i'm working on a project application that should display X509certificates details in a TableView
. The certificates files are DER encoded and are loaded from a specific folder of the client computer. When he clicks on the HDD icon in the app window, i call the handleHDD()
function of the controller to load certificates and display their details on the TabeView
Here is the code of the function handleHDD()
from my controller:
private void handleHDD() throws CertificateException, IOException, NoSuchProviderException{
String userDir = System.getProperty("user.home");
File folder = new File(userDir +"\\Desktop\\Certificate_Folder");
FilenameFilter filter = new MyFileFilter();
File[] certificates = folder.listFiles(filter);
ObservableList<CertificateModel> data = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
String columnHeader[] = {"Nom","Version","N°série","Algorithme de signature","Emetteur","Valide à partir de","Valide jusqu'au","Objet","Clé publique"};
if (certificates!=null){
int sizeColumns = 9;
for (File file : certificates){
CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(file);
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate)cf.generateCertificate(input);
for (int j = 0; j < sizeColumns; j++) {
TableColumn<CertificateModel, String> col = new TableColumn();
col.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<CertificateModel, String>(columnHeader[j]));
data.add(new CertificateModel(file.getName().replace(".der", ""), cert.getVersion(),cert.getSerialNumber().toString(16), cert.getSigAlgName(), cert.getIssuerDN().toString(), cert.getNotBefore(), cert.getNotAfter(), cert.getSubjectDN().toString(), cert.getPublicKey().toString()));
}catch (IOException e){
And there is my
public class CertificateModel {
private String nom;
private int version;
private String numserie;
private String algosign;
private String emetteur;
private Date validfrom;
private Date validto;
private String objet;
private String clepub;
public CertificateModel(String nom, int type, String numserie, String algosign, String emetteur, Date validfrom, Date validto, String objet, String clepub) {
this.nom = nom;
this.version = type;
this.numserie = numserie;
this.algosign = algosign;
this.emetteur = emetteur;
this.validfrom = validfrom;
this.validto = validto;
this.objet = objet;
this.clepub = clepub;
public void setNom(String nom) {
this.nom = nom;
public void setType(int type) {
this.version = type;
public void setNumserie(String numserie) {
this.numserie = numserie;
public void setAlgosign(String algosign) {
this.algosign = algosign;
public void setEmetteur(String emetteur) {
this.emetteur = emetteur;
public void setValidfrom(Date validfrom) {
this.validfrom = validfrom;
public void setValidto(Date validto) {
this.validto = validto;
public void setObjet(String objet) {
this.objet = objet;
public void setClepub(String clepub) {
this.clepub = clepub;
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CertificateModel.class.getName());
public String getNom() {
return nom;
public int getType() {
return version;
public String getNumserie() {
return numserie;
public String getAlgosign() {
return algosign;
public String getEmetteur() {
return emetteur;
public Date getValidfrom() {
return validfrom;
public Date getValidto() {
return validto;
public String getObjet() {
return objet;
public String getClepub() {
return clepub;
public static Logger getLOG() {
return LOG;
When i inspect my code in debug mode, i can see all my datas fine inside the variables but the tableview is still empty.
Help please!
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if you know exactly there are 9 columns better to create a separate column for each of them instead of creating them in a loop. So you can ad them in an .fxml
file. Then you have to do a few things:
refactor your model class, and add there Property
-s for those values you want to display in the table instead of simple Objects, like:
private String nom; ->private StringProperty nom;
private int version; -> private IntegerProperty version
. . .
private Date validfrom; -> private ObjectProperty<Date> validfrom;
. . .
then getters for them.
set the cellValueFactory for each column this way:
nomColumn.setCellValueFactory(data -> data.getValue().nomProperty());
Then it should work .
If you are using this way your code will be more understandeable, and clear, and you can see where what is happening.
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