Reputation: 51
I got a query and I want wort sort the result depending on another database.
This is my query:
SELECT a.`name`
FROM `article` AS a
LEFT JOIN `container` AS b
ON b.`id` = a.`container`
WHERE a.`container` = '1'
ORDER BY b.`sort` ASC;
This works fine, but it always sorts the result ascending. Bute I want ist to be sorted depending on the value in the container table.
Article table
id | container | name | gender
1 | 1 | Michael | male
2 | 1 | Joe | male
3 | 2 | Karen | female
4 | 2 | Andrew | male
5 | 3 | Jessica | female
Container table
id | sort | order
1 | name | asc
2 | name | desc
3 | gender | asc
4 | name | asc
5 | gender | desc
How can I change my query to get the order from the container table?
I would expect this result:
id | container | name | gender
2 | 1 | Joe | male
1 | 1 | Michael | male
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Views: 1320
Reputation: 562220
You can't do this in one query.
A given SQL query must be fixed at the time you prepare the query, which is before the execution begins. You can't make the behavior change depending on what data it discovers while executing.
You'll have to read the sort direction in one query, and then format a dynamic SQL query with the values you discover.
SELECT `sort`, `order` FROM container WHERE id = 1
Fetch these data into application variables like $sort_column
, $direction
. Then use them:
$sql = "
SELECT a.`name`
FROM `article` AS a
WHERE a.`container` = '1'
ORDER BY {$sort_column} {$direction}";
...prepare $sql as a query...
...execute query...
(I'm assuming PHP syntax for the variables, but you can do something similar in any language.)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 4231
Does something like this work?
ORDER BY CASE WHEN b.`order` = 'ASC' b.`sort` ELSE -b.`sort` END;
If not please provide some sample data and the expected result for that data so we can understand your requirements better.
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