This output is only with whatever is the default StringFormat for the Rectangle. It wraps fine but it seems to treat characters differently and pushes newlines before the border, depending on what characters are upcoming. I've tried StringFormatFlag.FitBlackBox to no avail but haven't gone through each and every flag.
\nWhat I want to get is:
\nThis desired output is one that looks more like a square/rectangle and has less word wrap formatting.
\nReputation: 495
I'm having some slight issues with the formatting of the text drawn on an image inside of my console application. The text I'm trying to draw is:
My method call is:
RectangleF rectF = new RectangleF(0, 0, 320, 320);
graphics.DrawString(fullTrav, defaultFont, Brushes.Black, rectF);
The output from that is:
This output is only with whatever is the default StringFormat for the Rectangle. It wraps fine but it seems to treat characters differently and pushes newlines before the border, depending on what characters are upcoming. I've tried StringFormatFlag.FitBlackBox to no avail but haven't gone through each and every flag.
What I want to get is:
This desired output is one that looks more like a square/rectangle and has less word wrap formatting.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2597
Reputation: 495
The only solution to this problem was to measure each character of the string, cutting off the line when the line length hit the limit, and then printing each line individually.
The code is as follows:
using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
PointF ptF = new PointF(last.textPoints.subCode.X, last.textPoints.subCode.Y + 40);
int lineIndex = 0;
double lineHeight = defaultFont.Height;
while (fullTrav.Length > 0)
float lineLength = 0;
int currentChar = 1;
while (lineLength < 320 && currentChar <= fullTrav.Length)
string line = fullTrav.Substring(0, currentChar);
lineLength = graphics.MeasureString(line, defaultFont).Width;
// Optional Code Start
while (fullTrav[currentChar - 2].ToString().IndexOfAny("(NSEW".ToCharArray()) != -1)
if (currentChar - 1 < fullTrav.Length)
while (fullTrav[currentChar - 1].ToString().IndexOfAny("1234567890".ToCharArray()) != -1)
// Optional Code End
graphics.DrawString(fullTrav.Substring(0, currentChar - 1), defaultFont, Brushes.Black, ptF.X, ptF.Y + lineIndex * 20, StringFormat.GenericDefault);
fullTrav = fullTrav.Substring(currentChar - 1);
currentChar = 1;
This code includes and optional area that I used to break on specific characters only. To explain a little, it prevents it from splitting up "N4" or "W17" between two different lines and it prevents a beginning parenthesis "(" from being the last character in a line.
The finished product looks something like:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 17001
This small example (written in LINQPad) demonstrates a way to wrap text that breaks on any character. Feel free to customize it, and improve it (it leaks some resources, and may truncate a few pixels from the right side) for your needs.
void Main()
var bmp = new Bitmap(320, 320, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
var str = @"BAS2016=PTR=E30BAS2010=(S20)$W30$PTO2016=N5W20N5(W20N10)(S10W20)S5W5S5E10N10(E15N5)(S5E15)S10E25$W25N10(W15N5)(S5W15)S10W10S15BAS2020=S15PTO2013=S5E20S5(E20S10)(N10E20)N5E5N5W10S10(W15S5)(N5W15)N10W25$E25S10(E15S5)(N5E15)N10E10N15W65$E65N15$.";
var font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 10, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point);
int lineIndex=0;
double lineHeight = font.Height;
while (str.Length > 0)
float lineLength = 0;
int currentChar = 1;
while (lineLength < bmp.Width - 5 && currentChar <= str.Length)
string line= str.Substring(0, currentChar);
lineLength = g.MeasureString(line, font).Width;
str = str.Substring(currentChar-1);
It produces the following output:
Upvotes: 2