Reputation: 1940
I am using visualise cam from keras-vis for creating guided-gradcam images. The grad-cam is working perfectly well with vgg16. but when i used the same code for inceptionv3 it is not working properly.
from keras.applications.inception_v3 import InceptionV3
from vis.utils import utils
from keras.preprocessing import image
import numpy as np
from keras import activations
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from vis.visualization import visualize_cam,overlay
#build the inceptionv3 model with imagenet weights
model = InceptionV3(weights='imagenet',include_top=True)
# Utility to search for layer index by name
layer_idx = utils.find_layer_idx(model,'predictions')
#swap with softmax with linear classifier for the reasons mentioned above
model.layers[layer_idx].activation = activations.linear
model = utils.apply_modifications(model)
from vis.utils import utils
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
img1 = utils.load_img('images/ouzel1.jpg',target_size=(299,299))
img2 = utils.load_img('images/ouzel2.jpg',target_size=(299,299))
f, ax = plt.subplots(1,2)
from vis.visualization import visualize_cam
for modifier in [None, 'guided', 'relu']:
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
plt.suptitle("vanilla" if modifier is None else modifier)
for i, img in enumerate([img1, img2]):
# 20 is the imagenet index corresponding to `ouzel`
heatmap = visualize_cam(model, layer_idx, filter_indices=20,
seed_input=img, backprop_modifier=modifier,
#penultimate_layer_idx = 299 # corresponding to "conv2d_94"
# Lets overlay the heatmap onto original image.
ax[i].imshow(overlay(img, heatmap))
by commenting out the line #penultimate_layer also I am getting the same output which is not correct. can someone tell me what is the problem? The guided-grad cam result is given , followed by the original image is given.
The problem is the heatmap must be on the bird (ouzel).
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2264
Reputation: 46
I hit the very same problem, but then I discovered that InceptionV3 mis-classifies these images. Check:
>>> model.predict(np.stack([img1, img2], 0)).argmax(axis=1)
array([110, 725])
While with VGG it's:
>>> model.predict(np.stack([img1, img2], 0)).argmax(axis=1)
array([20, 20])
Upvotes: 1