into an object relatively quickly. I mean the JSON file I'm trying to import is just 250MB, games load files of that size very quickly right?
I'm trying to use an AHK JSON library to import this 250MB JSON file and it's taking 15 minutes. I realize JSON probably isn't designed for large data loading, but how can I import data more quickly?
I'm open to any format or method.
Here's my code currently, some of it is commented out, which is the code used to generate and export the object to begin with:
#MaxMem 512
FileDelete, Log.txt
DllCall("QueryPerformanceCounter", "Int64*", timestamp)
DllCall("QueryPerformanceFrequency", "Int64*", frequency)
return Round(timestamp * 1000 / frequency)
splitRGBColor(RGBColor, ByRef red, ByRef green, ByRef blue)
red := RGBColor >> 16 & 0xFF
green := RGBColor >> 8 & 0xFF
blue := RGBColor & 0xFF
joinRGBColor(red, green, blue)
SetFormat Integer, H
red += 0
green += 0
blue += 0
SetFormat Integer, D
StringTrimLeft, red, red, 2
StringTrimLeft, green, green, 2
StringTrimLeft, blue, blue, 2
redLength := StrLen(red)
greenlength := StrLen(green)
blueLength := StrLen(blue)
if (redLength < 2) {
red = 0%red%
if (greenLength < 2) {
green = 0%green%
if (blueLength < 2) {
blue = 0%blue%
hex := "0xff" . red . green . blue
return hex
roundHexColor(color1ARGB, colorChunkSize){
;FileAppend, % "Hex: " . color1ARGB . "`n", Log.txt
splitRGBColor(color1ARGB, red, green, blue)
;FileAppend, % "Red: " . red . " Green: " . green . " Blue: " . blue . "`n", Log.txt
red := Round(red / colorChunkSize) * colorChunkSize
green := Round(green / colorChunkSize) * colorChunkSize
blue := Round(blue / colorChunkSize) * colorChunkSize
color1ARGB := joinRGBColor(red, green, blue)
;FileAppend, % "Rounded hex: " . color1ARGB . "`n", Log.txt
return color1ARGB
;condensedColors := {}
;loop, 255
; r := A_index
; loop, 255
; {
; g := A_index
; loop, 255
; {
; b := A_index
; rgbHexRaw := joinRGBColor(r, g, b)
; rgbHexRouded := roundHexColor(rgbHexRaw, 5)
; condensedColors[rgbHexRaw] := rgbHexRounded
; }
; }
;colorsJSON := JSON.Dump(condensedColors)
;FileDelete, condensedColors.json
;FileAppend, % colorsJSON, condensedColors.json
FileRead, condensedColorsJSON, condensedColors.json
condensedColors := JSON.Load(condensedColorsJSON)
testColor := 0xff3f975c
FileAppend, % "Test: " . testColor . " is rounded to " . condensedColors[testColor] . ".`n", Log.txt
runCounter := 160000
start := getTimestamp()
loop, %runCounter%
roundedColor := condensedColors[0xff3f975c]
end := getTimestamp()
duration := end - start
average := duration / runCounter
FileAppend, % "We rounded " . runCounter . " colors in " . duration . "ms, or " . average . "ms per rounded color value.`n", Log.txt
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You're going to have to pre-parse the file or cut it up into chunks and process it in threads.
You can do that with a custom piece of software. Java makes threads and parsing JSON easy. If you want it to actually be fast write it in C.
If you want a pure browser based solution you'll have to roll a new database and pre-process insertions.
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